StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter

Awesome, thank you!
Theres something weird going on in the Strict filter where it's hiding top tier rares like Dragonscale Boots if their ilvl is 84. 83 and 85 show fine, its just 84. Some weapons like sceptres appear to have this problem too, but wands, accessories, shields seem ok.

Deleting 11B and enabling them in 11A doesn't fix it.

Last edited by MrPing1000#5148 on Dec 28, 2023, 8:31:38 PM
MrPing1000 wrote:
Theres something weird going on in the Strict filter where it's hiding top tier rares like Dragonscale Boots if their ilvl is 84. 83 and 85 show fine, its just 84. Some weapons like sceptres appear to have this problem too, but wands, accessories, shields seem ok.

Deleting 11B and enabling them in 11A doesn't fix it.

Section 10 at the bottom, the 84-86 blocks that are hidden (but only on the ones that are hidden, not the ones that are shown) need to have a "Rarity Normal Magic" line on them.

Side effect of those blocks pulling double duty for both 84-86 highlighting and rare highlighting for those bases. Should only affect 84 rares in Strict (and technically 84-85 rares in Uber, but virtually all rares are hidden in Uber anwyays).

Will be fixed next update thanks for bringing it to my attention.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Dec 28, 2023, 8:45:05 PM
12/31/23 - v3.23.2

Affliction League Update II: Economy & Uberstrict Tightening

First off if you missed the last update I highly recommend reading the notes as it was quite extensive.

This update primarily contains rebuilds of the unique and divination card sections but also contains a number of other improvements such as a full rebuild of the currency section (again). The Uber filter's unique and div card sections should be far more suited to high-juice mapping than before as they now hide vast amounts of junk.

The strictness of all filters has continued to be increased, with a much more drastic increase for the Uber filter. Keep in mind that the intent is that you use General on leaguestarts and when you need a lot of gear, Strict for the majority of mapping, and Uber for dense high tier mapping and MF. If you were previously using a filter and editing it to show some more items you may want to consider dropping down a level and hiding some items instead.

Unique Color Coding: As a refresher (and for those new to the filter) unique styling indicates the tier and potential value. All uniques use star icons. It is structured as follows:
Max - white bg/light/icon/etc. Self explanatory. i.e. Sapphire Flask
High - orange bg, white border, permanent orange light, orange star. 20c+ guaranteed value. i.e. Devout Chainmail
Upper Variable Value (UVV) - orange bg, cyan border, temp cyan light, cyan star. Multiple uniques share this base but there's at least one that's worth over 20c - you need to check this. i.e. Heavy Belt, Leather Belt
Small Value (SV) - orange bg, black border, permanent brown light, yellow star. 5-20c guaranteed value i.e. Bronze Sceptre
Variable Value (VV) - dark orange bg, black border, temp brown light, brown star. Shared bases where the highest value unique doesn't peak higher than 20c. i.e. Citrine Amulet
Variable League Specific (VLS) - orange bg, grey text/border/icon/light. The only valuable unique on these bases is bound to some league area. i.e. Amber Amulet
Boss Bases - dark orange bg, lavender border, no icon/light. Only reason these are shown is not to hide specific boss drops. i.e. Legion Sword
Trash Tier - dark orange bg, black border, no icon/light. Uniques consistently worth nothing, hidden in Uber. i.e. Wild Leather

The TLDR version is: Check things with cyan icon/borders, pick up shit with permanent light and yellow/orange/white stars, ignore grey uniques unless you're doing specific league content, ignore lavender borders unless you just killed a boss. Ignore remaining darkened backgrounds unless you're looking for something specific.

MF'er notes: Aside from the obvious modifications to uber (disabling 6s, deleting Section 11, hiding low tier maps, probably hiding seagreen currency tier) I highly recommend you hide the Boss Bases uniques in Section 8.
I heavily considered making some of these changes a permanent part of the Uber filter but decided it was going too far since this league is a ridiculous exception and not the rule.

