StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter
Everything you guys mentioned will be in the next update. I'm really sorry about the fractured jewel shit, it's unacceptable for a bug that severe to not be immediately corrected but IRL I've been all over the place. That will also obviously be fixed in this coming update.
" It was the fractured filtering blocks being above the jewel blocks. I added filtering to the fracturing blocks in Strict/Uber last update that hid low level fractured items. Jewels got collateral damaged. Line 1411 in the Strict filter. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Dec 7, 2023, 10:50:20 AM
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" Hey no worries, mistakes happens and it's all good. Looking forward to the update as this is my go-to filter, thank you for all the work! |
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12/8/23 - v3.23.0
Affliction League Launch Release Usual leaguestart update with a number of other adjustments. The most important change is that Filterblast seems to be dead. It hasn't been updated for months and now the site seems to be down. Given the fact that there were only 3 filters left on the site (mine, Dissolator's, Neversink's) I don't blame Dissolator for not wanting to put in the effort for so few people and I'm glad we had it as long as we did. The big issue with this is I no longer have any way of testing or verifying the filters before launch. I am usually very careful and disciplined when making changes but the inability to verify means a simple typo or syntax error is much more likely than before and I have no way of knowing its there. I'll try to be online around leaguestart time to deal with any issues but my sleep cycle is even more fucked up than usual. Changelog: - Added highlighting for transfigured gems (uses old alt qual gem highlight), charms, tinctures, corpses, tainted catalyst - All boss / special area keys (chronicle of atzoatl, sacred blossom, breachstone, emblem, primeval remnant, ultimatums) have been consolidated onto the same highlight and are all located in Section 4. Splinters have also been moved to this section. - Fixed fractured magic jewels being hidden in Uber filter. Expanded fractured filtering. - Removed a color tier from low tier currencies (the brighter seagreen used for engineer's orb etc) - Updated currency orb tiers to more accurately reflect their values - Nuked highlighting on all atlas armor due to it being irrelevant with the eldritch system - Differentiated Einhar's memories from the other ones, they now have max tier highlight - High BaseDefencePercentile items now show i85 for gloves/boots/helm - Eldritch currency sound changed to default currency sound - Demoted Seaglass and Blue Pearl amulets to t2 atlas jewellery bases, shrunk icons. Increased strictness of all atlas jewellery bases in strict/uber - Moved Fracturing Shard/Orb and Hinekora's Lock to mirror tier - Added a brown border (same as other 84 bases) and small icon to 84+ cluster jewels for the vendor recipe - Removed sound from non-sacred lifeforce drops - Removed metamorph filtering, silver coin - Fixed Catarina's Silver Flask unique not being flagged since the veiled changes - General: White despot axes now show for the first few map tiers - Uber: Portal scroll stacksize threshold reduced from 10 to 5. Hid binding and engineer's orb - Tiered all known incoming uniques and div cards, adjusted tiering for Ancestor ones The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you follow the filter on the forum item filter page. If you have questions either catch me while streaming at or post them in the forum thread. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Dec 8, 2023, 8:41:40 AM
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good stuff thanks
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My gratitude as always.
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the filter on the poe site says its only for 3.22.2b or something, is it still working?
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" yes they're working, should say 3.23, hit ctrl+f5 IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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ty hobbit your a top gamer for real
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GGG decided to add Valdo's Puzzle Box a few days after leaguestart instead of including this information in the original item filter thread for some incomprehensible reason.
