2016 If your goal is Brood Twine How will you achieve it Starting from scratch on Standard

You will have a 90x character fully geared.
about 4-5 exalts worth of currency.
How will you build up capital and make money on standard. and slowly chip away towards your goal.
Domine Non Es Dignus
Starting from scratch? That's fucking insane like you would need a huge amount of currency to flip like basically that's the only way to make money within that league from a core standard friend told me because there's so much fucking shit in the economy that it's hard to sell because they either have it or someone is undercutting you as is.

The amount of shit that you need to go through is pretty nuts and I would not suggest that in addition having mirror shit is overkill I mean I guess it's fine if it's a true goal to you but it's not necessary.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I just want a head hunter. +1 endurance charge preferably.
Sure, the lab can be hard, but it's pretty easy if you're properly geared, and not terrible at the game.
You need better goals.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Type "brood twine" in xyz every day and wait for a 1 chaos rare to pop up.

ez peezy.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
If that was my goal I'd take those 4-5ex and start flipping operations. Items with frequent checking of poe.trade and currency by always having a WTB orbs for chaos and later sell those orbs exalts up on mainboard.

It's the only way I ever made any money in this game anyway. found 3 exalts and dont MF.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jan 17, 2016, 9:34:34 PM
Starting from scratch? That's fucking insane like you would need a huge amount of currency to flip like basically that's the only way to make money within that league from a core standard friend told me because there's so much fucking shit in the economy that it's hard to sell because they either have it or someone is undercutting you as is.

The amount of shit that you need to go through is pretty nuts and I would not suggest that in addition having mirror shit is overkill I mean I guess it's fine if it's a true goal to you but it's not necessary.

That is basically the reason i started playing in the temp leagues, because stuff gets sold and its easier to make currency and get gear upgrades. playing a range in this talisman league Iv'e found that balance between skill and having some semblance of control over how i deal with the content. I have cleared deathless all map tiers some high quant map mods till tier 14.

I used to love playing melee characters but dying 1 shot to village ruin bosses and the like just because of some ping / lag spike ... just made me feel helpless in being able to deal with a majority of the game content.

With ranged build , even if it takes time i can pace myself and slowly kite and clear most of the content.

Talisman is the first league where i started doing Atziri ( got burned as well 135 runs and no hope drop) and gained the confidence with the mechanics playing this ranged character.

So in essence this build and play style has given me the pleasure and confidence to enjoy most of the content this game has to offer.

True Goal - I would like to believe this is possible on standard league...
A lot of the temp league , new players just dont bother with end game goals and keep hitting up the new league.
when the league ends they have a decently geared high leveled character - ready to take the next step in working towards the upper echelons of good gear - But the standard league being standard league posts a huge , overwhelming , challenge just because of the fucked up economy ...
Domine Non Es Dignus
I don't know what a brood twine is, and I don't want to use the forum search system.

Can someone pander to my overt laziness and clue me in?

== Officially Retired 27/02/2019 ==

Massive thanks to GGG for producing such a fun and engaging game, it has taken up faaaaaaar too much of my life over the last 5 years.

Best of luck in the future!
I don't know what a brood twine is, and I don't want to use the forum search system.

Can someone pander to my overt laziness and clue me in?


I don't know either.
Could someone enlighten us?
It's a mirror worthy harbinger.

I expect chocolates from you lazy mofo's now though.(preferably filled with scotch)


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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