Major Changes:
- Rewrote the currency section (again). Now is laid out much more cleanly and logically with all currencies properly increasing in color tier with stacksize. General filter shows all until red maps start, then shows cool tan tier or higher (chromatic, alteration). Strict only shows green tier and higher (fusings, alchs), Uberstrict shows seagreen tier and higher (instilling, scours). A lot of minor currencies have changed tiers in this rework.
- Changed map fragment highlighting (again) as the previous one wasn't bright enough. I've been trying to push lavender = boss related and border/text = "one part of a set of items" elsewhere in the filter (uniques, invitations) so logically the new highlighting should be lavender border/text.
- Favorite map block is now enabled by default (in Section 1) since more people need to realize it exists and use it. Cemetery is currently set as the only favorite
- Rewrote Atlas armor/jewellery to have a t1/t2/t3 section as opposed to being split up by class. T3 is hidden in Strict+ and in General once red maps start. T1 is the only tier that retains the purple background and is now restricted only to Vermillion Ring, Stygian Vise, Crystal Belt, Marble Amulet. Overall it's much stricter than before
- Added a "mixed blocks" section to 11A that has a common mix of archetype armor, right now just has a SS/EB section that shows EV gloves/boots/helm, AR/ES chest, and EV/ES shield
- Exarch/eater implicit rares are no longer shown in any filter, blocks are still there (just disabled) if you want them for some insane reason
- Unset ring re-added to t1
- Fractured items have been relocated to Section 5 due to repeated conflicts
- Made the borders on fractured jewels/jewellery brighter and put a green border on any fractured item that can roll spell suppression
- Retiered exceptional gems in light of their utterly insane prices
- Changed the highlight for shaper/elder guardian maps and put conqueror maps on the same lavender text highlight
- Uber default rares are now restricted to leather belts, amethyst rings, and 2-stat amulets
- Added highlighting for rings with extractable silver/gold oil enchants. Amulet tagging is apparently fucked and doesn't work but I've added a darker background to all enchanted amulets

Unique Changes:
- Massive rewrite of the entire section. Everything should be far more accurate now; a lot of it was far more out of date than I'd realized.
- Tagged heist uniques from curio displays using the identified tag and moved them all into their own block, this lets a few more junk uniques be hidden in Uber
- Uber now hides a very large number of trash unique bases and should be far stricter than before. Keep in mind this block can be easily enabled in Strict or even Gen if desired
- Variable Value tier now uses dark unique background with the same teal border as UVV (previous: normal unique background and temp light to distinguish from Small Value's permanent light) to better indicate that "the majority of what's on this base is dogshit, but there is at least one unique with a 5-20c value."

Div Card Changes:
- Fully rebuilt the whole section after receiving lots of feedback. Trash tier (hidden in Uber) is now for cards <2c instead of <1c. With this tier expanding, the default tier being the narrow range of 2-5c didn't make sense anymore and it too has been expanded to now cover 3-10c. Lavender tier is now 10-50c, fuschia is 50-200c, and white is reserved for 200c+. Higher color tiers now much more accurately represent easily sellable cards.
- Lots of cards have moved down a tier, some down two tiers. A few cards have gone straight from lavender to trash.

