Donald Trump
" Sound like trump is followed by intellectual minds. Poe Pvp experience |
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" Tell me one politician not exploiting people... Both trump and anti-trump sound like babies accusing each others while doing the same shit. Poe Pvp experience |
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" Mohandas Gandhi ? Nelson Mandela ? Vaclav Havel ? Aung San Suu Kyi ? Probably many more... But what I meant is: financially exploiting people, ofc they all want to be elected, want to get some financial support(Trump is not paying for his campaign alone - ofc not, in the end he´ll have more money). What I meant is that he is a company owner, a businessman, he is not even a politician. Sanders has shown in the past that he is a responsible human being. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Mar 14, 2016, 5:40:01 AM
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" -Gandhi was weird with little girls -Mandela killed few people (he had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilising terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by MK ) -San Suu Kyi played racial card during unrest. All Politicians are financially exploit people, Market economy is based on rich/poor war. Even Merkel exploit people. The only reason she bring refugee is not because of war but because Germany is getting older and need babies to keep being competitive in futur. Sander is playing rich vs poor card. His solution is not to make poor people richer but take money from already rich. He is no different because what he propose is antagonism one vs other. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Mar 14, 2016, 5:55:11 AM
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I might look that up later, would be easier, if you could post some reliable links.
Still: I think that exploitation is Trump´s first name. Sanders is a social democrat(, it´s all about fairness. " " (page 8) We will need some more regulation within Europe in the future when it comes to migration (climate change/wealth gap). Otherwise imo we´ll have lots of illegal migrants and/or a lot of terrorism + other violence; I guess, it´s simply necessary to either welcome migrants or really help other countries, so people will stay at home(which they usually prefer...) in the next decades. People will not ask if we allow them to come, if the pressure is high enough. I guess, she is also anticipating this, but yes, she (still) has a broader acceptance even among more short minded people because of the age structure and the economy. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Mar 14, 2016, 7:23:16 AM
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Hey, gandhi was no saint. I'm Indian and I'm saying that. He was, however, a very, very good politician. Lots of fancy words,too.
I could go in depth of you want me to, but later. More on topic, Sanders seems to be an acceptable candidates (haven't looked into him much yet) but it's unlikely that he becomes president. I mean, I could be completely off and trump could be the next coming of jesus/the prophet/moses/whatever, but that's probably not the case here. Rather, his becoming president looks to be the worst possible outcome in this election. Btw, is there a special reason why the American election process starts well over an year before the actual swearing in? For try, for see, and for know. This is a buff Last edited by Etherfire#6568 on Mar 14, 2016, 2:34:42 PM
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" I'm not sure if you grasp the political situation in the US, but the establishment in both parties, Republican and Democrat haven't been loyal to their base. Republicans are revolting with Trump, and Democrats are revolting with Sanders. Sanders doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the Democrat primary in large part due to Hillary getting almost all the 'super delegates', who aren't obligated to go with the voters. When you got a situation in a Democracy, when the establishment politicians refuse to follow the will of the masses, you have minor political revolts where people start backing anti-establishment candidates. That's the system working as intended. The political momentum in the USA currently favors the right. Its the reason the left is currently in complete damage control mode. They're the idiots, not the Trump supporters, because the harder the left attacks Trump, the more support he's getting, and the more solid his base is becoming. They're freaking out in a major way, and don't know what to do at this point. Trump gets a political buff every time he's attacked. The ones attacking don't understand the current political climate, and assume the tactics of yesteryear will work today. IMO the US political system is one of the most corrupt on the face of the planet. The EU on the other hand is a straight up Oligarchy under the facade of some sort of 'unity'. At some point in the future, one of the bigger EU states, like a Britain, France or Germany is going to drop out and the whole EU will come down like a house of cards. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Mar 14, 2016, 3:41:02 PM
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" Are you implying the left doesn't have its own thugs? Both sides got their thugs. |
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" It lets the US voters pretend like we did our part in carefully vetting and selecting a good leader. The only good outcome of this election will be if Bernie and Trump are the final contestants and the 2 big parties that think they have everything locked up have to reexamine their thinking. Right now, I think anyone could become president just by changing their name to "None of the Above" and getting on the ballot. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" Because candidates realized that if they start campaigning one day before the next guy (in a first-past-the-post system), they would get a ton more votes for less money spent. Then, the next cycle, they realized they could start one day earlier than that even. And again. And again. Similarly, the media knows that elections are awesome for ratings (especially once they devolve into reality TV shows), so the sooner that starts up, the better for them as well. |
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