Donald Trump

Jimmy Fallon tears off Trump's wig:
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
I'm so disappointed in this year's candidates. Killary? No. Trump? *sigh*. Johnson? No thanks. Stein? God, no!

I'm left voting for my party instead of the actual president. I mean, I enjoy Trump's counter-attack on all of the political correct bullcrap, but this guy is a New York real estate tycoon, not a commander in chief. He'd probably get us into more hot water with International relations than the Philippines' president Duterte does on a daily basis within his own country.

Do I like Trump? No. Can I tolerate Trump? Yes. Do I think he can do the job? No. Can he hire and appoint his staff that will do his job for him? Yes.

I'd love to support my party more and jump on the Trump bandwagon, but my conscious won't let me. I'll still vote for him, but reluctantly so. If we had a modern-day JFK for the Democrats this year, I'd be voting outside my party. But we don't, instead we have a liar and murderer, who herself probably has MS and isn't fit for office.
▒▒▒▒░░░░░ cipher_nemo ░░░░░▒▒▒▒ │ Waggro Level: ♠○○○○ │ 1244
Last edited by cipher_nemo on Sep 16, 2016, 12:07:11 PM
Trump playing 7D Baccarat again:

Trump had said he would deliver a statement Friday in Washington about whether he believes President Obama was born in the U.S. Trump began the event talking for several minutes about his new hotel, then had veterans speak on his behalf for nearly a half-hour, before finally delivering a four-sentence statement and leaving without taking questions.

"We got played, again, by the Trump campaign, which is what they do," King said on CNN moments after Trump wrapped up his event. "He got a live event broadcast for some 20 minutes."

Top kek.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
I love all the 4-D chess Donald plays.

It's 5-D because people think so much of it isn't planned.

They underestimate the man and his team, and have dismissed him the whole way all while he was mapping every move.

I can't believe how much the Don embraces meme magic though:

anything is everything
Last edited by Manocean on Sep 17, 2016, 7:45:44 AM
I'm not surprised, his sons are lurking on /pol/ and the subreddit after all.

Praise Kek!
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Actually, Donald is a frog.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
NeroNoah wrote:
By the way, did someone pay attention to the comments Trump made about the Federal Reserve? That kind of stuff just triggers me. It's extremely ignorant and it can be very harmful to world's economy (so it's kinda personal this time).
I do think interest rates are kept artificially low for political reasons, but more of the "unabashed corruption" kind and less of the "Obama" kind.

To quote the Washington Post:
The Fed typically lowers interest rates to encourage businesses and consumers to borrow money and spend it, boosting growth. Raising rates makes saving more attractive and helps rein in an overheating economy.
Or in other words, low interest rates encourage the American idiot consumer culture of debt-and-spend, boosting the "economy" so the people who actually own things get to take their cut over and over again, and makes it difficult for the middle class to plan for retirement.

If you really think there aren't parties interested in influencing that kind of decision-making, you're hopelessly naive. The only protection Fed interest rates have from being a political consideration would be much-needed regulation designed specifically to combat corruption within the Federal Reserve. This is where decision-makers need a forced separation of trade and politics, because by God are the corrupt ever going to try to sink their claws in.

Now of course, Trump is being hilariously hypocritical in his criticism of low interest rates - he's on record approving of them in the past and it's doubtful he is any more resistant to corruption than a typical politician. But artificially low? Yes, of course they are.

You should go to /r/badeconomics, they discuss fed decisions all the time, and it's generally a fairly academic thing, no political considerations (also, Yellen has tried to rise rates once at least this year, but there was Brexit and all that fucking any stability, so it's not like they are happy with being at the zero lower bound permanently, it limits monetary policy a lot so any sane person would try to escape that). Your corruption argument is a very frequent one and most economist would just melee you for that (to my understanding the fed is already audited having to give transcriptions of every thing they talk about and all that, so you cannot really get more transparent than that, only Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders, guys that are fairly ignorant about the subject, would think otherwise).

The only risk is being captured by poor academics (I've seen that happen in my country, but I couldn't call that corruption, rather incompetence).

Also, there is a nice problem where the low interest rates are not affecting demand so much (liquidity trap and all that), so the whole consumer stuff is questionable at best (I should search a a link to this stuff). To my understanding, the fed is restricted because US congress is so inept in many sense. See Europe for more reasons about why not to raise interest rates currently.

I feel the opposition to central banking is mostly rooted in conspiracy theories/ignorance about how it works/extreme desire for small government more than anything sometimes. Being Trump...well, it doesn't surprise me at all.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Last edited by NeroNoah on Sep 17, 2016, 12:17:31 PM
Maybe one good thing about Trump´s candidacy is that the possibility of getting him as the next American president brought even more people to the streets against TTIP+CETA. Only about 10% of the Europeans think Trump is trustworthy.

"Free trade" and giving companies more power than countries. No thanks.

Protests in Germany against transatlantic TTIP and CETA trade deals

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