[2.3][Prophecy][lvl 96, R28] Mjolner Voll's Juggernaut 6.9k hp, high damage+clear speed, high budget

Wouldn't Unyielding be a better choice over undeniable? (hardcore)
Last edited by ZhenyaDM#2163 on Jul 9, 2016, 6:05:49 PM
Loving this build. Only made minimal changes in tree and moved the str/Intel jewel for more attack speed.
Was lucky to score a pair of deaths in standard too.just did my first uberatziri and died 2x to doubleflameblast. Was just lazy, this is totally zero death capable. And it was pure facet and the whole way. Just run into trio and hold the die button. Thanks for sharing.
ZhenyaDM wrote:
Wouldn't Unyielding be a better choice over undeniable? (hardcore)

Yes, it is a viable option.

The reason for running Undeniable is because it gives a substantial amount of attack speed, and since we already run IC it's rare that we have problems with physical damage hitting hard.

On hardcore, where you want to be fail proof, it is an option to run Unyielding, but even a better option to run Unbreakable + a high roll % armor flask. This way you will achieve 90% physical reduction with full charges, making physical damage even more negligible and making the mitigation strong even without IC.

It's all up to the player's choice. I found no problems so far with Uber Izaro and T15 bosses even when I did missplays, close calls being extremelly rare. But I don't blame the ones who choose the even more tanky options, and I myself have wondered many times if it's not worth it more to go that route.
EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
Well, it just felt like with all the jewels that u can get with attack speed, this relatively minor gain of it from the passive would hardly be better than the def gain from buffed fortify + dmg (yes, you forgot to mention 30% dmg, haven't you?).
Well yes I did forgot to mention. 30% increased damage doesn't equal to much more damage, something in the range of less than 10% more damage. You lose about 17-18% attack speed for that. Well, it might be worth it, I'll calculate how it fares in my own character, you might have a solid point here.
EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
Ridelith wrote:
Well yes I did forgot to mention. 30% increased damage doesn't equal to much more damage, something in the range of less than 10% more damage. You lose about 17-18% attack speed for that. Well, it might be worth it, I'll calculate how it fares in my own character, you might have a solid point here.

I too have not calculated the #. But the attack speed is a huge boost. Which also means more consistent heals. Plus with shield charge, much faster mapping. I run a 4l with sc/cyclone/fasterattacks/blood. And with 5+ aps on those skills I don't even touch molten strike from my 6l in mapping t13 and under. Very fast clear.

I had the fort buff, and found the switch a large improve. I did move my str-to-int jewel to the left side, and grabbed those ias/accuracy/20int nodes as my life is already over 6100, and it boosted apse even more, breaking g 7.1 with buffs on molten strike.
Is repentance bis gloves for this build? What about a 12%ias gloves? the latter can come with life and resist too. Which gloves is the better dps and by how much?
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Just a question for mjolner gems. Has anyone tried discharge discharge spell echo?
Jerle wrote:
Is repentance bis gloves for this build? What about a 12%ias gloves? the latter can come with life and resist too. Which gloves is the better dps and by how much?

Good rolled Repentance gives up to 85%+ increased Spell Damage to your discharge. This largely surpasses a possible bonus given by extra 12% attack speed.

BloodBaneBoneBreaker wrote:
Just a question for mjolner gems. Has anyone tried discharge discharge spell echo?

Spell Echo: (100%x0.9 + 100%x0.9)x2 = 360% tooltip.
Fire Pen: 100% + 100% = 200% tooltip.

On a 0% Fire resistance mob:
Spell Echo: 360% tooltip.
Fire Pen: 200% x 1,37 = 274% tooltip.

On a 75% Fire resistance mob:
Spell Echo: 360% x 0,25 = 90% tooltip.
Fire Pen: 200% x 0,62 = 124% tooltip.

On a 75% Fire resistance mob using lvl 14 Flammability (given by Romira's corruption, 15,2% fire pen on bosses):
Spell Echo: 360% x 0,4 = 144% tooltip.
Fire Pen: 200% x 0,77 = 154% tooltip.

Spell Echo does lag a lot more though, specially if you are using Legacy Mjolner, albeit practically doubling the regen. I'd stick with Fire Penetration, you don't really need extra damage on 0% Fire Resistance mobs and the damage is better on bosses.
EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
Last edited by Ridelith#2682 on Jul 11, 2016, 10:23:54 PM
Did some modification to the tree left side of life/armor cluster (juggernaut node)
Might be better to get life regen per end charge compare to ec duration. Same amount of points used just route the right side straight up. No points/str lost.

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