Minor Changes:
- Fixed some 84 rares being hidden in strict
- Gave unique jewels a larger icon and permanent light.
- General now hides binding/alch shards, Strict hides chaos/regal/horizon shards
- Orb of Binding now only shows in the General filter
- Darkened background on white socket items a bit
- Shrunk contract font size, made light temporary
- Shrunk font size of the unique VLS block slightly
- Increased font size of 11B/11C items to match 11A
- Removed enchanted map (delirium/blight) highlighting blocks, they don't seem to drop as often anymore and this section was never particularly well done. They now just get caught by regular map highlighting
- Ezomyte Tower Shield re-added to 84+ highlighting
- Removed the 86 priority block as it seemed unnecessary with the overall reduction of bases showing
- Restored an altered version of the old thematic eldritch ichor/ember colors in part because they shouldn't be subjected to the same situations the normal currency blocks are (i.e. if someone wanted to hide the 1c tier they shouldn't also be worrying about hiding low tier eldritch currencies). The combined currencies (eldritch chaos etc) still use the default colors as they're all relatively high tier.
- 6S uniques are now at the bottom of the unique block instead of being above them given how common 6S have now become
- Gold Flask now shows in Gen/Strict up to level 77 as opposed to 67. Wasn't sure what to do with this one considering its niche use for one league only
- Removed a number of comments in Section 2 indicating which sections items had been moved to as it interfered with the ability to simply ctrl+f those items directly
- Fixed divines having a smaller minimap icon (medium) than exalts (large), slightly darkened some currency colors
- Guardian maps now use the same highlighting as invitations
- Further darkened the permahide tier of div cards (hidden in all filters)

The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you follow the filter on the forum item filter page. If you have questions either catch me while streaming at or post them in the forum thread. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Dec 31, 2023, 6:39:48 PM
Note: In the time between the start of the work on this update and now, Malachai's Loop (Harmonic Spirit Shield) has risen from being a bottom tier unique to consistently in the 5c+ small value tier. This base is currently in the trash tier (hidden in Uber) in the 3.23.2 update.

It's only a 5c item but you may want to move it to the SV tier.

edit: Amethyst Ring is also missing from 84+ bases, this wasn't intended and it should be there

edit2: Just released a small update ( that fixes both these things.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Jan 1, 2024, 12:16:43 PM
1/27/24 - v3.23.3

Affliction League Update III: Polish & Fixes

Mostly polish and fixes with some larger changes to cluster jewels, flasks, and fractured items.

Please note that I am no longer making any economy changes this league as Affliction's economy is completely fucked up and I'm not going to make a hundred MF-specfic changes in Uber that will just need to be reverted next league. For those who are using Uber for MF: aside from the obvious edits (hiding 6s, seagreen currency tier, low tier maps, etc) I recommend disabling the boss unique block and the SV/VV unique blocks at the least. The "Variable League-Specific" block can also be disabled if you're not running breach; read the comments for a full list.

Major Changes:
- Cluster jewels: Rewrote section and made it absolutely comprehensive. Now further filters by enchant type as well as passive number, reducing highlight on low value ones (these are hidden in Uber). 6 passive mediums, 9-11 passive larges are now hidden in all filters but General unless 84+ where they show with a brown border. 84+ 12-passive larges have enhanced highlighting with the most valuable ones now on white backgrounds. This will be a massive improvement to anyone doing a lot of Delirium.
- Flasks: Rewrote quality flask highlighting. Now uses grey/white borders. Only shows 10q+ in general, 20q+ in strict, 24q+ in uber. All quality flask highlighting except 24q+ terminates at arealevel 77 (tier 10's) due to the importance of flask ilvls. All 84/85 flasks now show in uber with minimap icons, sound added to 85's
- Fractured items: Increased visibility of suppression green border, added light blue border on caster scepters/shields. Increased the number of caster shields, sceptres, EV, AV/ER, ES gear showing in strict/uber while decreasing the amount of AR showing. Now properly flags fractured flasks.

