SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" ^ Pretty simple, isn't it ? Also I would be concerned regarding consistency, given the current lore about the lab, the ascendancy, and how all of it happens. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" I agree with you. What GGG has basically said is "maybe someday". That is likely all they are going to say until they announce new release content with it done. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" I would disagree with the greater-than-equal time/expense of an alternative being a requirement to not "invalidate" the lab and ascendancy expansion. If all you get from the alternative is the Ascendancy Class (no enchants, no loot, no maps, etc)... I really don't think it should be required to be greater or equal to the "proper" way to run the Labyrinth. IMO, creating an alternate way to only get the Ascendancy Class points would not invalidate the Labyrinth or its Lore either. (Especially, if my version of the alternate is chosen, because it still keeps them behind the Izaro battle.) If the enchant system is kept in place only in the complete as-is-labyrinth, granting the emperor-themed enchants with the Labyrinth is plenty to justify it's existence, or few would run the Labyrinth over and over and over and over and over and over and (like it? no Love it?) long after they get their Ascendancy Classes. Yeah, it's not the Ascendancy that keeps the Labyrinth "worth it". The Lore behind these classes marks them as aspirants who attempted the Labyrinth, but failed (they didn't become emperors.) Nothing in the Lore would be ret-con'd by creating another avenue of acquiring them (especially, if they remain part of the reward of the existing labyrinth!)
(Here's another wild concept off the top of my head, that I don't think has been proposed before, but fits in perfectly well: link them to the forsaken masters, highest ranks for each represented base class (Haku for Marauders, Catarina for Witches, etc)
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But then, many lab complainers dislike the fact that there is no tp and that they cannot have more than one chance at a time against the boss, so if you keep that part, they still will not be satisfied.
And then some others would still call it a platformer because when you die, you need to start over like the good old Mario. /lol Or would you put an Izaro battle where people can just throw themselves on it until he dies ? That would sound like a terrible idea imho. Granting them on lvl8 master ( which do already give significant rewards ) would be basically giving them for free, and with rotation, it would not be that long to get on top of that. And then what, all characters of the account for the league are instantly uber ascended ? C'mon ... That's a perfect example on how to invalidate a big part of the lab, and screw a big part of its lore. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jan 27, 2017, 1:00:44 PM
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" We might agree or not, but that's the way they do things. Linking with Vorici is a good example of what happens when you have the option to skip the original design - you are free to cross the bridge and take a shortcut to the forbidden forest, hero, but it will cost you. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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" You'd like that wouldn't you, just one big laby hating circlejerk. So long as you're campaigning against the thing I love, I'll be right here. So you just keep on throwing your derogatory remarks around. :) Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
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I disagree the game was better before them. Remove them and re-balance the game at high levels
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" I love cats. By your logic every home should be required to have one. |
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" They aren't ever going to remove content like this from the game for one thing. For another they are likely never going to remove or reduce the power of AC classes either. I'm torn because no other ARPG puts such an emphasis on giving power from a "challenge" rather then enabling gear to be the main source of power, or at least shine better. The best example I can compare AC classes to is something like the devotion system in GD.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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As I said (and the reason it was in spoiler, to keep it out of the main conversation), it was an idea off the top of my head to illustrate putting the Ascendancy Class Points behind a similarly acceptable Lore within the game.
If it were tied to Forsaken Masters, I'd add new ranks to them, perhaps even giving them a new version of "Daily mission" perhaps on maps that pit you against a boss of some sort, themed to the ascendancy class you're after, or not, just an idea. It wasn't a fleshed out idea. Just a concept, to allow people to think beyond the confines of the Labyrinth. |
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