[2.6] TankyTwirl - PhysSpell CoC Cyclone
There are 2 sides of this: 1. I don´t think that conc with one spell would be better, EK has nearly the same damage as bladefall so using it is something like a "70-80% more" damage 2. Conc Effect has a pretty high mana multiplier (140%) that also affects Cyclone. I don´t think you can sustain the mana cost with conc in the link especialy on singletarget where you get less mana leech and less mana on hit. Overall i don´t think its worth it. If we talk about really tough singletargets and you really don´t like using 2 spells i´d suggest trying Bladefall + Poison support. we get some decent chaos scaling and proc really fast so that should be a nice boost on singletargets that survive long enough. It also has a smaller mana multi, only 125% Hypothermia or added Fire could also work if you really don´t want to use 2 Spells. Btw: I don´t know if you mistunderstood my first answer, If you like Bladefall + Bladevortex go for it! It can clear well and has nice singletarget, i just don´t think its better then EK overall, but it for sure viable! Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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Thoughts on using BV + PCoC + CoH + Warlord's mark instead of Blasphemy to free up some passives invested into aura reservation, or is the radius too low when using EK?
Also, how's the actual evasion rating? |
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" Ok that idea was really interesting indeed. I tried it just now and also flipped my BV to 20q for more AoE on it. The Problem isn´t as mcuh the AoE as it is the duration. As we can´t link inc. Duration to BV in this setup it gets really annoying to recast them. If you use them for powercharges its ok to not have them up sometimes, because we have 14 seconds charge duration anyway and just need 1 crit to refresh for another 14 seconds. Using it for Warlords you need to cast the BV alot more often and its alot worse to not have it up. If only i could get a item that had... supported by inc. duration... or curse on hit.. or grants warlords mark... It still is a Option that lets you run a Purity instead if you need to cap restiances with it and i will use that if i get around to try Uber to run a Purity of Fire. Overall conclusion: It does work but is a pretty major qol downgrade, useable if you need a Purity for really tough fights. Maybe also viable to run all the time if you get used to it. @ Evasion: Its 2062 EV = 20% chance to evade, nothing to write home about, i think my 28% blockchance contributes more to my defense. Current Builds: All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Dec 28, 2015, 4:21:30 AM
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If only there was a Cast on Crit build variation, that generated its own power charges, while delivering noticeably higher damage out-put, while also being able to sustain increased aoe or conc effect gem. While also having Acrobatics. While also having been out there for over a year and a half.
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" Ye i played one of this in the last Warbands, Flashback and have a perfect geared one on Standard that i played during Darkshrines. I can still enjoy playing this Version a lot. unbelievable isn´t it? Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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" could you maybe give an example what build you are talking about? |
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Cyclone+CoC+Discharge+Vortex+Leech+Increased aoe/conc Discharge tooltip alone will be bigger than bladefall+ek at just 5 power charges, nevermind 6-7 with 3-4 endurance charges. Nevermind the fact that you can scale it further with -penetration, which you can do with phys too, but nowhere near to reach -95%+. Bladefall mechanics as well as ek as such that they will often times not hit or miss moving bosses or not hit to their full. Volls' chest + voll's amulet could do without amulet easily, mostly need amulet for infinite immortal call, atziri steps on feet. The rest up to you. Grace+Assassin's mark on blashpemy. At higher level of gear could switch mark for elemental weakness for total -95% penetration. At really op gear with +1 curse voll's amulet, can take aura res nodes and enlighten 3-4, and fit in both curses. 163% life in the tree + 5 jewel sockets, attack speed + life on jewels 200% life achievable, will do uber atziri quite easily can even use rf if you feel like speeding up boss fights. Noticeably better survival due to evasion + dodge mechanics as well as leech working for the entire pool not 60% of it. Last edited by Ashkatar#5072 on Dec 29, 2015, 10:41:04 AM
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" thats sound quit good, never played a CoC befor so i just picked a guide. I guess i stick with this shadow build though, since i already got my char to 70. The major thing that annoys me with this build is the power charge generations, just fels so cluncky. Last edited by Dachshund#1748 on Dec 29, 2015, 11:35:57 AM
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because it is clunky xD I genuinely do not understand why would op NOT be using voll's devotion chest, which is the definition of any CoC build for a very good reason, the moment you use that, you might as well do discharge because it's just so much more damage. Also you can easily do the skill tree i linked with shadow, just replace starter nodes in scion with shadow ele dmg nodes you'll be fine the difference will be minimal. https://goo.gl/zF1iZI
Last edited by Ashkatar#5072 on Dec 29, 2015, 11:42:14 AM
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As i said there are enough Guides for CoC Discharge, if you want to play Discharge, go follow one of them, this one isn´t a Discharge CoC.
If you want to ease up Powercharge generation you can allways use Powercharge on Crit in your mainlink i just felt that it wasn´t much work at all to cast the BV and inc. crit strikes is such a nice boost in constiency and damage. Another option is to curse assassins mark with Blashpemy. I don´t like that option because it does not work on bosses. You can also use a Volls Protector, but at that point you can just play discharge as the one major advantage of not playing Discharge is beeing able to use a good chest. btw: if you want to go Discharge do yourself a favor and don´t make a Life version this guide is really good: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1405842 my own Version can be found here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1261200/ Current Builds: All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Dec 29, 2015, 11:44:45 AM
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