Why is a better way to trade that difficult?

goetzjam wrote:
400 PDPS Harbingers go for alot more then 10 exalts on Talisman HC and good 6 Links go for more than 10.

This whole emphasis on trade/hardcore/etc. is the single reason why the RMT economy is thriving and why botting, maphacking, and other sorts of things are quite popular among many top players.

And if you don't think cheating among top players isn't prevalent, well, do realize that there's a reason why some people didn't stream when they were competing for prizes.

What the hell does crit bows have to do with anything, good rolled bows have always been expensive, in terms of more then 10ex for a good rolled 6 link, you can just buy the high ilevel cards and craft a bow if you want. Regardless thats 1 weapon type, among the many different playstyles in PoE that seems to be "expensive". I don't think people that have issues with trading are looking at making a build that requires that much wealth.

The whole reason of making the game the way it is wasn't to appeal to the masses, it was to appeal to a more niche market and playerbase. In terms of RMT, its been there since day 1 of open beta, especially for people that play in the perm leagues, because money invested then nets better items to play with. In terms of maphacking, they have made improvements to that and almost all races now are revealed\fixed to make that less of an issue. In terms of botting, they do get banned from time to time, its something that GGG can only attempt to really combat, but its a F2P game so anyone can create accounts to try and bot with. "other sort of things"

I don't understand your fascination with RMT in a game like this, it happens across the board for any game that requires grind, someone's real life time is always worth more then money it takes to simply bypass the time and play the powerful builds.

Cheating\RMT is going to happen in any game like this, GGG can only combat it with whatever steps they putforth, they however cannot stop it completely without removing key elements of the game. If there was no trading at all and everything was account bound like in D3, then RMT in terms of items wouldn't be an issue, however even then people STILL botted and likely still do in D3 simply to grind rifts for keys or XP. Unless your suggesting that PoE move to an account bound style loot system, which I don't think you are I don't understand your points here.

In terms of people not streaming when going for things, when 2.0 hit and GGG had a prize for first merciless malachai kill, the guy that won in HC was streaming.

In terms of ladder\cheating, what does this ultimately have to do with trading in PoE, as far as I'm concerned it has a relatively low effect on my gameplay and builds, currently and in the past, perhaps you can go into more detail on how its relevant to this discussion and less about ranting that others, cheating or not have more then you do.

A. I like how you have a moving goal post argument about how not all items are more than 10 exalts and then you back track and say good 6 links and good crit bows suddenly cost more. Nice job. Also, nicely rolled daggers, wands, and upper end 2H/1H weapons will cost you far more than 10 exalts on Talisman HC, as well as a few other good rolled armors that are 6 linked. This idea that everything is dirt cheap in temp leagues is preposterous.

In terms of interacting with a stash, I like it, in terms of automation, I don't. However, I think if implemented properly could help address some concerns people have with trade, but I still have to ask why the hell people think trading is so bad when almost any item in the game is under 10ex in temp leagues. A few more niche uniques are more.

B. The trade focus economy heavily encourages RMTing/cheating. You take away the trade focus and people stop cheating. Simple as that. There's botting that goes on in D3, sure, but not to the same extent as Path of Exile where it is far more lucrative to do so.

C. RMTing is actually far more rampant in temporary leagues than standard leagues, may want to do actual research first.

D. RMTing and botting heavily affect the economy, do the math.
Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Jan 11, 2016, 5:51:28 PM
allbusiness wrote:

A. I like how you have a moving goal post argument about how not all items are more than 10 exalts and then you back track and say good 6 links and good crit bows suddenly cost more. Nice job. Also, nicely rolled daggers, wands, and upper end 2H/1H weapons will cost you far more than 10 exalts on Talisman HC, as well as a few other good rolled armors that are 6 linked. This idea that everything is dirt cheap in temp leagues is preposterous.

In terms of interacting with a stash, I like it, in terms of automation, I don't. However, I think if implemented properly could help address some concerns people have with trade, but I still have to ask why the hell people think trading is so bad when almost any item in the game is under 10ex in temp leagues. A few more niche uniques are more.

B. The trade focus economy heavily encourages RMTing/cheating. You take away the trade focus and people stop cheating. Simple as that. There's botting that goes on in D3, sure, but not to the same extent as Path of Exile where it is far more lucrative to do so.

C. RMTing is actually far more rampant in temporary leagues than standard leagues, may want to do actual research first.

D. RMTing and botting heavily affect the economy, do the math.

A) I literally had in the unedited or original post that MOST items are under 10ex, a number of 6 links can be had for cheaper, but whatever if you can't get past that part then your oblivious to the thing and its pointless to continue to discuss with you. Not EVERYTHING in temp leagues is dirt cheap, but in order to get most builds started it most defiantly is, especially when you compare previous league prices to the current league prices.

