[2.3][Prophecy][lvl 96, R28] Mjolner Voll's Juggernaut 6.9k hp, high damage+clear speed, high budget

ZhenyaDM wrote:
Majestic build, got my character w/o dying to a pretty much complete stage. Atm looking for ring (with better stats, I guess), possibly better jewels and another new ring for the headhunter which I am planning to chance. Also I guess uber atziri is in the plans aswell, but probably some big amendments to tree are required (flask nodes, aura nodes, empower 4, etc)


But holy shit man this build is nuts, n-u-t-s, so damn overpowered. I guess I should reroll 2 other flasks to experimentor aswell but cba yet, and 2nd hp flask feels like a waste of a slot.

I'm running a similar setup and have done Uber Atziri a few times with only 1 death across all the attempts. I didn't change anything on my tree specifically for uber. I do run arctic armor instead of purity of ice and have an enfeeble in my CWDT setup (which also enfeebles me during the atziri fight which isn't even a big deal with a warding flask). I swapped my sapphire flask for an extra ruby for atziri. The big thing here is the helm enchant as I'm convinced it's the best one for this build hands down.
IGN: Yolowanda
Well, my main issue is basically total unawareness of the dmg I can do and the dmg stuff does to me.

How is the trash? Will I be able to kill vaals before they go down? Does dualstriker's flame thorns hurt? Will I kill myself into atziri's mirror? Will I be able to outreach the discharge's aoe so I don't hit the mirror if I attack the opposite one? Do I have to go RF + vaal lightning trap or will my dps not be enough to zerg split phase? Do I have to go conc effect?

I'm really unsure about these things, at all.

Also, I have quite abit of issues with resist capping, albeit my jewels are like life+double attack speed. I guess with AA you have to go allres jewels or pay multiexalts for jewels which probably don't exist.

PS: thanks, I got that lovely 2% liferegen now (changed my tree near RT to look like urs)
Last edited by ZhenyaDM#2163 on Aug 3, 2016, 2:55:28 PM
ZhenyaDM wrote:
Well, my main issue is basically total unawareness of the dmg I can do and the dmg stuff does to me.

How is the trash? Will I be able to kill vaals before they go down? Does dualstriker's flame thorns hurt? Will I kill myself into atziri's mirror? Will I be able to outreach the discharge's aoe so I don't hit the mirror if I attack the opposite one? Do I have to go RF + vaal lightning trap or will my dps not be enough to zerg split phase? Do I have to go conc effect?

I'm really unsure about these things, at all.

Also, I have quite abit of issues with resist capping, albeit my jewels are like life+double attack speed. I guess with AA you have to go allres jewels or pay multiexalts for jewels which probably don't exist.

PS: thanks, I got that lovely 2% liferegen now (changed my tree near RT to look like urs)

Trash is easy if you don't yolo shield charge into them (very bad idea and you'll open yourself up to multiple hits from those 2h sword dudes). If you want to be conservative, you can just alt-attack molten strike and they'll just walk into the wave and get obliterated.

The trio was never an issue for me. I just namelocked the female and held down molten strike. Easy peasy.

Your discharge AoE won't hit the mirror unless you are attacking a clone next to the mirror AND standing between that clone and the mirror clone. I've never had issues avoiding the mirror.

I did not have RF or vaal lightning trap. Most of the time I was also enfeebled (due to being conservative with my warding flask because it was on my ruby). I never used conc effect (that would cut down on your DPS wouldn't it? since another discharge or fire pen gives more gains...). In short, DPS was more than plenty (that helm enchant OP).

To run AA, yes, it'd be good if you were cold-capped.

Really, just make sure you don't stand in flameblasts and stormcalls. Most of the difficulty is knowing when to stop DPS'ing so you can dodge and then re-engage.

Hope this helps.
IGN: Yolowanda
ZhenyaDM wrote:

How is the trash? Will I be able to kill vaals before they go down?

You'll do enough to take the Vaals to "very low life" before they go down such that when they come back up they'll die fast. I never had issues with them even when one of them was enraged for a little bit. Just make sure you have a topaz to be more safe.

