2016 If your goal is Brood Twine How will you achieve it Starting from scratch on Standard

No absolutely not.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
No absolutely not.

seems like that 100+ exalts will put a lot of dent in time, unless really really lucky.
... I had hoped to farm some gloves with uber but given my luck with hope fragments.. I gave up to rely on more tangible incremental means.
Domine Non Es Dignus
Last edited by Zinja on Jan 18, 2016, 2:08:43 PM
The back-door way to wealth is to find something that wealthy people are willing to pay for but are too lazy to get for themselves. I'd bet if you 9-5ed it, selling mid-tier maps wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Shagsbeard wrote:
The back-door way to wealth is to find something that wealthy people are willing to pay for but are too lazy to get for themselves. I'd bet if you 9-5ed it, selling mid-tier maps wouldn't be a bad way to go.

Seems like a very viable plan. will give me all the spare currency/change i need to sustain those mid-tier maps and let me gain some exp/ levels on character/ gems.
Domine Non Es Dignus
I would probably farming dried lake until I have enough brittle emperors so I can buy what I want. Once card is about 2 ex and I expect one card to drop per year.
I will look at it as a long term goal.
Zinja wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
The back-door way to wealth is to find something that wealthy people are willing to pay for but are too lazy to get for themselves. I'd bet if you 9-5ed it, selling mid-tier maps wouldn't be a bad way to go.

Seems like a very viable plan. will give me all the spare currency/change i need to sustain those mid-tier maps and let me gain some exp/ levels on character/ gems.

Oh what I really meant was the ladder standard league (I guess HC works too if your good at it) in my previous post that you responded too.

Let me go over how you exactly become "rich" in the only method left in PoE. (Without straight out scamming people/scumbag tactics or being in a guild collaborating how to get richer all day in a video game)

How to no life PoE ladder for the 1st month:

1. Much like the racers be one of the very few to finish the game first and start mapping. When you get to dried like merc before anyone else, you will get more currency when it is the most valuable. Giving you huge purchasing power relative to the time to acquire such orbs. You can finish your build or buy certain builds much cheaper relative to time at this point, or sell certain items much higher relative to what they cost in the league.

Examples -
Tabula Rasa is like 1ex for the first week or two of the game but drastically drop down as the league goes.
Binos/Maligaros gloves/Rat's nest/Ect are worth half or less of what they cost later down the league.
Mirrors can cost under 40 exalts the 1st month of the league, giving you a relatively cheap mirror in comparison of what they cost in standard.

2. Because you get to maps first or farming dried lake before anyone else, you get to sell people leveling shit/unquies by the truckhaul since everyone is looking for upgrades to smoothly progress.

Examples -
Many basic leveling items and unquies people will commonly buy but be left unsold for dirt cheap prices as the league progresses since they'll be able to farm it themselves.

3. Master crafting services or ladder related services in general. This is a big one since you will obtain ridiculously amounts of currency if you are the first few people to offer azitri runs/master 8 crafting/ladder related challenges. Of course as the league ends it becomes more nad more unprofitable.

Example -
In this league people are offering twinned challenges for 20c per t15 portal. If you can do this, yourself you literally make 20c per extra person on a t15 map you would normally do yourself for free anyway. Instant free 1ex worth of chaos for doing nothing different but for a harder map.

People will also pay 5c+ for trustworthy master crafts, you are paid a ton of money (upwards to like an exalt sometimes for the t8 crafts early on) just because you can craft it first.

4. Currency flipping and cross league flipping. This is obvious since value of currency will drastically change as the league goes along, invest correctly and you can easily come out ahead and grow your money. Cross league flipping would be stuff much cheaper on the ladder but you can sell much higher in standard, this matters to you since you want mirror gear on standard allowing you to do this.

Example -
Buy up divine orbs for 8c apiece and sell them later when they hit 14-16 chaos later in the league.

You can flip harder than anyone else since you actually would have large amounts of money compared to other people. It snowballs since it doesn't matter if you can flip the maligaro's glove for 1ex to 2ex (wow why wouldn't anyone else instant buy) later on the league since nobody else actually has a exalt but you.

5. You will quickly sell any mid-tier/high tier shit very quickly because you are the only one in the market with it and always online. This would require a vast knowledge of what is desirable for a large variety of builds to max your profit. Note: Be mindful of trends/fotm/patches that make stuff shoot up in price, you can easily cash in on this if you get to it first.

Example - Mid tier maps or higher cost alot and very easily to sell
Any good rares higher then 5c would be instantly sold since people need it, but very hard to sell later on.
Vagan daggers costed a billion chaos earlier but, a bit cheaper now but people where going around buying up all of the vagan daggers and reselling them up to 50c or higher.

6. Farming poexyz for craftables that will sell higher after crafting, alot of people offload their shit without checking affixes. This is rarer but can strike you rich depending how strong your crafting game is.
Last edited by RagnarokChu on Jan 18, 2016, 4:40:48 PM
wow definitely a lot of useful information there. That'd be the way to go to get one in a month if you are really able to no life it without wasting any time from when a league starts.
Domine Non Es Dignus
Why bother, by the next expansion there will be another something something harbinger, so why not just play with what you got now?
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StDrakeX wrote:
Why bother, by the next expansion there will be another something something harbinger, so why not just play with what you got now?

because , reasons ....
the dps , clear speed doesn't hurt.
Domine Non Es Dignus
Dont its not worth it. Glyph mark is slightly worse and costs 100 exalts + less than a brood twine.
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