The good news is that it *should* be picked up by the filter as an "unknown" item (black text/background with icon and sound) although with Filterblast dead and them costing 30+ divines in Standard I don't have a way of immediately verifying this. I'll be giving them a proper highlight in the next update. edit: have confirmed they show up as an "unknown item" so there's no rush, update will be out in a couple days IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Dec 19, 2023, 10:44:26 PM
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12/23/23 - v3.23.1
Affliction League Update I: Man Plays Game, Updates Filter After nearly two years of break from PoE I have returned and have actually played the game. This has resulted in an absolutely massive update that brings the filter in line with the current meta as well as containing a large number of other filtering and highlighting changes. Some of these are experimental and may not stay in the long term. Given the sheer scope of this update there are bound to be a few rough edges and there will be another update in a week or two to both polish things up a bit as well as implement other changes I didn't have time for (already delayed this update by nearly a week and it needs to be kicked out the door already). Similar items have been consolidated into intuitive sections, i.e. all "unique upgraders" (vials/scrolls/blessings) are now all in the same block in the unique section as opposed to being scattered across three different blocks in the league section. Things should be much easier to find and items with similar highlighting and function will all be located together. This is still a work in progress and more is coming in the future. Section 11 (rare highlighting) has undergone a lot of changes. It is the intent for experienced users to enable the archetypes / item classes they desire in 11A and disable/delete 11B entirely. 11B only really exists as a failsafe for those who don't edit their filters and just shows a little bit of the best of everything. All three filters have been made much stricter in the never-ending quest to extend the life of General and Strict. General especially will be further tightened as much as possible in future updates as switching filters should be more gear dependent and less map tier dependent. Major Changes: - Retiered all currency, took exalts off top tier sound. Finally swapped pink and red tiers so that it matches rest of the filter (white>pink>red). Currencies now shift up tiers depending on stack size. Moved legacy currencies to end of section for ease of editing/ignoring - Completely redid how the filter handles stack sizes of various currencies. Larger stacksizes now shift up in filtering tiers (i.e. a stack of 5+ chaos orbs will show up as the next higher tier - purple). Very large stack sizes of some minor currencies now show in uber. Cleaned up the currency section as well - Section 10 (84+ bases) completely rewritten. Now shows five archetypes (all but AR/ES) but only shows exactly one item from each archetype ("best" / most meta). 4 archetypes were already previously shown so it's really just adding EV/ES and cutting out all the fat. Note that in cases with 2 competing bases (i.e. Praetor Crown vs Prophet Crown) I've picked the ones favoring ES>AR>EV and the alternate will be hidden by default. - Section 11 (Rare highlighting) has seen a lot of changes. 11A (archetype based highlighting) has been completely rebuilt. Instead of the previous mix of purpose-built sections it now just has six sections, one for each of the six armor archetypes (AR, AR/EV, EV, EV/ES, ES, AR/ES) with unique colors to each. They are separated by item class and by default show the top 4 of each glove/boot/helm (i.e. the 4 best armor helms) and top 2-3 of chests/shields except for pure ES which is much more restrictive. Might have overdid it a bit with the colors but it looks good and having separate colors makes it easy to prioritize pickups when multiple sections are enabled. Reminder that 11A is always disabled by default and is meant as a total replacement for 11B. 11B (rare armor highlighting) has been cleaned up and streamlined. 11C (rare weapons) has been consolidated and summoner weapons are now shown by default. 11D (rare jewellery) now shows citrine, turquoise, agate amulets and bone rings by default in Uber - 84+ Filtering: Bases that don't have any desirable mods above 85 no longer get flagged higher than 85 and are now hidden in the uber filter. i.e. there's no difference between 85 and 86 titan gauntlets so they'll show the same in gen/strict and both will be hidden in uber. I've been very aggressive with this to reduce clutter in the uber filter - Fractured items - Greatly reduced the amount showing in Strict/Uber. While something like this wouldn't normally be a major change the large amount that drop combined with their vital nature makes this a section worth paying close attention to. I've used a combination of base targeting and droplevel filtering to try to filter out the junk but it's a good idea to glance at it and make sure that what you want to see is showing, especially if you're playing something niche. Still located in the Synthesis league section for now. Consolidations: - Unique upgraders (vials/scrolls/blessings) and pieces have been consolidated in section 8 (uniques) instead of being split in 3 different places in the league section. They still share the same highlight - "Map Upgraders" block created in currency section for rare things that are used to augment maps. Delirium Orbs and Memories located there now, using the old Delirium Orb highlight - Logbooks/tomes/blueprints/contracts can now all be found in the map section - Eldritch currencies folded into the main currency blocks, no longer have special icons - Heist orbs (tempering, tailoring) moved to main currency section - Talisman uniques folded into the main unique section - Reliquary keys and the new Valdo's Puzzle Box can now be found in the map section - A number of other various blocks have been moved to more intuitive sections Highlighting & Color Adjustments: - Now using light colors and map background for map-like non-map runnable areas with variable zonelevel. Light green for lower tier (contracts), light blue for higher tier (blueprints/logbooks/tomes). - Put flasks on a more appropriate (watery) color - Changed highlighting of maven invitations (similar to old, just less of an eyesore) - Piece highlighting changed to something more appropriate (and not identical to basic fossil highlighting) - Adjusted map fragments to be closer to map colors - High tier orbs that drop only from bosses (aka relatively predictable drops) no longer have white backgrounds - White socket items now use a grey background to avoid confusion with high BaseDefencePercentile items - Slightly darkened the background on bottom tier uniques to increase the difference between them and the SV/VV tiers - Reduced highlight/sound on influenced uniques, changed light color to purple - Changed boss base unique border from dark purple to light lavender for better contrast. Trying to make lavender into a "something boss related" indicator Other Changes: - General now stops showing t2 rare jewellery when maps start. Gen and Strict no longer show t2 rare 84+ jewellery - Blessed Orb up a tier, Glassblower's Bauble up 2 tiers, Vaal Orb down a tier - Shrunk font size of 3 white socket weapons, hid them in uber, added a line for 6 white socket bows that still shows in Uber - Red tier maps no longer use mid size icon, they use small for t11-t13 and large for t14-15 for easier minimap distinction - Chance orb highlight now disabled by default in all filters, but can still easily be found at the top of section 1 - Unset and bone ring have swapped places in rare and 84+ filtering (unset t1->t2 and bone t2->t1), also meaning rare bone rings not hidden by default in strict/uber (but unsets now are) - Replaced majority of unique map filtering by tier with filtering by basetype, highlighting will more accurately reflect value now. Added bottom tier unique map block with reduced highlight - Added sound and minimap icon to the 20q top base flask block (sound disabled in uber). changed text color to match default util flask one - Quality util flask threshold changed from 10 to 15 in strict, Uber now only shows 20q - Removed minimap icon from Rogue's Marker in all filters. Stacks below 50 are hidden in Strict and below 100 in Uber - Did a pass on IDcraft and updated bases to better reflect current meta, added sections for spell suppression and essenced items (from the atlas passives) - Drastically reduced the number of magic items showing in General after A5 (will be mainly jewellery only now) - Engineer's Orb/Shard now hidden in all filters (they were only shown in General anyways) - Added IDcraft to veiled items, mainly for life/supp/chaosres. Uber now hides veiled items that don't pass basetype or IDcraft checks. Disabled sounds on top veiled items in Uber. - Added a proper highlight for Valdo's Puzzle Box (previously showed up as an "unknown item") - Anointed rings should now show in all filters - Strict now hides essences below Wailing, Uber hides essences below Screaming - Strict: Single (nonstacked) Portal Scrolls, Transmutations, Augs, Alts now hidden - Uber: Restored sound to low tier maps when the arealevel is low - Uber: Removed sound from all atlas jewellery - Uber: No longer has sound on non red tier maps. Now also uses low tier map sound for t11-t13 - Uber: No longer shows/highlights 90%+ BaseDefencePercentile items, only 100% - Removed a number of extra filtering blocks in some sections meant to provide greater detail but that only wound up cluttering the code and creating more places to edit if you wanted to change something - Lots of various cleaning up of blocks and updating inline notes - Added some basic editing instructions at the top of the filter for new users - An absolute fuckload of other various minor adjustments and improvements Fixes: - Fixed Simulacrum Splinters showing up as Simulacrums - Fixed Catarina staff being hidden in Uber - Sound restored to default div card tier in gen/strict, was accidentally removed in launch update - Sound restored to low tier currencies in the general filter (not sure how/when I accidentally disabled this). - Finally fixed the issue with some quest items showing up as the default GGG highlighting and not my own larger one with a border - turns out there's some very fucking weird bug on GGG's end involving invitations where it intercepts the highlight but does not apply its own highlighting. Quest items are now located in Section 2 as a result. Unique Tiering Changes: - to max: Devout Chainmail, Riveted Boots - to high value: Desert Brigandine - to upper variable value: Crusader Plate - to small value: Bronze Sceptre, Deerskin Gloves, Zealot Gloves, Royal Axe, Simple Robe, Jewelled Foil, Jasper Chopper, Colosseum Plate - to variable value: Wyrmscale Gauntlets, Gold Amulet, Unset Ring, Bronzescale Gauntlets - to bottom: Timeworn Claw, Nubuck Gloves Divination Tiering Changes: - to max (white): I See Brothers - to mid (lavender): Coming Storm, Immortal Resolve, Underground Forest, Who Asked - to trash (faded pale blue): Cursed Words, One With All Major thanks to for helping me catch up to speed with the current meta and providing tons of valuable feedback. The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you follow the filter on the forum item filter page. If you have questions either catch me while streaming at or post them in the forum thread. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Dec 23, 2023, 3:35:08 PM
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