IGN: Yolowanda
Thanks for the input guys, sadly I ripped to a freeze in a shrine map yesterday. Thanks for nice patch, GGG. I guess I'll rip a set or 2 to standard and try it out there.

Overall: build is absolute nuts, thanks for that, OP.

Now its time to pick that dusted 6l reach of the council with +1 drillneck and do some LA + frostwalla + poison shenanigans.

edit: bought set on standard.... dude ... what a joke, JOKE, LOL. I facetanked her regular flameblasts w/o ruby up, trash didn't even tickle, vaals did 0 dmg whatsoever even w/o topaz flask ... wow ... deathless uber atziri flask with 0 preparation and 0 log-outs/tp-outs, here we go (1 death = rip on hardcore). I did not eat a stormcall though, except for split where I just topaz'd through (not even an alchemist topaz flask either ...)
Last edited by ZhenyaDM#2163 on Aug 4, 2016, 2:22:13 PM
ZhenyaDM wrote:
Thanks for the input guys, sadly I ripped to a freeze in a shrine map yesterday. Thanks for nice patch, GGG. I guess I'll rip a set or 2 to standard and try it out there.

Overall: build is absolute nuts, thanks for that, OP.

Now its time to pick that dusted 6l reach of the council with +1 drillneck and do some LA + frostwalla + poison shenanigans.

edit: bought set on standard.... dude ... what a joke, JOKE, LOL. I facetanked her regular flameblasts w/o ruby up, trash didn't even tickle, vaals did 0 dmg whatsoever even w/o topaz flask ... wow ... deathless uber atziri flask with 0 preparation and 0 log-outs/tp-outs, here we go (1 death = rip on hardcore). I did not eat a stormcall though, except for split where I just topaz'd through (not even an alchemist topaz flask either ...)

Yup. Pretty much my feeling the first time I attempted uber atziri with the build. It's like one of those scenes in a movie where you see someone standing next to a cliff. It's all tense. The music is dramatic and building. The person jumps off... only to land on another ledge 3 feet below.
IGN: Yolowanda
Hey, fun and fast build. How do you guys feel about running flammability/blasphemy instead of purity of ice. I've been using it for bosses but I'm not sure if it helps alot but I don't feel I need the purity of ice.
gbkilla3 wrote:
Hey, fun and fast build. How do you guys feel about running flammability/blasphemy instead of purity of ice. I've been using it for bosses but I'm not sure if it helps alot but I don't feel I need the purity of ice.

To be honest, I don't think the build lacks DPS (have done Uber Atziri & all double-boss T15s w/ hard mods pretty easily). If you're looking to replace purity of ice, i'd suggest running arctic armour (i feel more tanky with it when DPS'ng down tough mobs/bosses with molten strike). Also, I think the +3 molten strike projectiles helm enchant is one of the best DPS gains you can get for this build.
IGN: Yolowanda
gbkilla3 wrote:
Hey, fun and fast build. How do you guys feel about running flammability/blasphemy instead of purity of ice. I've been using it for bosses but I'm not sure if it helps alot but I don't feel I need the purity of ice.

If you want to do it just for bosses, keep purity of ice and get a Romira corrupted with Level 14 Flammability and self cast it on bosses before engaging combat.
EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
really loving this build, tankiness is through the roof and damage is pretty insane as well with lv 21 discharges. was pretty expensive to min-max but absolutely worth it, feels up there in power among the skyforth bv and coc builds. hopefully only coc gets a nerf and discharge remains the same so this build can be strong going into next patch :)

gear after respeccing into this build a few days ago:

i also tried a modified version of the build using righteous fire for that sweet +%more spell damage by swapping some nodes for life regen and using rise of the phoenix, but it felt much squishier than with saffell's. can't really do -regen, -max res, no regen maps comfortably with righteous fire either, not worth it imo when you can just run pretty much every map roll with this build.
Last edited by shadowfriend420#2623 on Aug 7, 2016, 1:19:07 AM

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