SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]

Xavathos wrote:

Your personality? Not at all! I don't know you personally, but from the way you say you're excited to see GGG fail, which is basically what you said, I just said that as a joke.

There was a serious tone to it as well though. Do you really want to be excited about something NOT going as you want it to go? It doesn't make you a very believable individual.

If you want to stand for something, absolutely do it, but do it constructively. That's all. :)

My ":P" was a response to you not being totally serious.

I think you misunderstood the whole post, sir. I'm not hoping they will fail. And even if they make the lab 5 times bigger and longer, I don't see it as a fail, even though I personally don't like it. It's not a fail for neither GGG or PoE to go against my personal views.

I wrote that I'm excited because... I am excited. Excited to see the changes, as they already wrote that the early lab elements are getting shorter (as I interpreted it).

Fail? No. What I "fail" to understand, is why you have to interpret every post as negative as you can. It must be kind of... Depressive? :P But on a more serious note; I'm always excited about changes to one of my favorite games. Changes tend to "stir" things up a bit, and create something new.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
mark1030 wrote:
Didn't they tell us exactly what those changes are in the Dev manifesto post a month ago? Fewer trials and shorter labs for the first two?

Perhaps. Seem to have missed that. I'll read up.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Xavathos wrote:
SingThisCorrosion wrote:
I agree with removing ascendancy from lab, or rework the lab not to die and have to do it all over again. Traps are sometimes insane and some Izaro buffs too which makes some builds too hard to obtain even the cruel and merciless points. So I vote to yes, don't remove lab because some ppl seem to enjoy it but free the ascendancy points from it would be nice or some rework like I said like not having to do it all over again if you die or desconnect.

Some builds too hard to do even cruel or merciless?
Maybe if you're in level 15 gear by then with -60% all res and 1k life it's hard. If you're properly prepared like you should be, ANY BUILD can do both with great ease. Provided of course that your build is any good, but that's just how the game works.

Bottom line is, if you fail, don't blame the Lab. Trust me, if you think cruel/merci Lab is hard, you're going to be in for a nasty surprise later on. A build should be able to wipe merci lab like dust off your boots or you'll never get anywhere in PoE.

I guess I'm sounding kind of unfriendly, I don't mean to. There's just no room really for error in PoE. It's a brutal game at times that takes no prisoners. Be prepared. Only you can prevent forest fires.

Yes some builds, bow builds for example which don't have much tankiness and are evasion based find it hard on last fight where the arena is small full of traps on merc and you can get easily one shoted compared to the other boss fights and the gear you are getting on loot so far. Of course if you already have decent leveling gear stashed or trade for it its easy but I don't think it would be the case for new players or starting leagues. Cruel lab is significantly harder in comparison to what one should expect. Merc lab not so much because you should probably have some gear and currency already and except for the traps the run is not that hard, not a jump like in cruel. Uber lab is just merc lab with more stupid traps everywhere.
mark1030 wrote:
I've only periodically poked my head in here so I may have missed some actual suggested alternatives. But it just occurred to me that GGG set the value of ascendency nodes to be equal to 5 passive points (5 regret orbs to refund one ascendency node). So instead of having the lab give ascendency points, just have them cost 5 passive points each. Each lab could give you 10 passive points instead of 2 ascendency points. Then people who skip the lab could still get their ascendencies without going through the lab.

Thats actually a very solid suggestion mark1030, but unfortunately not at all in line with any other suggested and the purpose of the thread because it doesnt adress none of the issues we presented throughout it.

To give you better to understand, we overall think the lab should be only for farming and not gate character progression cause the playstyle is so different and unfitting to poe. The suggestion you made still locks character progression points behind it, so we would still have problems with the design and implementation. The same would apply if in the future GGG puts passive points behind a game of chess, a racing simulator or a city building simulator inside poe, like they did with the platform mini-game that they called lab.

Thanks for trying to help though
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
Phrazz wrote:
I am pretty fun at perties, because I am hell of a magician, and as I'm a freakin' viking, I can drink most people under the table.

It's kinda funny, you know, there's a conspicuous shortage of 'viking mage' pics online, not even a decent shaman or seer to be found. I suggest changing your archetype.

SingThisCorrosion wrote:
Yes some builds, bow builds for example which don't have much tankiness and are evasion based find it hard on last fight where the arena is small full of traps on merc and you can get easily one shoted compared to the other boss fights and the gear you are getting on loot so far. Of course if you already have decent leveling gear stashed or trade for it its easy but I don't think it would be the case for new players or starting leagues. Cruel lab is significantly harder in comparison to what one should expect. Merc lab not so much because you should probably have some gear and currency already and except for the traps the run is not that hard, not a jump like in cruel. Uber lab is just merc lab with more stupid traps everywhere.

A decent bow build will aim for ~5k life at the bare minimum in endgame, you can't get oneshot even in uber lab with that if you don't mess up Izzy fights, and you can learn not to.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Jun 24, 2017, 9:16:30 AM
raics wrote:
Phrazz wrote:
I am pretty fun at perties, because I am hell of a magician, and as I'm a freakin' viking, I can drink most people under the table.

It's kinda funny, you know, there's a conspicuous shortage of 'viking mage' pics online, not even a decent shaman or seer to be found. I suggest changing your archetype.

Nono, my archetype is perfectly fine. I'm offering something unique. A unique experience. "The drunken Viking Mage". It's awesome, I tell you.

Edit: Wait, did you just try to google my picture?
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Jun 24, 2017, 9:07:43 AM
Phrazz wrote:
Nono, my archetype is perfectly fine. I'm offering something unique. A unique experience. "The drunken Viking Mage". It's awesome, I tell you.

Indeed, doing your own thing regardless of what the others are saying is laudable. I'd sure like to see it one day, though it probably won't happen given how rare your kind seems to be.

Phrazz wrote:
Edit: Wait, did you just try to google my picture?

How would I attempt that? :)

Just remembered not having seen an illustration of a viking mage ever so I was curious if there were any at all.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Jun 24, 2017, 9:13:20 AM
raics wrote:

Indeed, doing your own thing regardless of what the others are saying is laudable. I'd sure like to see it one day, though it probably won't happen given how rare your kind seems to be.

Yes, you would like it, I'm sure.

Let's hope RNG is in you favor in the future :)
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
Yes, you would like it, I'm sure.

Let's hope RNG is in you favor in the future :)

We should hope, yeah, a drunk viking mage seems to me like the very definition of a loud minority.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

raics wrote:

We should hope, yeah, a drunk viking mage seems to me like the very definition of a loud minority.

We are. Both in real life and in lab threads. But we're fine with it. Not going to quit speaking my mid about something I believe in just because there are more people on "the other side". That would be cowardly. Not very "viking". Not very mage-like, either. Maybe something a drunk person would do, but that's only one third of my personality.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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