SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" Here's some spam for you. But what lab-defenders ultimately object to often seems to be that critics of the lab aren't giving up -- as if prefacing requests by "please" or ceasing to post about how ascendancy points don't belong behind the lab (as it currently works) would somehow be more effective in getting GGG to change things. And I don't see lab-critics putting down anyone just because they enjoy the lab -- the lab-critics simply don't want to be forced to do the lab themselves. (Perhaps some lab-defenders should examine the beam in their own eye.) Proud member of the Vocal Minority
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" The most recent example was implying those who enjoy the laby have no pride and will accept whatever GGG forces onto them. Previous examples are being called white knights or dung beetles (referring to us as shit eating insects) because we're trying to defend something we like. League elitism has also been brought into the fray on a couple of occasions. It's just been a stream of derogatory remarks and it goes on and on with seemingly no end in sight. And don't get me wrong, it's been dished out by both sides but I see the majority of it coming from the "hater" side. Even those who have posted "I quit" threads still remain trying to change things. If given what they want they'd soon find another reason to quit because they're likely just burnt out on the game. Fuck having an evolving game right? Lets just keep things static and stale. [/rant] Just for you ShaUrley, I'll see your spam and raise you a fish. :P Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you. Last edited by Shovelcut#3450 on Oct 14, 2016, 9:26:35 PM
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The lab defenders as a community can do better than calling Regulator Ignorant, saying I hope they do not change just to spite you guys, and other such nonsense or drivel. Step up your game or let us discuss it with others in peace. Regulator is one of the smartest posters I know. He puts real thought and effort and logic into his posts. Try to keep up.
Last edited by FixLabPLSGGG#6375 on Sep 18, 2016, 2:25:31 PM
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" Sorry Shovelcut, that is not true. The problem is that pro-lab people frequently are not able to accept the fact that some people think the labyrinth is horrible and not fun. We're told our opinions don't matter and that the pro-lab people know better than we do why we don't like the labyrinth. It is ridiculous when sidtherat and others come in here and say that we don't like labyrinth simply because we can't do it. Even after he's been told many times that is not the issue. I'm not meaning to pick on Sid here, the same thing is repeated over and over again by others all the time. Another example of ridiculous statements is saying that it is only a handful of people complaining. This is also not true and has been documented as such in the Over 250 threads that have discussed problems with labyrinth. The dung beetle analogy is about how dung beetles are not able to understand that not all beetles like eating poop. Just like many pro-lab people are not able to understand that some people don't like playing the labyrinth. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired! Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Sep 17, 2016, 11:09:21 PM
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" You can paint your analogy any way you want to but it boils down to you calling us shit eating insects because we're happy with the content that you consider is shit. It was clever at first but you've used it to the point where it's just an insult in disguise. Your overuse of it I liken to a toddler who realizes they did something funny for the first time and keep repeating it until it's just goddamn annoying. You can also keep asserting that we don't understand your issues but you've repeated the same things ad nauseam. In fact, anytime someone enters any laby discussion with you it ends up going in circles eventually ending with "you are not able to understand, the lab is different and it's a real thing" or something of the sort. Which we already knew because that's exactly how GGG portrayed it from the moment they teased it. You also don't need to keep throwing a link to your thread around like it's some proof either. I've gone through each one of those posts, as you know well, and as I've said before there are a few gems in there but that is the true dung heap of Wraeclast. But you're going to continue keeping track of those useless threads anyway as if "feedback" like this is really going to help your cause. Or this or this or this...I'd go on but your link will suffice. You can probably whittle it down to 50 or so worthwhile threads, and that's being generous. Oh and the fact that you've thrown that link at me for the umpteenth time just proves my point that you just want to keep going in circles. For fucks sake, how many times are you going to throw that in my face? The results are going to be the same each and every time.
*Slowly backs away, again, from the circle jerk*
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you. Last edited by Shovelcut#3450 on Oct 14, 2016, 9:25:47 PM
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" We did better. It's just that you (alt-account spam-bots) prefer to ignore argumented posts, in favour of those which can be flamed more easily. " I don't see how. You move you avatar around, use attack & movement skills, use pots, kill trash mobs and fight a boss. Sometimes you need to click on an object, lever or door (clickable objects are in the game since CB) and pay attention to not stand on lava (burning round / shocked ground / whatever). The only real difference between "regular PoE" and the Lab, is that some threats in the Lab cant be offscreen killed with 1 million DPS builds & zerged with a Tabula rasa build. You need to have a properly balanced & geared up character. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" Many are. Definitely. But of course, since it would weaken the overall complaint, most people in this case would just not acknowledge it I guess. It feels like a different game to you, so what ? And many arguments have been said already about why it is not that different, and mostly ( or drasticly should I say ) the same than most of the content. But it's clear that that this whole "argument" is going nowhere anyway. " Completely irrelevant here, that is true. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Sep 18, 2016, 1:40:39 AM
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Just wanted to point out, that traps do not get out of sync.
Your client get out of sync and your character's position at a moment t can become incorrect. I would definitely turn on lockstep in the lab if I were you. Because traps are predictable, and as opposite to bosses, their position cannot go out of sync, that makes it less dangerous than some bosses imho ( and they do not one shot you of course ). SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" It seems you haven't played with predictive in a while. Sometimes the traps just stop like you pushed a timed crank in predictive, while in reality they keep moving. You are unable to see where they are going after this even if you /oos. I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
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" That only happens if you have a bad connection. I've been playing exclusively in predictive mode since lockstep was introduced and have only had that happen one time. And at that time I was experiencing some severe packet loss. Predictive mode + laby while having a solid connection has no problems whatsoever. Shitty connection is gonna likely give you a not-so-fun time no matter where you are in the game. Edit: Shitty connection/high's all the same when we're talking about online game performance. Perhaps I have an advantage with ~30ms average ping but I'm sticking with predictive mode. Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you. Last edited by Shovelcut#3450 on Oct 14, 2016, 9:24:57 PM
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