Minor Changes:
- Delve: Simplified Resonator highlighting (only 2 tiers now, prime and all others) and moved them to a more appropriate color and solid background. Removed white tier of fossils (5 tiers was way too many) and revalued the remaining tiers.
- Essenced items (rares from atlas tree) now only are flagged if they drop with life or suppression if armor or with a non-essence damage stat (i.e. Runic or Tyrannical) if a weapon. Was showing way too much junk before, should be much better now.
- Shrieking essences changed to purple which better fits their value and the rest of the filter's color progression
- Winged scarabs changed to pink for the same reason
- Removed sound on all essences below red tier to stop the super-loud sounds when multiple drop simultaneously
- Readded the optional Loreweave block to the unique section which adds a blue border to unique rings. Disabled by default. Only really matters in the Uber filter as no other filters hide uniques
- Moved Corpses to the same highlight as charms/tinctures and put them all on brown square icon
- Removed chaos res from Veiled IDcraft, it only flags suppression and life rolls now
- Added another IDcraft block to veiled filtering that specifically tags korell/gravic/janus chest/helms with high life/supp/chaosres or PDR
- Hid tiny stacksizes of lifeforce (<20) in Uber
- Anointed jewellery extraction no longer shows any amulets and visually distinguishes between gold/silver extracts
- Eldritch embers now use brown icons instead of red to avoid minimap icon baiting
- Scouting Reports now have lesser highlighting in Strict/Uber filters (cyan), remains purple in General
- Orbs of Binding show once again in Strict but only below red tier maps
- Div card high tier now uses pink icons instead of red, better matching their background color
- Levelling phase (<67) Strict now shows Feathered Arrow Quiver, no longer shows bleed bows (chaos/elemental bows only now)
- Relocated Guardian maps to be with the other boss-type maps, fixed a few things still using the experimental white text highlight (all use lavender text now)
- Shrunk font size, removed perm light on most veiled items
- Lowered threshold for portal scroll stacks to be shown in all filters (now 2, 3, 5)
- Disabled sound on 6s in Uber filter
- Sovereign Spiked Shield added to i86+ due to the importance of top suppression shields combined with the lower droprate of shields overall
- Added Fugitive Boots to 84+ bases due to their ES value
- Tightened essence IDcraft items (forced them to have another mod in addition to the essence mod to be shown), updated some of the other IDcraft blocks
- Removed special map exception block in an effort to streamline the map section a bit more, GGG never did anything with it other than the "Vaal" prefix maps which nobody paid attention to anyways and only drop in the temple room nobody goes to anymore. They are now caught by default map highlighting
- Added Elegant Round Shield to a lot of basetype filtering blocks
- Cleaned up Section 21, switched a number of blocks still on itemlevel to arealevel
- Took 21 gems off white background, changed minimap icon for top exceptional gems to cyan diamond
- IDcraft changed to moon icons, was triangle, gave the entire section a pass and updated a lot of it
- Differentiated unique sanctum relics from regular ones, tweaked highlighting
- Added additional highlighting for 82+ disguise kits; rogue loot now uses square icons instead of triangles
- Moved rusted scarabs to brown triangle icons, disabled sound in Uber
- Uber filter now hides all sub-85 rare jewellery by default
- Various minor adjustments to colors and highlighting throughout the filter, definitely a few other things I'm forgetting

Unique/Div Changes:
- Hid The Oppressor in Uber by using white socket tagging for Squire
- Updated a number of unique item values, roughly a dozen or so changes
- Moved Disdain out of trash tier (now shows in Uber)
- Lingering Remnants from trash to default
- The Scavenger, Jack in the Box, Prejudice to trash tier

- Added a catchall block for high droplevel armor items to the fractured section to hopefully finally stop it from repeatedly causing collateral damage in the Uber filter (grasping mail being the latest victim, thanks to "Content-Routine5563" for letting me know)
- Moved all the white socket highlighting to from section 12 to section 7 which fixes the 6s white socket bow highlight not working; increased the highlight.
- Restored sound to default div card tier in gen/strict which was disabled on accident (again)
- Fixed purple tier (t9-t10) maps not making sounds when doing purple maps in the Uber filter
- Fixed white background 6L weapons flagging by itemlevel 64 instead of droplevel (this bug was absolutely ancient). Added proper itemlevel filtering and exceptions for certain bases
- Fixed i86 BaseDefencePercentile 90-99 items being hidden in Uber

The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you follow the filter on the forum item filter page. If you have questions either catch me while streaming at or post them in the forum thread. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Jan 27, 2024, 9:30:56 AM
2/17/24 - v3.23.4

Affliction League Update IV: Unique Section Rewrite & Minor Adjustments

This is the final update of Affliction and primarily contains a total rewrite to the unique section.

