[2.6] TankyTwirl - PhysSpell CoC Cyclone
great build so user friendly
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On PHC, yolo switched to CI and CoC around 68. Only have about 5k es but it's enough for me to farm dried lake. Should have probably stayed hybrid for much longer, but whatever. Lot of stuff to still upgrade
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@YomiHC Happy to hear that you got to Merc in HC! Would appreciate some feedback on the leveling experience you had in HC!
Updated my leveling post on Page 44. Current Builds: All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Jun 5, 2016, 4:40:20 AM
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I just leveled with bladevortex to 28, bladefall till 60+. It was ok, felt like glass most of the time but I've done it a ton so it was manageable. Was running Discipline, herald of ash as I was leveling for more effective hp.
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I honestly feel like I screwed myself by playing this build as a starter.
I have no idea whats wrong, but everything from cruel onward has been a constant struggle. I'm 58 now, almost have capped resists, about 1.7k life and 1.7k ES and I die CONSTANTLY. I have no idea what the hell I need to change to not be dying every 5 seconds, I can't even level up. I'm running warlords + blasphemy for my leech, but it doesn't keep my ES up at all. It's all taken so much longer than any other build I've done, I have no idea why I'm so damn squishy. It's like I'm not leeching enough to sustain cycloning through shit. Last edited by Mythologick#3245 on Jun 5, 2016, 11:36:00 AM
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Had some struggles around 60 when switching to CI, but I've gotten through it and I'm really strong now at 76.
I feel like I need to increase damage, but my ES is pretty good at 8.5k right now. Not sure what to go for next, aside from 6 linking my chest as that will take a very long time. I'm not making very good use of my sockets. What are some good skills I can add? |
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Contacted you ingame to help out faster :) @Gorillagrip Most of the damage comes from Gem levels, so if your Spells go to 19 it should be a big jump in damage. You could also buy lvl 19/20 Gems if you want it faster. Other places where you can improve your damage are the Gloves, you can go for Voidbringers, Maligaros or even Facebreakers. Facebreakers are the highest damage with the insane Crit Multi. Your Amulet could use a Crit Multi Roll too and your Rings could be upgraded to Diamonds. Your Gear seems really good so far, jsut giving you ideas what to improve beside the 6L. For your Gem Slots: Try to get a CwdT with Warlords Mark and Immortal Call. Tempest shield on CwdT is also a nice little buff. Flickerstrike is amazing for Mobility imho, but i see that it wil lbe hard to get 3g1r on your current gear as you are using full ES gear. Maybe try to switch the Rainbow Strides for some ES/EV Boots with 30% move speed, will be great for clearspeed with more move speed and Flickerstrike to just jump into the pack directly even if its up on a ledge. I will update my "leveling Blog Post" on page 44 later, you can check out what gem setup i am using atm. Oh and happy to hear you enjoy the build! Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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I'm pretty sure eventually I'll probably be switching to discharge when I get more currency for it. It just is safer with the ability to run 2 purities without losing damage.
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Hi im playing this build in prohpecy sc too.
Have a lot of fun, thx for the build Playing till driedlake around lvl70 as bladefall caster and then swtiched. Okayish gear going around t3-4 maps till i find higher mappool and better gear Got only 4,4kes :/ Dmg is quit good. Lab and Malachai merc were pretty quick Last edited by Saftschubse#5097 on Jun 5, 2016, 4:49:00 PM
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" I felt this way as well at first. Having never played any form of CoC build I really didn't realize how much my survivability would skyrocket once I added the Life Leech gem into a 5L. It was a night and day difference. My gear isn't any good, but I die way less than I did before I got that 5L. Nachos? Yes.
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