Ascendancy Enchantments

Is it just me or do all the new sub-classes/enchants/gear/etc feel super op? Not complaining, I just hope things were balanced properly. Once the general public starts messing around with all the new stuff some crazy builds are going to pop up.
As a summoner if these arnt triggered by summons for th e on kill and whatnots then I will be sorely be disappointed and wondering how to make use of most of them but kudos to ggg for continueing to innovate their wonderful game
Last edited by Prebornfetus#2771 on Feb 23, 2016, 10:46:07 PM
The helmet enchants work on Vaal Skills or am I mistaken? So they do not literally work on only one skill. ;) Another thing I am wondering about is the balance of builds being focused on one single skill and other builds being able to use a variety of different skills. Drawing from a bigger pool would increase the chances to get a good enchant drastically. It occured to me when I noticed the arctic armor enchant and for the first time considered that there may be aura enchants. Aura bots run most auras and have a really big pool of active skills that are used by them. Even considering that reservation and aura radius will do very little good in a setup that stacks these bonuses allready (no matter how much reservation reduction you get in the best case the one aura it applies to is free. Aura effect on the other hand might multiply an aura beyond what is possible today. Additional effects could do anything) But still after eliminating the cases where the enchant applies but does nothing there will probably be a bigger pool left compared to most builds.
I personally like it because traps are well know to bypass a great number of defenses. And many aura characters use many layers of defenses to compensate for their reserved life. I am wondering if it was intended and if it is possible to survive the maze with reserved life. I personally expect to fall over when the bleeding things hit me once. Bleed seems entirely unimpressed by armor and traps cannot be blocked. Hope the enchants are worth it. And please do not use any traps that deal damage based on max health. I have caped damage reduction against anything (overcaped against elemental). But some damage (looking at phys/bleed there and other damage types being converted to chaos in the rare cases that happens) does not care about my character sheet saying 90% damage reduction (or 75% for the chaos situation).

tl.dr: A few auras that get something that is not reservation or radius, please. Are the enchants balanced for the fact that some builds are one button spams while aurabots cannot fit everything in the bar? Are we forced to use mobility skills and huge amounts of life to get through the maze or is it possible with proper planning to get through the traps without getting hit? (not saying that I can do that. I will try 50 times and figure it out that way if possible)
Sorry for the long post. In the unlikely event of a short post. There sure is something I should feel sorry about anyway.
Prebornfetus wrote:
As a summoner if these arnt triggered by summons for th e on kill and whatnots then I will be sorely be disappointed and wondering how to make use of most of them but kudos to ggg for continueing to innovate their wonderful game

They will be patched to work with Minions/Totems sometime real soon according to Rory. (I hope that includes the Ascendancy on-kill buffs as well.)
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
>on-kill SRS

Yessssss. I tried to work that into my scythe cleave witch ages ago, but it sacrificed too much dps to be worth the novelty. Having it as a glove enchant instead will be PERFECT.
Last edited by johndrake666#4215 on Feb 24, 2016, 12:00:32 AM
So uniques items(helmets) will gain some value again. PERFECT. Now only what is missing is auction house to sell enchanted uniques.
Bex_GGG wrote:

You can't add an enchantment to a corrupted item.

Is this the official stance on it as of now Bex?

I'm only asking because in two prior questions of this one was implied that corrupted item implicits would be changed by enchantments and the other one directly said corruption implicits on corrupted items will be over-written by the enchantment from the labyrinth.
300 skill enchants... I guess that we are not gonna have the full list and we will have to discover them xD

Oh Chris... you will probably laugh at everyone getting the same enchant 6 times in a row the first day... (and it will probably be 6 copies of blink arrow cooldown XD)
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.
If there are 300+ enchant possibilities for helms I think GGG really needs to narrow the rng range. Maybe let us choose str, dex, or int gem for the enchantment? (even then, that's still probably too high). It's extremely trade centric.

By the time players get an enchantment for the skill they're using on the helmet they're using, the league is going to be over. And/or the meta is going to change, there'll be a passive reset, and the player will be using a different skill/helm.

The socket/fusing/chromatic system is already acting as a barrier hindering gear progression for new players. Such high RNG on helm enchantments is going to prevent any further gear progression in that slot entirely if/when someone manages to get one that buffs their primary skill.

Scarcity/grind is a really poor way to mitigate power creep. Easiness spirals out of control for wealthy players/ good traders, compounds, and gets leveraged for more wealth/power.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Feb 24, 2016, 12:39:01 AM

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