B) People will cheat no matter what, by your logic GGG should have not done a race to kill malachia in merciless on 2.0 because it actually gave financial incentive to cheat. In terms of trade focus economy its literally one of poe's strongest game design aspects, even if they do fail to support it without the use of 3rd party tools. Following your logic PoE should follow D3's step and make everything account bound because it encourages people to cheat less, that doesn't actually indicate the design of D3 after the change is better only that it nets less of a reason to cheat. Part of an ARPG is sharing and trading your loot for things that work better for you, Blizzard couldn't capitalize on making money off trading anymore, so they stopped it.

C) What the fuck does RMT being more rampant in temp leagues then standard have to do with any of this. Unless you somehow are trying to advocate that climbing the ladder is a large aspect of the game and should be more heavily policed I don't even know why you bother to mention this. Perhaps you should make your point clear because you haven't so far.

D) So it effects the economy, negatively sure, does it make it so bad where the only option or the best option is to make items either account bound or add in an ez automated way to trade, no. Please think logically before you respond because your points are rather all over the place and heavily misguided.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Mmmmm yeah you actually don't even know how rampant cheating is.

Hint : Havoc didn't stream Invasion for a reason.

Yes, cheating is extremely rampant, and most of the Exalt economy is centered around this. Botters produce such an insane amount of Exalts which thus heavily inflates the price of every item especially towards the end of the league. There's a reason why standard is fucking awful when it comes to economy, and that's because botting has fucked that league hard.

And what is this nonsense about my logic being all over the place? It's pretty simple. If Blizzard can't even police it, what makes you think on any planet that GGG can police botting/RMT/etc. especially when the game is so extremely conducive to it. Yes people cheat at any game, but there are a whole lot more people cheating in Path of Exile then there are cheating in Marvel fucking Heroes. The only other option is to just redesign your game from the ground up to prevent cheating. It's funny because Chris makes tons of decisions in order to deter RMT and botting, and yet he refuses to budge on this whole focus on trade. If he and GGG actually did, suddenly no one would bitch. Why? Because most people would be having too much fun actually playing the game.

Trade focused design is the strongest aspect of the game. Good one. No other modern MMOish type of game has a trade focused game (other than Eve, and they are already moving away from that), and for very good reasons. One of the biggest is that it is just asking Chinese botters to show up and ruin your game. See every trade focused game like ever past World of Warcraft. They hardly ever last. Why do you think Diablo 3 did what they did? For shits and giggles? To appease the AH haters? No, it's because they realized that focusing item balance and drop rates around trade is basically the worst idea ever.

Again, if you can't understand such simple concepts maybe you should stop riding the Chris Wilson is always right train. Because he's not. Because many of us called him out on his stupidity for sticking to predictive netcode when almost every other Isometric game/RTS/MOBA/etc. uses deterministic for almost everything. He stuck to his guns till he realized what a colossal fuck up predictive netcode was, and that was only after thousands of players were basically leaving the game by the masses. Then he was like "Oh shit, probably should do something about this."
Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Jan 12, 2016, 6:21:00 AM

Good idea.

I like it.
allbusiness wrote:
Mmmmm yeah you actually don't even know how rampant cheating is.
Hint : Havoc didn't stream Invasion for a reason.
You sure seem to know a lot about cheating. And I haven't seen you streaming. So the only possible conclusion is that you are one of the rampant cheaters.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com
mark1030 wrote:
allbusiness wrote:
Mmmmm yeah you actually don't even know how rampant cheating is.
Hint : Havoc didn't stream Invasion for a reason.
You sure seem to know a lot about cheating. And I haven't seen you streaming. So the only possible conclusion is that you are one of the rampant cheaters.

Would explain why he seems to "know so much" about it.

To me though @allbusiness seems to hate the design of the game so heavily, let me ask you, why do you bother posting here at all? Please explain what your goal is rather then just saying everything is shit and Chris and the whole game design is wrong?

Do you want some sort of account bound system added into poe, with adjusted drop rates? Just self found or something? Offline client (lol won't happen until GGG throws in the towel and releases the code)

Whats your goal if your so opposed to the basic principles and designs this game is based around.

In regards to desync\netcode\ect. Far different time, I play on lockstep, but my ping is ~30, I rarely experienced desync issues, but I avoided skills like cyclone and whirling blades. To me its great they added lockstep because I hear far less issues regarding that, but to say they were wrong in this aspect therefore they are wrong on all others is a laughable statement, one that I can't even respond to, except to mention it in words so others can read how "stupid" it looks.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.

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