After thousen of hours and dollars, i now feel like quiting

I can sympathize with your frustration. I'm not sure if any of these will help, but in case they do:

Too much life vs flask or life regen recovery may cause more harm than good when dealing with the traps.

I know you said you play hardcore, but unless that means you will never allow yourself to play sc at all, I would fire up one of your dead characters and practice running the traps in a normal Labyrinth.

Except for facing Izaro, the Labyrinth really isn't that much different in terms of challenge in normal, cruel or merciless.

The one or two (usually) sections with traps that you have to wait for and time, are usually just a very small part of a given lab section. Half the time you can bypass one of them.

Getting stuck on a fixed trap with a moving trap chewing you up can kill any character. It's like facing Atziri with no movement and no fire resists. If you have a long section of traps lined up (again, these are usually rare)-try to time your movement so that if you get stuck it is on a fixed trap with no moving trap that can close in on you.

Load up on some staunching flasks for trap bleeding damage - you can leave some monsters alive and refill your Izaro battle flasks later.

I know that "rarely" on traps isn't acceptable in death terms when you play HC, but with some careful choices and playing, you can eliminate ALL trap deaths in the Labyrinth.

Except for dealing with merciless Izaro (that depends on your character build and style/skills, which I can't answer), the Labyrinth's traps really shouldn't be killing you.

If you were speed running them over and over to get a specific enchant in HC, I can see where an incautious moment could lead to death.

In any case, Good Luck and hope you can find PoE fun again!
PoE Origins - Piety's story
you can overlevel and be tanky enough to speed by traps... but isn't the purpose of traps to add an element of challenge and fun? maybe you should have practiced avoiding traps more and done it more carefully. i only wanted to get the ascendancy class so i rushed by the traps with whirling blades and was overleveled so could use flasks to heal enough to survive every trap encounter.
also ascendancy classes are not mandatory, they're only an addition that isn't required to experience the rest of the game.
Last edited by pandasplaying#5756 on Mar 19, 2016, 2:11:27 AM
Miská wrote:
Your numbers are exactly like the naysayers completely fictional. I would find it extremely disturbing that any real fan of this game has no issues with what 2.2 and for that matter 2.0 till now has brought.
GGG has done alot of good work, i don't think anyone denies that. However for every piece of good work they did, something else came outta the closet that wasn't for the good.
Simply disregarding these posts based on their contribution (And for you that counts you can disregard anyone's opinion) is hilarious quite frankly.

In the end it will be GGG only to make up the balance. Seeing my 50man guild being reduced to 5 active members within a week worries me though. Even though i am not silly enough to pretend that my small sample pool actually matters in the big picture.

I consider myself a real fan of the game, and I don't have any issues with what Ascendancy has brought. Disconnects when you are 2/3 the way through a Labyrinth are annoying as all get out, but so are disconnects in a map. It isn't the new content that is at fault.

I understand that not everyone likes the new one shot, no recover waypoints and that many do not like the play style adaptations the traps bring during Labyrinth runs. I don't mind them, and actually enjoy them.

I might disagree with 鬼殺し's assessment of the motivation behind a mid tier supporter's mention of their support and time spent playing PoE. I wouldn't say it's always financial blackmail, or even guilt behind spending the money. I would venture rather that people in these posts really do enjoy the game enough that they are frustrated at the thought of leaving the game.

The mentioning of money previously spent is something many cultures and retailers have trained people to do, and for good reason.

Consider this, the amount 鬼殺し spent wouldn't even amount to half of what an average consumer spends at many retailers.

Not in one shot, certainly, but over a very long period of time.

The advantage of mass appeal with a company, is that you are not dependent on a few customers, but can use numerous smaller transactions to make up for any lost larger transactions, or even exceed them.

Speaking from professional experience, a customer's loyalty over a long period of time is far more valuable to financial success than any immediate infusion of funds from them.

That is why retailers will capitulate in many cases when a customer complains. It isn't that the customer is right at that moment, or that it is good customer service to do so. It is that the customer's loyalty is worth far more than that transaction is.

This is one of the advantages for customers in a competitive market. The downside, is that the market can also offer numerous customers and the business may be able to decide to say "That's not worth our time or effort" and still be successful.

