Donald Trump
" In a way, helping the poor and minorities is a weakness. It is a huge drain on resources and doesn't gain you much support or gain the support of the larger majority. It really isn't as important a issue. Trying to implement things that is divisible is a weakness. You are damn if you do it, you are damn if you don't. Look at healthcare, Obama took great effort to implement it. Trump just gonna wreak it when he take office. If Democrat is such a great party, they should beat Trump and the republicans to a pulp. People don't show up to vote. Why is that? The Democrats are out of touch. Trump and the republicans did everything to win. In a way, Democrats lost because they are not evil enough. |
" There's not much conversation we can have if you don't believe that helping the poor and (disadvantaged) minorities is an important issue, and you'd also typically be wrong about it not gaining support, since they are the larger majority. That only changed this time because of the overwhelming stupidity of Americans and the false realities so many are operating under. It's hard to convince poor people to support you if the other party has their main issue covered (hating gays, brown people, women's rights, etc.). It's also hard to convince them if, no matter what you say or do, they honestly believe you're going to hurt them while also believing that the people actually hurting them are the true saviors. Again, people are astoundingly stupid, and that got us Trump. " The voters were out of touch. Do you know how many people falsely claim that Hillary had no plans in place to help the working class? Most people don't know a damn thing about actual reality and what matters. Don't blame Democrats for the average voter being a complete fucking moron. When the average person knows next to nothing about policies, of which Hillary had many amazing ones and Trump had only a few, incredibly shitty ones, how could it possibly matter if Democrats were out of touch or not? How the fuck would the idiots voting even know if Democrats were out of touch in the first place? |
"Actually, I'm fr the legalization of most drugs on the principles that a% prohibition had been a failure b% the War of Drugs #durhurhur has been an abysmal, and expensive, failure c% we have precedents in place (alcohol and tobacco) which show how you can responsibly sell and gain mass tax revenue Any questions? [quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
" It is to them but that doesn't win you election. You are preaching to the choir. Those that do are already voting for you, those that don't don't really care about this issue. " It is not about talking about things you think it is important to them. It is about talking about things they feel are important to them. It doesn't matter even if it is Pokemon. " That is Hillary 's job. To convince people to come out and vote for her. Doesn't matter if they are stupid, retard or freaking nuts. She let her bad press manifester and grow. Hillary is pretty much avoiding the media and letting Trump take the spotlight. She lack charisma, the ability to motivate the masses. It is not about policies, many people don't even know what Trump's policies is or if he even have one. Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Dec 13, 2016, 5:36:58 AM
It appears you believe Hillary is a wizard who could cast magical spells to control the media and choose exactly what the public would see. She is not a wizard. She does not control the media. Everything you believe she failed to communicate, she talked about so much that I got fucking tired of hearing it. The problem is that in a speech where she discussed policy for 45 minutes and Trump for 2 minutes, guess which two minutes were the only fucking thing that made it into the news.
It's absurd to blame Hillary for what the news media chose to communicate to the public. I have no idea why you continue to do so. Hillary was "avoiding the media" my ass. The media was avoiding the important topics. I don't think your average moron who voted for Trump would actually pay attention to policy discussions in the first place, but the media decided that they'd never even get the chance. Try harder to place blame where it actually belongs. This whole "blame Hillary" meme is as stupid now as it was with Obama for the past eight years. |
" Would Donald Trump be considered a wizard? He is leading the media by the nose. You are missing the point. You don't discuss Policy. It is boring. Make people vote for you. Hillary could have got on the Bernie train. She failed that and alienate them. Trump did everything to win, Hillary did things wrong and lost. Why are you blaming the voters? She is responsible for her lost. I doubt Trump even believe some of the things he said. It is political theater. Hillary could have been a better president but she failed step 1 - win the election. Step 1 isn't about governing skills, it is about your charismatic skills. Doesn't matter if Trump have zero political experience or he know next to nothing about governing, He still bloody won. It is about charismatic skills. Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Dec 13, 2016, 5:39:16 AM
You are defending idiocy and saying that politicians should lie nonstop and pander to idiots, since that shittiness worked for the people stupid enough to vote for Trump. How do you even know that, if Hillary acted as shitty, moronic, and downright evil as Trump, she would have won? I sure as shit wouldn't have voted if we had two evil pieces of shit running against each other.
