Donald Trump
More salt! Michigan recount, denied! rekt! President Donald J. Trump! Nobody can stop it now! The funniest part about all this isn't just the fact that Trump won, but the left got thoroughly and completely annihilated this election. This is more than a major setback for them, and I don't think they've come to terms with the reality of the situation yet. They're still in the tearing eyes stage. Once their tear ducts get depleted, they'll have to face reality. And it's looking like this might start sorta a chain reaction where other countries in the world oust their leftist/commie policies in favor of populist/nationalist ones. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 7, 2016, 1:27:16 PM
" TL;DR - I AM TRIGGERED. In play-doh lettering. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 7, 2016, 1:34:51 PM
The funniest thing to me (and stupidest) is that these people have no idea what it says in the constitution. They think they can impeach someone who's not prez yet, etc. Honestly, I get it if they are foreigners but Americans? Seriously. They either dropped out of middle school or slept through gov't class. Most stupid thing I heard today from one on fb: how can I get in the electoral college so I can deny Trump? I had a high GRE score. What college do I attend? I'd think it was a joke except people started answering (also showing stupidity) and the person was actually SERIOUS?!?!?!?!??! Censored. Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on Dec 7, 2016, 1:34:54 PM
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
When the government funds propaganda to breed whites out of existence.
#JustCanadaThings GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
" :( I'm not a happy Canadian when I see stuff like that Before someone call me a white supremacist, just imagine if there would be a very similar video calling the end of another race.... omg there would be a world outrage. Last edited by diablofdb#3816 on Dec 7, 2016, 10:19:23 PM
" The Goal is not particulary to erace white´s/european´s, that´s only a positive side Effekt for those who want that. This strategy is used primarly against succesfull society´s/country´s to make them more controllable. The same crap is also pusched in succesfull asian country´s and they are defenetly the next in line. I have nothing against halfbreed´s, they are also just human being´s, but if all that mixing is pusched so hard, it´s just realy intimidating. Beside´s halfbreed´s are not the desired endresult. The whole front consistes of Race, Culture, Values, so nation´s and peacefull religion´s have to go too. Evrybody that does not believe in a worldwide conspiracy should just look up the Kalengri Plan, which was created before ww2 and make shure that your coincidence Detektor work´s. The Basic Goal of that plan is to create a humanrace that is still smart enough to work but to stupid to think on it´s own. Spineless, honorless without any root´s, not my word´s but according to that plan. For somebody that does not know all of this, would take this Video as a bad joke, but it get´s serious. Look up Sarkozy, former French president on mixing, .. Coincidence. ""Turn the world into Babylon"" is older than someone may thougt, and if you start to think about it, you realy start to question aspekt´s of the history (hint:Slavetrade,Coincidence) |
Trump chooses pro wrestling magnate Linda McMahon to head SBA
Fun fact: she donated 5 million bucks to Trump's "charity" foundation. Feel free to say "that makes him smart" white shitting all over Hillary by vomiting forth more lies about her charity's pay-to-play scandals, though. Bullshit your team made up about Democrats is great! Horrific truths about your team? Let's just move onto slide two... I love how you guys never seem to actually stand for anything besides hating the other team. It'd be great if you could grow a spine and actually be unhappy when Trump is actually doing all the shit you guys kept lying about Hillary doing. And the racist garbage/general obliviousness to reality in this thread is completely expected, but still manages to turn my stomach. The spin you Trumpers put on shit so you can slot in into your farcical excuse for a reality is absurd. Keep talking about that "white genocide," Trumpties. Maybe you'll get daddy God Emperor to tweet your post. |
" "An empowered, strong and independent business woman" - would be the description in libtard media, if it wasnt Trump who choose her. ;) Also, that sjw rap above is nausea inducing. If you wanna see some good white canadian rap, then: Everyday Normal Guy When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
" Stop your misogyny! Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Dec 8, 2016, 10:18:52 AM