The business leaders who make wise choices of THAT caliber are the ones who end up being very successful long term. Being good at that is part experience, part knowledge, part insight and part intuition.

In 2 more weeks, GGG should have enough data from playing time and support spent to determine whether they need to tweak Ascendancy or not.

When they make that analysis, they should be discounting the solaris mystery boxes (and prior event type sales) from that determination. Event sales are a part of overall success, but rarely germane to product evaluation, unless a new product itself is the event.

At the five year mark, GGG should be looking at comp sales, sustainable growth and financial reserves for the inevitable miscalculations that come with running a business in a competitive environment.

I do hope their next expansion include some new map tile sets and monsters. Whether that is appropriate for their personnel resources and budget, I can't say. Considering where the players preferentially spend the bulk of their time, I would think more maps and monsters would generate a lot of Path of Exile excitement.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Sad to hear OP leaving game, but that very good example why damage: traps, monsters, bosses, rogue exiles and etc SHOULD be nerfed (their damage) and defense should be buffed.

Not visa verse, as GGG doing all the time.
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Mar 19, 2016, 3:01:34 AM
After thousands of hours, if you haven't quit at least once then you're definitely due. That's like a year's worth of labor, and even if you love what you do there are definitely low points when something else- anything else- seems preferable.
RestInPieces wrote:

Typical insecure softcore player getting defensive. Relax, I never said "scrubcore is for casuls" or anything like that. It's just a different kind of playing style and no matter how you see it, when in hc you approach the Lab differently.

did cruel lab at 60 phc with selffound char, still died to bearers at 86 later, but doesnt matter actually. merc lab is even easier.
no prob.
play better.
DalaiLama wrote:
It's like facing Atziri with no movement and no fire resists.

do that all day long.
with current game state dunno if she even casts something. maybe one flamestrike per whole fight.
with moderate 450k dps and triple blasphemy curse she is effectively oneshotted.
No rest for the wicked
Last edited by mezmery#2042 on Mar 19, 2016, 5:39:56 AM
DalaiLama wrote:

I consider myself a real fan of the game, and I don't have any issues with what Ascendancy has brought. Disconnects when you are 2/3 the way through a Labyrinth are annoying as all get out, but so are disconnects in a map. It isn't the new content that is at fault.

I more specifically ment from 1.3 onwards. 2.0 and 2.2 have brought alot of good amazing things to this game and created alot of additional issues too.
I think the ascendancy classes are one of the best creations i have ever seen. However they are such a big gamechanger, that leaving the game untouched was just plain misjudgement.
Act 4 is also just 1 huge chore, i do it once at the start of the league. After that i get rushed through it every single time. Simply because it's to big and to repetitive. Rushing takes 5min tops, doing it yourself an hour easily.

I think that is also one of the problems of Labyrinth. It's a non-optional time eater. While act 4 can be skipped the labyrinth cannot.

Easy solution would just be to remove the ascension points from the labyrinth, or put them behind merc lab (To do it just once) And keep the OP enchantments in there, and let people be able to put them on scrolls. So it adds abit more flavor to the trading game aswell.
If you dont like somethint you vote with your wallet. Likewise, if you like something reward with your wallet.

Simple concept.
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
Miská wrote:

I think that is also one of the problems of Labyrinth. It's a non-optional time eater. While act 4 can be skipped the labyrinth cannot.

sometimes i dont even believe how bad are most people at this game.

backtrack trials take 10 min at max for one difficulty.
1st time lab takes 15 min.
semi-mandatory 1 hour of game, that is designed for thousand-hour-grind is TIME EATER?
No rest for the wicked
mezmery wrote:
Miská wrote:

I think that is also one of the problems of Labyrinth. It's a non-optional time eater. While act 4 can be skipped the labyrinth cannot.

sometimes i dont even believe how bad are most people at this game.

backtrack trials take 10 min at max for one difficulty.
1st time lab takes 15 min.
semi-mandatory 1 hour of game, that is designed for thousand-hour-grind is TIME EATER?

lol, I love when people see the fault in their original assessments. Kudos to you brother.
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!

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