SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" I could not agree more. Especially Uber Points.... |
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If they came out and said, "Hey, Lab is here to stay, and Ascendancy is staying where it is," I would quit... for awhile. I don't think I would ever stop playing PoE entirely, but it would go from a game that I could "no life" for a couple months at a time to a game I would play for a week or two, and come back every half year or so. In short, I would have no reason to play all the cool alts that I wanted to. I would have no reason to ever spend another dime on stash tabs, character slots, or any other features they introduce. I would end up getting more play time out of D3 or TL2 than I would out of this game, even though this one currently beats those by a 200-600 hours (depending on which game you are talking about).
In short, I would treat this the same way I do D2. I would come back everyone once in awhile because I miss it, play a character to a high level 80-90 range, realize how little there is for me to do, get bored, and quit for a long time again. The hassle of having to do Lab on each alt would be enough to keep me from even creating them to begin with--as it does now. Tired of trolls? Ignore them. |
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" Yes, a nostalgia thing, I remember how much fun PoE was before labyrinth. I wish I could play that game again. So, you play the PoE version that has been "corrupted" by labyrinth for a character or two. Go into a labyrinth and then say to yourself, enough of this nonsense, I want to have fun when I play. Oh well, let the dung beetles eat their poop, I'm going to find something else to do. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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Been playing the living hell out of Warframe since they recently had a big update, and lots of great QOL changes coming through. The devs are extremely communicative, and they stream all kinds of stuff about what's coming up and how they feel about certain issues. Basically, they do all the things right that GGG is currently doing wrong.
Tired of trolls? Ignore them. |
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" What is stopping you from playing poe like it was before the lab other than your own entitlement? The game plays exactly the same without ascendancies as it did before they were introduced. If you indeed had "so much fun" before the lab then your demands are the only things keeping you from having fun again. If you had fun before , and you can't now, it's self inflicted. |
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" played warframe a lot when it first came out. very fun game. Hope you are happy there. |
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" OBLIVION " Like with the closure thread where ive been meaning to post for a while now. Yes it would indeed have been very sweet if we could get an answer or some info on the matter. A while ago if anyone remembers i had the idea to ask from the devs themselves a thing like that. The answer i got? "While the idea is very nice and would be really informing for all, unfortunately we dont have the time because we are producing the next expansion" I cant say i did not expect it. Labyrinth up to this day is still the only major implementation in the game that literally they shared info about only once and in the most pathetic way (2nd week of perandus) with like minimal stats that even then showed how poorly it was received, not only that but they PROMISED IN WRITING that more stats like those would follow... so where are those stats?. Never before they have done this, even for basic skills they had the time to post some history and design process, and they cant with their baby lab that they so much love? Would it take more than 1 hour to write a simple paragraph regarding the issue, or a simple yes or no? No it wont. They just continue to follow their silence/ignore policy like nothing has happened to the game. Numbers show otherwise though, are you going to ignore them as well or is it natural for a league to die in the first 2weeks? (HC prophecy). Their silence/ignore treatment ofcourse goes very well with their economy focus on the gaming whales. By not giving any information on things like that, the limbo that is created forces people (due to their optimistic nature) to hope for the best, while in the process GGG milks them as long as possible for the period. At least those who are still interested in the game, cause there are others long gone. That tactic is a very dishonest and deceitful practice, and only makes us lose the trust we once had for the company. Would your younger selves Chris behave in a such deceptive way, especially to your playerbase? No, in the past a manifesto would have been posted almost immediately discussing the issue with your community. Not half words. Shame. I wont lie im pretty hyped and optimistic for the future expansion, but honestly the back of my mind is still troubled. How could they made such a huge intrusive decision to the game's fluidity without even letting us test it beforehand. Such a poor decision to force your whole playerbase to turn from 100% pure ARPG to a mandatory run of arcade silliness. Guess if the expansion has something exciting to offer ill stay even without ascending, after all the core game is still fun (at leasts parts of it after so many hours). Sad. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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" It's an honest question. what has changed about the game , that ruins a persons fun now, as opposed to 6 months ago. A person can do the exact same thing now, that they did 6 months ago when they were having fun. |
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time to go nostalriusssss
[s]only mindless sheep think labyrinth is OK to have in PoE.[/s]
okay nevermind labyrinth, fix dx9 blackscreen instead... |
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" What's changed is that now there's a feature in the game that would make the game even more fun, but it's locked behind the worst decision I've ever seen GGG make: Lab gameplay. Ascendancy brings identity to each class, something that the game sorely needed, but that goes out the window when you have to run Lab to get it. Just so there's no confusion, Lab has no redeeming qualities for those of us who don't want to run it--that's why we don't want to run it. Tired of trolls? Ignore them. |
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