StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter

8/15/24 - v3.25.1

Settlers League Update I: Economy, Tiering, Various Adjustments

Meant to have this update out a week ago but it snowballed to hell. In addition to the usual economy update there are improvements to tiering and two major sections have been completely rewritten.

Major Changes
- Rewrote Section 10 (84+ highlighting). Previous: gen showed 84, strict 85, uber 86 (but only the 86 bases where there were additional mods vs 85). New: gen shows all (84+), strict shows "best crafting base" i.e. showing 85/86 gloves but only 86 and not 85 chests. Uber only shows quality and high basedefencepercentile items with an exception for titanium shields
- Rewrote section 11A (Rare Armour). Now uses droplevel+arealevel instead of directly addressing basetypes and adjusts bases shown depending on map tier instead of always showing a chosen number of bases. Removed the safety blocks that showed a bit of everything and wrote an AR/ES chest + EV gloves/boots/helm + EV/ES shield mixed block example which is the only section enabled by default. This should overall be much stricter than before, especially in yellow and red tier maps.

Minor Changes:
- Tiered Omens, Tattoos, and Runes. Icons changed to diamonds
- Gold now increases in highlight with larger stacksizes
- Levelling utility and mana flasks now have much more significant highlights. Same with levelling boots.
- Uber: reverted Affliction change that hid small (<20) lifeforce stacksizes
- Reflecting mist moved up to a more appropriate tier
- Re-added Profane Wand to default caster rare weapons and 84+ filtering
- BaseDefencePercentile increased highlight threshold is now 90/95/100 in gen/strict/uber respectively. Quality is 26% in all filters.
- Tiered all new div cards, adjusted a few others
- Tiered all new uniques, moved unique tinctures to the same highlight/section as pieces
- Increased range that wisdom scrolls have minimap icon to end of A3 and portal scrolls to end of A5
- Made some icon progressions more consistent (less jumping icon type at higher values)
- Various minor highlighting adjustments across a number of categories

- Fixed a syntax error in the 2h sword levelling section (disabled by default) that had existed for over 2 years before anyone noticed which is concrete proof nobody uses swords (thanks CptCalamari for finding it)

The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you follow the filter on the forum item filter page. If you have questions either catch me while streaming at or post them in the forum thread. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit on Aug 15, 2024, 8:28:50 AM
Hello StupidFatHobbit,

On some lines it says "(should be hard disabled, NOT hidden, in Uber only)

What exactly does this mean? I assume not setting the section from "Show" to "Hide" but how do you hard disable?
Clow wrote:
Hello StupidFatHobbit,

On some lines it says "(should be hard disabled, NOT hidden, in Uber only)

What exactly does this mean? I assume not setting the section from "Show" to "Hide" but how do you hard disable?

"Disabled" just means commenting out that block instead of changing the Show tags to Hide.

The three filters are essentially the same filter just with different things shown/hidden and a few thresholds changed. The reasoning behind this is so someone using a filter can easily adjust it to be more/less strict and all the relevant blocks will be there if they want to use them.

However, there are a number of examples where changing a block to "hide" will snipe other blocks after it and hide things that shouldn't be hidden. For example, if the "Sounded flasks" block gets hidden it will also hide quality flasks as that block comes after it (and needs to come after it, because when levelling the flask drop is more important than the quality amount).

I think the flask section is currently the only section that has this note.

Also, glancing at this section made me realize I forgot to disable the high ilvl flasks in Uber in the last update. :^)
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit on Aug 19, 2024, 4:47:53 PM
As always, thank you for keeping this up to date.

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