StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter
There seems to be an issue on line 4704. "The Scarred Meadow" is misspelled as " The Sacred Meadow". A simple text edit is enough to fix it, the rest works fine.
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" Yea I just did a tiny update which fixes this, I'll still be doing a "full" economy pass in ~4-5 days. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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Hello, I'm a kinda recent player, could you tell me from what point should I switch from general to strict and to uberstrict from stric ?
Thank you :) |
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I am curious if the new "HasImplicitMod Values: True/False" could work on maps dropped by the "Shadow Shaping" notable. I wouldn't know how to go about testing it myself, so I will ask! Thanks :p
Last edited by sepuyi95#2500 on Apr 21, 2023, 6:57:49 PM
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" General for leaguestarting/racing, Strict for most mapping, Uberstrict for high tier mapping or rushing to 100. The idea is you move up a strictness level when you feel the previous one is showing too much. " Probably? It's pretty easy to test but even if it did work I'm not sure I'd add yet another map highlight for it. There's already so many - and this also exists as another layer on top of the existing map types instead of an entirely new map type. Maybe could do a border change. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Apr 23, 2023, 6:52:13 AM
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4/24/23 - v3.21.1
Long Overdue Economy Update (Crucible Update I) It's been a very long time since I did the painful and thorough economy update as opposed to just dealing with new and changed items so this wound up being even more overdue than I thought it would be. This contains massive changes to the unique and divination card sections (8 and 9) only, so if you want to do a partial update you only need to copy those sections. There are enough changes that I would consider this mandatory even for SSF players as some of the tiering was much older than I realized. Please note that while I try to keep the filter tuned to HC and SSF valuations the HC trade league is completely and utterly dead only two weeks in. There are some items where I've had to estimate a value based off SC prices but HC/SSF perspectives always take precedence - i.e. rathpith according to HC is max tier, according to SC it's small value tier -> therefore it goes into max tier. Items that have notable SSF value (i.e. 6L cards, uniques like Haemophilia) will always have increased highligting relative to their value due to their SSF significance. Update Notes: Update Notes: - Cleaned up sections 8 and 9: removing/consolidating old sections, clarifying comments, making them neater and easier to read - Removed the loreweave blocks that set a highlighting floor for all unique rings - Adjusted tiering on more than 50+ unique bases and more than 70+? div cards. I was originally going to post lists but they're kinda long - The Uber filter unique hide block now more accurately reflects the current meta - The "Trash Tier" of div cards (diminished highlight, no sound, hidden in Uber) has been significantly expanded. Sets that are multiple cards for a random unique (i.e. 5 cards for a random 1h unique sword) are almost all in this tier now. - The renamed "Dogshit Tier" of div cards (hidden in ALL filters) has about 20 more cards in it. Sets that are multiple cards for a specific low-value unique are almost all in this tier now (examples: lioneye's vision, kiara's determination, daresso's salute, rat's nest, trypanon) Random Fun Thoughts: - There are about a dozen unique unset rings that are world drops and not one consistently broke 5c in value. Sometimes it really does need just one person tweaking some numbers - This is the first time the filter hasn't had Kaom's Heart and Shavronne's Wrappings in the highest tier (yeah I know, as I said this update was way overdue) - Echoforge was actually hidden in the Uber filter due to Oro's existing but if you killed Maven and didn't realize no unique dropped then that's on you : - Weirdest price discrepancy I found was Thunderfist, which was a few chaos in SC and 3+ divines in HC. Usually these kinds of gaps are on survival items like Brass Dome - If you're wondering why darkray vectors is no longer hidden in uber then give thanks to imexile who decided to put his new unique on the same base - Thanks to the people running poeninja and the new wiki which made this update even possible. When the old wiki was dying doing this would have been nearly impossible - This update was actually ready to go last night but I was unable to upload it due to a syntax error on the website which didn't indicate what line the error was on. I slept on it and today I figure out that the "^" character causes filters to error out on the website even if they work fine ingame. I had it in a smileyface in one of the comments. That's right, ":^)" broke the filter. The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you follow the filter on the forum item filter page. If you have questions either catch me while streaming at or post them in the forum thread. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Apr 24, 2023, 8:00:20 PM
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good update hobbit ty
What's your opinion on moving exalt orb down a tier? |
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" When the world was young and the filter colors were still being decided divine orb used to be on the purple (sextant) highlight and exalts were on the red they're still on today. This was back when you could buy divines for 5-6c for the first two weeks of a league. Eventually divines rose a bit in price I decided to put them on a different highlight but I didn't want them same as exalt so I wound up with their current pink highlight. Thing is in the filter the color valuation scheme is more or less like this: green->blue->purple->red->pink->white. This is most obvious with the maps. So for the longest time divines were lower value than exalts but had a higher tier highlight (pink) than exalts did (red). Then GGG did their shenanigans and now divines are king. Therefore the only spot I can really move them to is down to the purple (sextant) tier which feels a bit odd. Maybe I'll just bring the sound down a tier or something and leave the color. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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If I could make a few suggestions for the future.
With Boneshatter being the meta 2hander melee skill for quite some time now, Vaal Axe and Karui Chopper aren't being used. Right now faster two handers are used, so Despot Axe, Ezomyte Axe and Piledriver for maces. Swords are still poop. Quivers got revamped in 3.17, my knowledge of them isn't great but I think broadhead, heavy arrow, vile arrow and primal arrow are all used for various skills. Penetrating is redundant with the amount of piercing on the tree at the moment. |
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" I'll change the axes for the upcoming update. As far as quivers go I did update them when all the basetypes were changed a while back but I'll take another look at it as well. Thanks. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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