First Wave of Trade Improvements
" 1) [Removed by Support] 2) The old way DIDN'T WORK, and they promised us ETHICAL transactions and a trade system through the website that didn't involve BUYING anything. 3) I read the whole damned thing; I'm not retarded. You really think the solution to the long-lasting trading issues (Procurement, etc. is a pain in the ass, and now who knows how well that'll still run for people without special trade tabs) is to make people buy something? Sure, it's "optional," just like every Pay2Win scheme out there. It's always "optional." Doesn't mean it's ethical. -VG- Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08 Last edited by Rachel#0000 on Mar 2, 2016, 8:31:26 AM
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This is most dishonorable thing I ever seen from a game company. Stop fooling ppl that game is free-to-play... because is NOT, not anymore. You making steps one after another, but this one is just ridiculous. To release a new trade improvement which is only available for ppl who will pay you... oh my god. Closing my eyes and open... oh this is real. I prefer to pay(buy the game) one time for the game and to be like anyone else. Even worst thing we seen till now - mmos monthly payment is less ridiculous. At least they NEVER give some players advantages over another players.
Btw who cares how will call don't like P2W... ok who cares. But at the end yep its pure P2W and now that is clear for everyone. It's just not fair. Dishonorable. |
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" Yet another reason to suspect that it isn't going to be as "optional" as the rude guy I just responded to thinks. -VG- Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
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1 step closer to my dream of automated trade without me being logged in!! I could see this go the way that you can only do offline trade with your Premium Stash Tabs but online trade with the third party tools will still work.
I don't get why people are freaking out so much about this. If GGG said that the 3rd party tools would no longer work and that premium tabs were going to be the ONLY way to trade then I might raise an eyebrow. That being said, it would only be a raised eyebrow nothing more. Unlike what seems to be the loudest majority of people on here I understand that Path of Exile is not a God given right. It isn't water, it is a form of entertainment. GGG is a business, not a charity. Show me a video game company that doesn't have any method of making profit off their game and I will show you a video game company that will never get out of Alpha or even if it does will never have the support and polish of a game like POE. They need to make ends meet and what they are doing today is a quality of life enhancement to people that have supported them by purchasing Premium Stash tabs. Don't people who are financially supporting the company deserve a little quality of life improvement? I can (illegally) download a movie and watch it on my laptop for free but I prefer to fincially support the movie and as such I get the quality of life improvement of watching the movie in a theatre. Do you only listen to free music put out by that guy in your neighborhood that records all of his songs on his laptop with his Radio Shack microphones? I am sure you much prefer listening to music that has been professionally recorded. To the countless people that play this game for free you should be thanking GGG for continuing to allow you to play this great game for free, not getting on your soap boxes and ranting and raving that they are limiting your access to the game that you are "entitled" to. How many hours of FREE entertainment have you gotten out of this game? They could so easily flip a switch and remove support for all third party tools. They could easily say that if you haven't bought a supporter pack you only get access to specific servers. They could even charge for in game currency. There are bean counters at GGG that are suggesting exactly that to Chris Wilson on a daily basis but thankfully he has refused. If one day Chris Wilson decides to make this game ACTUALLY pay to win and allows people to buy items or in game currency then just stop playing the game. It's not like there aren't other games to play. |
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" Morgoth agrees with Iluvatar. IGN : @Morgoth
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" Maybe Pay2Trade is the real term here. I never expected GGG to do this. I mean, they've been criticized for other things, as if no matter what they do SOMEBODY is going to have a bitch fit about it. And usually I back them up. But this is digraceful, and again, bullshit. Someone can respond, telling me to "Read the article. Then read it again if you don't get it. Huh huh, I think I'm so smart," but that won't change the reality one bit. Besides, many people (like me) bought exactly ten tabs for a reason. They need to, at the very least, let us convert a tab to Premium for free. -VG- Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
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I like how so many people obviously haven't read the post and screaming pay to win...
It not like the ingame public tab takes away anything, it's simply adding some comfort to people who bought premium tabs. Where shit just got real on this one is the visibility of the itemlevels though, wheeee! If I got a Dollar for every time PoE runs worse than Skyrim,
I could buy a rig that can run this pile of code smoothly. |
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" But it ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE P2P. We can argue all day long if it should be or not; it has been maintained as non-P2P or P2W for the entire life of the game. Yes, it should probably be a paid game, but they probably do better this way financially anyway. None of that changes the fact thet GGG are, in effect, making us buy Premium tabs and mess up our stash arrangement. Yeah, I know that they get ripped on for seemingly every little thing. Usually people are just bitching and moaning. But look at what they're effectively saying here: We're not going to disable the other (barely-functional) features because they're 3rd party, but when THEY do it themselves ... eh ... guess you'd better buy a premium tab. It's not that I mind buying a premium tab so much as the practice of passing off the necessity as some sort of improvement. Although, I still sort of do mind buying a premium tab because I specifically bought 10 tabs to not have scroll bars. And it's not like scroll bars are the worst thing ever, but they sell us a product based on certain understandings, and then spring on us something that is, realistically, not really that optional. -VG- Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
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" No go read my previous post. Forum trading is very likely to die, because most devs will drop support. No forum indexing = trading in trade chat (GL with that lol), listing items on forums which no one will ever see (this can only work for long term auctions, mirror services, not mass trade like now). So yes, by introducing this feature they are basically killing what remains of F2P trading, because they are killing the only incentive for devs to continue supporing forum indexing (right now it's supported because there is no decent alternative). Last edited by DemonikPath#1311 on Mar 1, 2016, 11:16:55 AM
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I am very happy that GG is making some kind of effort towards making trade better. This only the first wave people and I hope down the road that 3rd-party anything will no longer be used.
I hope GG consider the idea of giving one stash as a Premium/Trade tab. For those that say " Stop trying to get something for free", hmm, I never need a premium stash tab.. so guess what.. I bought a lot regular tabs for me and my boys.. I do not mind upgrading a tab or two but It seems a lot of you want to throw around "freeloaders". Stop bashing others ffs. It does not help. |
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