Blade vortex is BROKEN *video pve added (boss molestation)*

Aim_Deep wrote:
I'll go against the grain - Seems like a bad version of SRS as in you gotta be close which is dangerous. But similar DPS and ramping up to max blades or spirits as the case may be.
I was thinking the same thing while watching the video. I was just leveling through Normal with SRS myself, with Minion Damage and Melee Splash supports, and it was actually a little uncanny how Vaal Oversoul died almost exactly as fast in the video as he died to my SRS during my fight.

The thing you might not know, though, is that the AI changes to SRS in 2.1 strongly encourage you to literally touch your target with your character's body now, because unless you're that close the new AI tends to send them everywhere like idiots. Which actually makes the two skills feel even more similar while leveling. Although ironically I think you could stand get away with standing farther away with Vortex than you could with SRS now.

I imagine that if Vortex is unsupported in the video, then the skill is probably overtuned by, well, whatever percentage a damage support lends at character level 24 or so.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 13, 2015, 1:35:11 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
I'll go against the grain - Seems like a bad version of SRS as in you gotta be close which is dangerous. But similar DPS and ramping up to max blades or spirits as the case may be.
I was thinking the same thing while watching the video. I was just leveling through Normal with SRS myself, with Minion Damage and Melee Splash supports, and it was actually a little uncanny how Vaal Oversoul died almost exactly as fast in the video as he died to my SRS during my fight.

The thing you might not know, though, is that the AI changes to SRS in 2.1 strongly encourage you to literally touch your target with your character's body now, because unless you're that close the new AI tends to send them everywhere like idiots. Which actually makes the two skills feel even more similar while leveling. Although ironically I think you could stand get away with standing farther away with Vortex than you could with SRS now.

I imagine that if Vortex is unsupported in the video, then the skill is probably overtuned by, well, whatever percentage a damage support lends at character level 24 or so.

I didnt know they changed the AI. Interesting.

Anyway - Here is my supernova build with just gem swaps. She never took much elemental just crit.

Only lvl 14/0 gem Vortex Blades village ruin bosses a 5L (no conc)

fast forward to like 2:45 for the bosses
Git R Dun!
Dear GGG,

I'm not trying to be snarky here, but I'm really asking questions I'm genuinely curious about.

Why does every new skill that comes out is completely "meh" or is completely OP?
Do you guys even test them with 5L's or 6L's?
Do you test them with unique items equipped that might boost said skill?
Do you test them any passives that could boost said skill?

Seriously, this skill in particular operates like a little kid or someone that has no working knowledge of game mechanics came up with it. "HAY GUYZ CHECK OUT THIS SKILL I MADE, IT'S LIKE CYCLONE ONLY ITS A SPELL, STACKABLE 50 TIMES, AND HASN'T BEEN NERFED INTO THE GROUND YET LOL"
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Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Dec 13, 2015, 6:45:37 AM
Ok, ok, Ill admit I think too that this skill needs some rebalancing.
The only thing is that GGG seems to do only big adjustments. I have now a buld with spell and physical damage nodes. What if they give it the frenzy skill gem treatment? Then I basicaly can start over again.
I'm enjoying BV. It puts up the numbers and scales well but it's not easy to survive with and it takes some skill to kite around mobs while sustaining the blade numbers. I have no leech and I survive via "manual" evasion and dodge.

I'm sure GGG will watch Mathil's commentary along with all the crying on this thread and 'fix' it by removing spell echo as a support - saying 'hurr durr we intended it all along for it not to work with spell echo' or some lame excuse.

It also takes about 3 - 5 seconds to get up a meaningful blade count to do any damage. Now granted once that get's going it's highly effective.

I like Mathil but he is a terrible benchmark for the rest of the player base because frankly he's a damn good player. In no time he will - somehow - attain some good Elreon jewelry and be able to reserve 5 - 10 different auras while still being able to sport of 6 link spell with no cost to mana or ES.

Lets see players survive in t12+ maps with a BV before saying it's OP on normal or jumping to any other conclusions.

Edit: lolozori maybe you should try the skill out for yourself in the revised game (new league) because passing off an opinion as your own that's based on the feedback of someone else grants you little credibility as you personally appear to lack experience with the usage of this new spell.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Dec 13, 2015, 11:08:28 AM
Lol at people saying blade vortex is fine and that you need skill to play with it... Man, I was doing an usual flame totem build to level up, had about 50% inc fire from gear/nodes, then I dropped a blade vortex. I used it to see how it was... turns out I was killing stuff faster with a lv 1 blade vortex and 0 inc dmg for that spell than 50% inc fire using flame totem/searing bond/fire trap.
Last edited by pelife123#2928 on Dec 13, 2015, 11:16:52 AM
pelife123 wrote:
Lol at people saying blade vortex is fine and that you need skill to play with it... Man, I was doing an usual flame totem build to level up, had about 50% inc fire from gear/nodes, then I dropped a blade vortex. I used it to see how it was... turns out I was killing stuff faster with a lv 1 blade vortex and 0 inc dmg for that spell than 50% inc fire using flame totem/searing bond/fire trap.

