ZiggyD Reveals the Scion Ascendancy Class: The Ascendant

On another note, playing a new scion will suck ass. Why? Because in the first difficulty, you only get a passive point and some stats while all other classes gets something really cool. I know it's not possible to limit you to 2 ascendancies without having a 3 point travel time, but still.
Also, why have it be 5 points to get another starting position? Making it 4 points and allowing us to get another passive point would be way cooler!
EDIT: Oh, nvm. They already get one, hard to see though!
Last edited by LankeOnLuck Yesterday, 2016 11:26 AM
Last edited by LankeOnLuck#0936 on Feb 26, 2016, 9:37:00 AM
Please explain to me why this specific subclass has been presented by ZiggyD. I want to remind you that not all people are ZiggyD fanboys and do not see him as the mouthpiece and representative of the PoE community. If people like him that is absolutely fine, i respect that and congratulate him on his success may he have millions of followers. However, I dont want to have his content shoved up my passage, unless he is a part of the GGG crew. Consequently, I want to see this Video posted and presented by GGG and not some random Outback Wombat.

Thank you

Best regards
Floater wrote:
Please explain to me why this specific subclass has been presented by ZiggyD. I want to remind you that not all people are ZiggyD fanboys and do not see him as the mouthpiece and representative of the PoE community. If people like him that is absolutely fine, i respect that and congratulate him on his success may he have millions of followers. However, I dont want to have his content shoved up my passage, unless he is a part of the GGG crew. Consequently, I want to see this Video posted and presented by GGG and not some random Outback Wombat.

Thank you

Best regards

Couldn't agree more.

Shival wrote:
@GGG: can we get the promo page updated with all recently released data? I was "forced" to watch ZiggyD's video but i don't want to look at it more

You know how marketing deals work? They give hm a period of exclusivity, so people have to watch his video, thus increasing his popularity. On the other hand, he makes poe more popular with his videos (or maybe he even agreed on making some videos that GGG want for indirect promo purposes).

Thats why always a few days pass before the info becomes avalaible on the official page, lol.
The only bad thing is that ZiggyD didnt made a single, coherent picture of all the major nodes, lazy bastard.

i completely understand it. But i don't like it regardless.
and yes, i acutally liked the regular articles to back up the video preview made by GGG. Articles actually contained static pictures.

Right now the video have 65k views, good videos of his has like 120k on average. I thought that this click bait would draw more attention.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
well.. I guess I'm leveling a scion, then
Floater wrote:
Please explain to me why this specific subclass has been presented by ZiggyD. I want to remind you that not all people are ZiggyD fanboys and do not see him as the mouthpiece and representative of the PoE community. If people like him that is absolutely fine, i respect that and congratulate him on his success may he have millions of followers. However, I dont want to have his content shoved up my passage, unless he is a part of the GGG crew. Consequently, I want to see this Video posted and presented by GGG and not some random Outback Wombat.

Thank you

Best regards

dat wombat doe
I love the possibilities of Scion: The Ascendant. I like the idea of Scion starting from the middle of the passive skill tree in the first place, I thought it was a fabulous 'price' to unlock her on the first playthrough and all. I was a hyped 'Path of Scion' fan.

Since then I've kinda moved to playing different Cyclone builds and other generic and pretty simple builds. Duelist Cyclone with Bor, Templar Cyclone with BM, Marauder Cyclone with Soul Taker and so on, which kinda made me dull and I noticed playing waaaaay less and less.

But now I think that I can start living the Scion-life again, playing with fewer characters. I prefer one high lvl char that I can turn into whatever I want after a passive reset or when I feel like respeccing, rather than building a ton of toons so I'm very happy with this update.

Oh, and my birthday is on March the 4th, so thanks in advance GGG for this great coincidental birthday gift <3
Dudes need their beauty sleep too
Wow. I can only imagine the kind of builds people come up with now, so many options.
Eschor wrote:
Ok, here is my thuoght process regarding this...

First thought: Oh, my god. that is totally insane
Second thought: Well, not really. You are much better off playing the original class, as the stats are much much better there
Third thought (after watching Ziggy play around this and explaining some things): This is insane for elemental attack builds. Because you can get ALL Damage is guaranteed to chill, shock and ignite by taking the elementalis node. Which is exactly what Ziggy did and it was crazy, especially when combined with the other ascendancy node from the marauder (Chieftain).

in most cases another class will be better, but there are really some interesting possibilities with the scion.

Regarding your third point, did you miss the point that getting "ALL damage guaranteed to chill, shock, and ignite" only applies for 4 seconds after killing a rare or unique enemy and not in general?

If you want it to apply more generally, you need to play the Witch Elementalist that has a 20% chance of activating in on any kill, not the Scion's bastard version of it that provides it 100% of the time upon killing the rarest enemies in the game.

My experience is that by the time rare and unique enemies die, just about every other enemy in the vicinity is already dead, so I have a hard time seeing what's so great about the Scion's Elementalist specialization. Yes, 5% elemental penetration, taking 4% less elemental damage, and 30% increased damage if you use the right type of golem is useful, of course, but it is hardly something game-changing and considering the opportunity cost it looks rather terrible to me.
Last edited by Pi2rEpsilon#4367 on Feb 26, 2016, 10:40:40 AM
not balance , disappointed.

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