In addition I am also "unofficially" releasing my own personal MF filters for those who are interested. I still maintain that it's better to create your own MF filter from Uber so you know exactly what is being shown and what isn't (and it should be easier after this update) but you can find them on my item filter page. Please note that there are two filters which are meant to be used together - one to check for belts/pauas and another for everything else that doesn't show belts/pauas. These filters are exceptionally strict and hide the majority of uniques as well as a lot of other minor drops. Also please note that these MF filters are mostly based on the 3.23.3 version and do not necessarily contain all the changes in this update.

Unique Section Changes:
- Now more logically separated into low, medium, and high value (LV, MV, HV) set value items and variable value (LVV, MVV, HVV) items. Fiery-themed colors (brown, yellow, orange) for set value and watery (blue, cyan) for variable.
- Removed soundless Variable League Specific (VLS) block and consolidated all items into one soundless block
- Adjusted font size and background color on a number of tiers to make them more appropriate to drop rate and value
- Lots of bases have changed tiers and unique rarity tier is now more heavily weighted in determining value (i.e. ultra-rare uniques will never be placed too low regardless of trade value).

Major Changes:
- Compass down a tier. Vaal orb, chisel and chromatic up a tier since they never seem to drop in large stacks
- Hid the majority of incubators in Uber

Minor Changes:
- 6L white weapon backgrounds are now curated instead of droplevel filtered. Removed pink background highlight from corrupted 6L (this was a remnant from when it vendored for a divine)
- Changed 6s white socket bow icon/color theme to grey
- Fractured jewellery bases now use white moon icons
- Adjusted some IDcraft flags
- Armor scraps and chance orbs are now considered same as trans/aug/whet for stacksize value determination
- Added additional highlighting to the higher tier tainted currencies
- Added DisableDropSound to a number of blocks that should have had it ages ago
- Uber filter now hides Simulacrum splinters under 3 stacksize
- Fixed 84 quicksilver flasks being tagged via the silver flask highlight
- Fixed a number of blocks in the map section not having lines in the standardized order
- Removed all of Racing Options $ Overrides (Section 0) in Strict & Uber except the unique one, they only served to grief ctrl+f in those filters
- Removed currency overrides (Section 0) from General as the additional General-only blocks at the top of the main currency section should naturally handle this and not require any further editing

The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you follow the filter on the forum item filter page. If you have questions either catch me while streaming at or post them in the forum thread. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Feb 17, 2024, 8:48:59 PM
Just released a tiny update ( that fixes an issue with Chromatic Orbs in the Strict and Uber filters.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
looking forward to more updates especially on the MF version (beta) to et all the loot conversions added and just the higher tiers/larger valuable currency stacks like belts & some shields.
mayhaps also remove beams in general for the beta version since it just adds lag, Let's see how the experiment goes.
thanks a bunch for your passion on this project! ☻♥
Aphotice wrote:
looking forward to more updates especially on the MF version (beta) to et all the loot conversions added and just the higher tiers/larger valuable currency stacks like belts & some shields.
mayhaps also remove beams in general for the beta version since it just adds lag, Let's see how the experiment goes.
thanks a bunch for your passion on this project! ☻♥

The one I released a few days ago is probably the last one I'll release as I'm done MF'ing and am right now playing Last Epoch as well. Scarabs and 6L's are in, and I also re-added lifeforce and omens for the wildwood.

There might be something I'm still forgetting but if you're at the juice level that you're considering using the magehunter filter only and not doing a second pass with the other filter then you probably won't give a shit or notice.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Feb 26, 2024, 4:12:01 PM

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