"Lol at people" assuming that all builds and skills created equal.

This is classic 'my skill sucks therefore your skill is OP' logic. Maybe the shitty skill that the OP skill is being compared to needs to be improved?

If you actually watch Mathil stream he forms the right opinion - that weak skills need to be buffed and brought up to the same level of effectiveness as good/working/viable end-game skills.

Thank god you're not a Shield Charge build. Imagine if we had to compare all of our skills to that!
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Dec 13, 2015, 11:28:26 AM
cgexile wrote:

Lets see players survive in t12+ maps with a BV before saying it's OP on normal or jumping to any other conclusions.

Edit: lolozori maybe you should try the skill out for yourself in the revised game (new league) because passing off an opinion as your own that's based on the feedback of someone else grants you little credibility as you personally appear to lack experience with the usage of this new spell.

Aim_Deep wrote:

Anyway - Here is my supernova build with just gem swaps. She never took much elemental just crit.

Only lvl 14/0 gem Vortex Blades village ruin bosses a 5L (no conc)

fast forward to like 2:45 for the bosses

BTW you make a mistake.

I seen before mathil video was posted that this skill is broken. I tested it in pvp first where I seen 20es/4k es regen build getting 1 shot on it.

Then My other 2h Melee kaom 9k life/1500 regen got 1 shot from it.

I proceed to create a standard build using it and WREKED the shit out of 74+ maps on a level 75 shadow using a 5l in armor and some crappy spell wands.

Then I seen mathil video and posted it to illustrate the thread and copied the Info from tokimeki2003 who made a build doing 16k tooltype with it (mine was only 8k tooltype).

You don t need to be rocket scientist to see this shit is BROKEN. Would be a lie to say otherwise after all the feedback.

Also I am a big fan of the starting part of the game, of normal and cruel challenge. I Despise those AOE broken skills and seeing GGG deliberately nerfing some skills and putting this out is horrible.

It is horrible because you have feeling they are insulting their players.
They nerf the shit of what players play past league to put out even more broken stuff.

Why nerfing cyclone again (aoe on tree+50% less damage first hit), why nerfing incinerate, why nerfing anything at all if you put out things like vortex blade?

Path of AOE and 1 button skills is already so much away from the hardcore promises they wrote in CB/OB but now even the balance is made to troll all players casuals/hardcore ones.

Pushed Meta, nerfing old meta this feel like trolling now and vortex is the ultimate troll skill.

A copy of melee skill for spell users while you nerf the original melee skill.


Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Dec 13, 2015, 11:44:30 AM
lolozori wrote:
cgexile wrote:

Lets see players survive in t12+ maps with a BV before saying it's OP on normal or jumping to any other conclusions.

Edit: lolozori maybe you should try the skill out for yourself in the revised game (new league) because passing off an opinion as your own that's based on the feedback of someone else grants you little credibility as you personally appear to lack experience with the usage of this new spell.

Aim_Deep wrote:

Anyway - Here is my supernova build with just gem swaps. She never took much elemental just crit.

Only lvl 14/0 gem Vortex Blades village ruin bosses a 5L (no conc)

fast forward to like 2:45 for the bosses

Sorry man I don't have that staff in Talisman - or whatever other gear you are wearing there that allows you to faceroll like that.

I can probably gear up with my mirrored shit in standard and start an anti-BV campaign as well as everything dies just by looking in my direction.

My point still holds :)
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Dec 13, 2015, 11:38:03 AM
cgexile wrote:

Sorry man I don't have that staff in Talisman - or whatever other gear you are wearing there that allows you to faceroll like that.

I can probably gear up with my mirrored shit in standard and start an anti-BV campaign as well as everything dies just by looking in my direction.

My point still holds :)

Here the gear of my shadow... OPI OP?

Imo only the shield is expensive in temp league and maybe the wand. Wand that I dropped in preview hardcore league btw.

I slapped random crit items and hoped for the best just to try it.

I Was not disappointed.

I don t know, you can keep defending this skill if you want but I think proof will keep adding and adding. Just wait few weeks and look the classes build sections haha.
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Dec 13, 2015, 11:57:11 AM

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