The Democratic base is not the Republican base. The modern Republican party is full of shitty people clinging to the most horrific and moronic positions imaginable. Modern Nazis are literally a wing of the new Republicans. They have the racists, the misogynists, the conspiracy theorists, and other shitty people on lockdown. These people are already attached to the Republican party. They wouldn't switch just because Hillary started pretending to be as shitty as Trump just for the election. Are you aware that most of the attacks on Hillary were complete bullshit about her being a lying criminal? Are you aware that this kept a sizable chunk of Democrats from voting for her? Unlike Republicans, for who it's a selling point, Democrats don't want to vote for pieces of shit. For fuck's sake, people wrote in Bernie fucking Sanders for president just because they didn't like Hillary. You think her actually being a monstrous liar on the level of Trump would help? The lies were enough to sink her. Donald Trump is an idiot. He didn't control what the media said. The media reported on what a horrific piece of shit he was, sure, but it wasn't some masterful 4D checkers game. It was Trump, a piece of shit, being what he has always been. That's not clever. That's not smart. He's just garbage. Remember: Republicans want lying pieces of shit to represent them, since a piece of shit actually does represent them. Democrats do not. Hillary being a piece of shit would not work for her. Blame the misinformed fucks who thought Hillary was evil, or, amazingly enough, thought Trump was not. Blame the assholes who hate gays and women. Blame the fools who were so ignorant they never should have voted but showed up anyway just to vote for the letter R even though Trump stands for nothing they care about. Blame the media for lowering the level of conversation to the fucking gutter. Don't blame Hillary for not being a piece of shit like Trump. Her not being a piece of shit is a good thing. If you defend any of the shitty things you've been saying again, I won't respond. You keep doubling down on some really awful ideas, and we're at 32x feces right now. I'm not shoveling the next 64x pile of bullshit you present me with. |
Oh, and here's a quote I saw on the POE subreddit. I'm pretty sure the guy who posted it has also posted in thread, but I've been using my ignore list lately so I no longer read Trumpy idiocy.
" Ignoring his remarks on SSF, this perfectly represents conservative thinking to me. The complete inability to even comprehend that the person may be vegetarian because of beings other than themselves is astounding. This is a complete lack of caring about individuals either outside of one's self or outside of one's group, and it's so strong that they literally can't even understand that this is something that could possibly matter to someone. Republicans are the party of "I." Democrats are the party of "we." This is obvious stuff, but it's one of those things that makes it clear that there are so many people we have to pull along with us as we move onto a better future. That's assuming Trump and his complete disregard for the environment and climate change, ignorance of diplomacy, and all his other shit even leaves us with a future, though. Hillary would not get shitty people like this guy to vote for a party that actually cares about minority groups. Shitty people like this only care about their issues. Laws correcting for injustices they personally benefit from? Fuck that noise. They'll stick with the R. Oh, and for any Trumpers looking for another reason to hate me, I'm an ethical vegan. If it wasn't already super obvious from my posts, yes, I actually care about sentient beings other than myself. If you're looking for a Venn diagram of Trumpers and ethical vegans, it's just two circles looking at each other from a significant distance, each wondering what the fuck is wrong with the other one. Empathy's a good thing, but if you have it, you're either not voting Republican or you're very, very confused about what the parties stand for. Last edited by Jennik#1783 on Dec 13, 2016, 8:33:43 AM
Isn't it weird how sometimes you can read a post and imagine exactly what the person looks likes and how they speak just some smarmy condescending nasally tone screeching into your eardrum Multi-Demi Winner Very Good Kisser Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner Former Dominus Multiboxer Last edited by Manocean#0852 on Dec 13, 2016, 9:23:46 AM
"The virtue signaling is real. I don't believe I'm confused about what the parties stand for, I believe you're confused about what government stands for. If the two parties were vying for control of, say, a major charity, I'd expect a Democrat to win. But we're talking about government, and the purpose of government is to create and enforce rules which compel people to either engage or not engage in a specific behavior... eventually, if resistance to rules persist, by violent force. That's what the law does, and what it is. So do you want a "we" — where people are obliged to be politically correct by law, give to the poor by law, in general be as virtuous as "you" want them to be under threat of arrest? (What if "you" isn't actually you but a person chosen through a thoroughly rigged pretend democratic process? I'm talking about the primaries here, not the general.) Or do we want an "I" — where difference of opinion and literally any combination of words might not be tolerated by the people, but is not punished by the law; where giving to the poor is optional; and where each person is allowed to decide for themselves what is or is not virtuous and act accordingly, presuming they don't infringe on the ability of others to do the same? I think nongovernmental nonprofits are great. Really. I think there's a huge potential in the "we" of completely voluntary mutual cooperation. The thing is: that shit has no rightful place in government, except to the extent that we must, like it or not, fight against it. The only justifiable loss of freedom is the choice between the least of multiple evils; better to be at the mercy of the force of democracy than the force of dictatorship. Churchill nailed it when he said "democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others." Seriously, I want to take the word "liberal" back like Randall in Clerks 2. You and your ilk have transformed the word into its opposite. TL;DR: In government "we" is statism and "I" is individualism. Individualism wins. PS This. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 13, 2016, 12:15:45 PM