[2.6] TankyTwirl - PhysSpell CoC Cyclone
Thanks for the answer :) I was planning on going either discharger or phys spell, might go phys, easier to work it out with grap gear, and I can respec later into discharger if I want to, the trees are similar ^^
Too bad Trypanon was Perandus only, that made made lvling as CoC so much easier >< |
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" Sorry man I was on mobile and didn't read the Leech part, still flask are always up (talking about maps not uber) therefore Path have 1 gem slot for free. I tried the trickster version with a very similar equip of my pathfinder, the ES/EV and attack spped are higher but I think the OP part of the pathfinder is the 75/70+- block with very little investment (Rumi+Rathpith+Rainbow), I noticed when I jump to a new pack there is a moment where I take damage with the Trickster before the bladefall hits while with the pathfinder you are rocksolid! It's like +40/70 block in exchange of 1.5k ES (shield+ascendancy). You were right about poison, damage is still nuts xD Thanks for keeping up the thread^^ |
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hello, i whant to ask u why u dont get Pain Attunment on CI ?
1 Hp is not low life ?? |
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" CI is 1 of 1 Life = allways full Life. Low Life is under 33% of your Life, which is impossible if you only have 1 Life. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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Hey what do you think for this new chest for a CI build ? It was just released and I am really interested in your opinion in it. In my eyes it fits the build perfectly. ![]() | |
Its pretty nice but will be even more of a hell to get the socket colours than a Shavs.
Also you will lose a ton of Evasion if you use this over a Rare Hybrid Armour. The ES is nothing you can´t get on a Hybrid Chest and the ES recovery mod does nothing as we leech with Vaal Pact 99% of all time. The Spelldamage and AoE is nice. So if you magicaly roll 4G1R1B on a Vaal Regalia Base, ye its nice. To compensate for the lost EV you could use a ES/EV shield, those tend to sell very cheap. But i would not bother spending 1000s of Chromes just to use this chest. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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how would you link BV for the leveling part?
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" BV-added Cold/Lightning - inc. Crit Strikes Add Spell Echo when you get it. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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So far doing great, started Cocing at lvl 40, and now at lvl 42, ai got 58% crit chance on cyclone without charges.
Went early for the first dagger nodes and I'm running Blasfemy+Assassin Mark (was using Warlor's but don't really need it now) + hatred as aura. Current gear:
Current tree:
Last edited by spetakju#0294 on Jun 4, 2016, 12:16:25 AM
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Leveling Blog for Prophecy
I´ll edit updates in this posting when i level up some more so i don´t spam bump the Thread with updates. Some update on my Prophecy Progess: Currently lvl 48, started cocing at 43. Got pretty lucky with a "Drop a Unique Prophecy" and got Maligaros, guild mate found a 5L for me that i´ll start using at lvlv 49. Current Gear:
Using 2 Daggers because i can´t find any shield with any usefull mod or at least usefull sockets .. Using Hatred + WM as Auras atm. If you are intrested in reading about my progress you can book mark this link to find this posting in the Thread. Update Level 59 atm. I am really so sick of leveling, PoE needs something new to level soon. Current Gear:
Hybrid atm with like 3k something ehp. I am really to lazy to care much about my gear atm, just slogging through to Merc Lake and then i´ll take care of my Gear. Got to say that i propably won´t do this build as first 1 next league. I mentioned it before, but to me its just frustrating going from a lvl 90+ Char from last League to the same char as leveling char, everything feels so bad. Guess it would be better for me to start with some boring build and build currency and then start this one again jsut to get myself exited for it... Hope everyone else is having more fun! Update LvL 75 atm. I am a Idiot. All the Problems i had while leveling were cause by low Accuracy. If you don´t have a Vagan Dagger, get a Accuracy roll on some piece of Gear. Got a Vagan Dagger now and upgraded most of my Gear, everything is fine and i am having a blast again! Switched to CI at lvl 70 after i did Merc Lab. Lab seems to be alot better as ES build now with the changes to Trap damage calculations. Stibnite Flasks are Beast, use them. Long duration, high charges, usefull effect. The upgraded Crown of Thorns is a pretty nice stand in until i can get a Vertex. New Crit Sounds are really loud/noisy sometimes, its a bit irritating and sounds like a bug. Current Gear:
Current lvl 75 CI Trickster Tree Update Level 84 atm. Will play to 90 and then try a new build idea that i have in mind. Don´t think that i´ll try to push Uber early as its not worth the investment in SC anyway and we have a BF miner in the guild. Maybe i´ll do that later after the new build idea fails ;) As expected it strong af again, ripping through everything. Did the Endgame Lab after getting all the Trials with the help of my amazing Guild Mates and Global 820. If you want to have a look at the Endgame Lab check out this Video: https://youtu.be/Q5_EMU4vIww Gear was a 5L, Maligaros and lvl 18 Bladefall in the Video. Got Spells to lvl 19. Also did Lots of trading. Decided that i´ll try to get a 6L, got frustrated with not getting one, bought Chains that Bind Cards for nearly all my Cs. Got reckt by cards, got a lvl 50ish AR/EV Base. Got a lucky Alc on it for T1 Life + Dual Res. Tried to trade it in for a EV/ES base for around 4h. Found someone that traded it for a white 6L Cryparmour ilvl 69, pretty bad trade for me but at least i had a 6L with ES. Rolled it with near all my alts and got this: Less ES then my 5L but hey its a 6L right? After i lost the pressure to get a 6L somehow i felt better. Sold some pretty GG Diamond Rings i got from corrupting a mirrired Jewlerbox. Used that Chaos to buy a 600 ES Sadis Garb, to try and 6L that during the League with all my fusings. 100 Jews and 20Fus later i got. So ye for now i am unsure if i should sell it or roll over the 5L. Also switched Gloves to Facebreakers, the Crit Multi is great! Still need to test how much less Damage and more ES Voidbringers would be. Current Gear
Current Tree Update Level 88 was a bit lazy with mapping, started a new character wasted lots of time on prophecys but having fun. Switched lots of gear, i just like to gear up Chars. Current Gear
Will change Maligaros to Voidbringes when i get my Gems to Q20. Next goal is to 6L this thing: or roll my current chest better, then maybe look into getting a better dagger. Update: Got to lvl 90 and all Gems to 20, flipped or corrupted most of them. Did not get 21 on any :-/ I will do Endgame Lab a bit and grind the 100 Atziris with a Buddy. (so we only need 50 Sets each) Still don´t have a better Chest. Want to switch to Voidbringer but its hard to get my 3G1R Sockets on anything, maybe i´ll try to play without the Flicker or just stick with Maligaros/FB. Bought a Slow Dagger to try that a bit more, as i feel a slow, high base crit base might be better overall, but not really sure. Maybe need to get one in Standard and test this on Uber there. Current Gear + Tree
Lvl 90 Trickster Tree - lvl 2 Enlighten + Vertex Update: Just switched some Gear, nothing Major, was busy leveling other builds i wanted to try. Current Gear:
Had to switch out the Flicker, still not used to it but i guess its better if i try to learn to play without it :-/ 3G1R to hard. Got 2G2R Voidbringers while rolling for it if anyone needs them just contact me ^^ Current Builds: All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Jun 23, 2016, 8:37:30 PM
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