First Wave of Trade Improvements

Jonathan wrote:
jooozek wrote:
So what you are saying is that if I don't have any premium stash tabs, I can't sell stuff anymore?

All the old tools will continue to work.

So what about those people maintaining those old tools claiming now they won't bother indexing the old way? Reference
I am going to repeat the arguments already made just to make my point clear and to give GGG the hint they need right now:

The game is and has been to this point completely f2p. Yes, you can buy stashtabs, but a similar effect can be achieved through muling or having multiple accounts which is a legit ingame way to work around the limited space given at the start of the game.
A new player can see those workarounds very easily thus keeping the f2p reputation of the game.
With the recent change to "pay money to access this new way of trading", the new player will have the impression of the game being p2w. The fact that this "new way of trading" is not new at all and the fact that those features can be replicated through 3rd party application is not obvious to new players at all.

Solutions have already been stated by many:
Give everyone a free premium stash tab (same thing as with the regular stash tabs).
Just give this new function to all stash tabs.

Other suggetion (off topic): make new tutorials for the game. As a non native english speaker it is very cryptic with the wording of stats: "more" "increased" and "added" are just a few examples of things that are not explained by the game and not obvious at all.

Please think about in what direction this step is going to lead the game into and if you are fine with it (hide features behind paywalls).
Sacr0 wrote:
speaking as someone who got plenty of premium stash tabs.
this is the first time ever GGG has released ingame-content that is not available for free. I don't care if this content is a available for a few cents or 20€. I just don't like direction this seems to go...

Are there any plans to release future content that you actually have to pay for? I like to support this game and i mostly did because it is free and i wanted to give something back(GGG is doing an excellent job). Now if i am forced to pay for content in the future, i don't think i am willing to keep supporting this.

Pretty much this.

People have their own reasons for spending money on other things instead of stash tabs. People also have their reasons why they dont want to spend money at all. If the game is heading in this sort of direction, and it is VERY VERY early to even begin to think this, then this will turn off everyone...whether you're a so called "free loader" or someone who has spend a few hundred to a few thousand.

Claiohm1708 wrote:
I'm excited about these trade changes. I have chosen to not be active in trading because of how cumbersome it was. With these changes I might have to rectify that.

Its still going to be as cumbersome. The only alleviation is that you will be able to tell if someone is online/offline (which is indeed huge) and you no longer have to list anything in a forum. You still need to use a 3rd party tool or website.

My question is...why do they keep dancing around the fact that an in-game gui would look much better for the game than having to alt-tab out. If I told my buddies "yeah, there is trading!! Its great, all you have to do is alt-tab to a website, etc, etc, etc"...they will laugh. It makes no sense. Theres no viable reason not to do this themselves in game. Not even an AH, but some in-game gui to take care of this. Why leave it up to websites that may or may not be around in 1-2 yrs, or may have infrastructure issues unable to handle the load of it yourselves GGG. Stop cheesing your way through this. Do it properly.
Last edited by cesmode#5569 on Mar 1, 2016, 10:27:24 AM
Thank you so much GGG
this is so good for players and for ggg. many many players will buy more premium tabs and i hope with this money we will see more content as soon as possible :)
ign : GraveyardPrincess
True //, GGG.
LytaSheridan wrote:
iluvathar wrote:
I think this is the most ungrateful and QQfull community I've ever seen, and I've seen many...

This game SHOULD BE PAY TO PLAY considering its quality, content and constant improvements and so much more. Still, it's free to play, definitely NOT P2W, and ppl complain?
I'm outraged as it is, I can only imagine what GGG staff members feel after putting so much effort in always listening to the community and trying (and many times succeeding) to satisfy everyone. This was one of the improvements most of you yourselves asked for!

Great Work GGG, best f2p (including p2w) game in the history of gaming!

100% agree.

looking for the tumbs up ... can t find :-)

AND stop complaining abour AH. If you guys really would follow interviews and stuff about it you would know why they don t do it !!!!
Last edited by Tartaros38#1487 on Mar 1, 2016, 10:34:38 AM
Thing is that GGG gave us so much cool shit, now that they do this to increaae their income 80% of the comunity is being a total asshat about it, no, i haven't spend a nickel in this game, do premiun stash ruin the game experience? Fuck no, this new thing will ruin the game for me? No, cause you know? This game is a hoby for me.
If you really want a 100% f2p PoE ask GGG for the files and go make a private server and then tell me how things go.
pay to win

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