The Winter Mystery Box - Including New and Exclusive Microtransactions!

I agree that people who got duplicates should have a way to get pts back.

I'm happy
SSF since ~OB
Last edited by stonespeak#5283 on Dec 17, 2015, 3:50:40 PM
i hope the wolf is not an exclusive
Ozgwald wrote:
Yet it works fine for dota 2 and other games. You go through the rng, sometimes lucky getting your item on the first try, sometimes overspending to get it, but no doubles unless you have an off chance on something very rare, thus overspending when you got the normal items already one time each. A system that is rng, but goes towards one goal thus more rewarding and it achieves a lot of sales. The success posts made in this thread immediately put me off. It is not like there is a mtx trade in this game that makes the gamble on an exclusive item worth it. The fact it holds no value apart for the owner considerably lowers the value of gambling.

Please tell me what other smaller, independent game developer companies (i.e.: not Valve) are pretty much giving away money to players in the amounts I listed. When (and if) GGG can afford to make sure everyone gets all the box prizes without duplicates then I'm sure they will. Right now, though, these (MTX, Supporter packs) are the major means for them to fund the game and keep it running for us for free.
It makes no sense to think that GGG would be in the black by giving away big priced items for 15 points with a practically guaranteed outcome that everyone would get everything eventually. Even if I spent $150 (1500 points, 100 boxes) to get everything and a few dupes with what you have proposed, GGG would still lose. Let's see...
Arctic skull - 220 (1 box)
Ice Crown - 95 (1 box)
Arctic Footprints - 175 (1 box)
Swordfish Ice Spear - 110 (1 box)
Arctic Portal Effect - 150 (1 box)
Arctic Armour Set - 420 (guess at whole set price as opposed to individual pieces) (4 boxes)
Arctic Skull Hatred - 90 (1 box)
Arctic Weapon Effect (250) (1 box)
Those 11 boxes are worth 1510 points right there and I would still have 89 to open! Let's not forget that the pets are probably going to be over 100 points each (and I am likely understating the price), so GGG would undoubtedly lose tons of revenue with that plan, especially if I were lucky enough to get everything twice!
edit: contacted support instead of posting.
Last edited by Schiriki#7637 on Dec 18, 2015, 5:07:35 AM
Bought 33 boxes and got:
11x alternate skill effects
8x northern lights
4x snow
2x portal
2x crystal
1x ice crown
1x footprints
1x lynx (yes!)
1x wolf (yes!)
2x boots

It would be really nice if we got something we can do with all the duplicates. Maybe let us refund them for 1 point each or at least let us stack them.

+1 Ice Noce
+1 Ice Crystal

Last edited by Inimigo#5688 on Dec 17, 2015, 5:54:07 PM
I rounded my remaining points down to an even 10k with these. Was hoping for some northern lights, but no luck for me.

Good luck to everyone. Just do yourselves a favour.. set a limit and stick to it.
2k points

30+ nothern lights
5 Artic Skull
30+ skill effekts
30+ ho effekts
4 gloves
2 boots
1 helmet
6 wolfs
--> 0 <--- body amor <-- WTF

i hope GGG will fix it thats war away from winter mystery special
Last edited by Blaze2038#4477 on Dec 17, 2015, 6:41:30 PM
Looks awesome ,man .
Blaze2038 wrote:
2k points


4 gloves
2 boots
1 helmet

--> 0 <--- body amor <-- WTF

Shift your bits to "expect" a chest piece? /shrug

4k points

8 gloves
4 boots
2 helmets
1 chest

1 in 267 doesn't seem too unreasonable for the main piece of an armour set, especially considering that every failure still provides something, some of which are pretty cool.

Honestly, expecting something from these boxes is foolish especially given the lessons from the previous boxes. It's fun and, if you have some self-control, a nice gift from GGG. Thanks guys. :)

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