Donald Trump

So talking about studying the how fox news decides which stories to spin with 'fox exclusive information' (aka some shit they just made up), or how cnn would rather you giggle at kitten videos than talk about potential shortfalls of Clinton; the mere fact that at one time somebody suggested the fcc look into it, even though no plan was enacted, the plan was scrapped, that should be hit on America press freedom on the level of china or korea? Are you fucking serious dalai?

I mean trump has suggested that we ban an entire religion, he of course back pedaled, but the mere fact that he mentioned it should mean America has negative freedom of religion, on the level of china's actual ban of Christianity? this thing on?
The sad thing about Trump is, no matter how many times his statements turned out to be false, or his numbers proved to be wrong, people still believe in him.

No matter that he surrounds himself with Chris Christie, Rudy Guiliani or Mike Pence who literally embody three cornerstones of corruption (crony capitalism, nepotism, lobbyism), people still believe that he will put an end to corruption.

No matter that he has a long, documented history of crooked business behavior and shady deals, of numerous failures, of terrible judgement, and most of all the repeated exploitation of people believing in and depending on him, people still believe that his is a success story, or that he is a savvy businessman who cares for the "little man".

And no matter how many times he proposed things where it's hard to decide what's worse: his utter cluelessness or his coldheartedness and cruelty ("keep Iraq's oil"; "kill the families of terrorists"; "crashing the US economy" is good because then he could "make a deal") - people still believe him to be a great leader.

People who hate Hillary so much that they'd vote for Trump just to prevent her from coming to power: I get that. But how willfully ignorant do you have to be to put your faith into this guy? Is there any limit to it?
Like many people have said (including me, but that's all I got), it's a cult. Not like a cult. A cult. With Trump as the cult leader. Perpetuated by living in an airtight bubble of Breitbart, Fox News and Drudge Report.

And there is nothing you can do about it. You can argue with people who vote for Trump as a sign of their protest. Or who say that Trump embodies a shake-up, and that in itself is a good thing.
But you can't argue with cult followers. They are immune to every fact you throw at them. The leader is always right.

That's the sad thing, for me, in this election. To see how so many people eagerly swallow every lie and distortion, and how blind they willingly make themselves for everything outside of that.
@Jojas: There are people like that, sure. Lots of them. But I think the main reason for Trump's popularity is that he's a troll candidate. I think a lot of people see this and genuinely want it. The general dissatisfaction with government has reached such heights that the Jesse Ventura effect is at play on a national level.

Myself personally, I'm not voting, but if I did I'd vote Trump. Not because I have any illusions of him being less corrupt. Not because I believe in any of the shit he's saying. Why then? Because fuck this shit. And maybe, just maybe, Trump is stupid enough to really fuck things up and bring about some real change.

He probably doesn't need my vote to win anyways. Brace yourself; winter is coming.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Yes, he's sure catching up alright. Hillary's last chance for evading a head-to-head race seem to be the debates. And given how stiff, awkward and impersonal she often is - and how disingenous she often seems - that's not a good sign (for Hillary supporters).
The typical mind of a Trump fan:

"Immigrants ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... danger ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .... terrorism ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... jobs ... zzzzzzzzzzzz ... money ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv ... crazy Hillary bitch ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... panic .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... zzzzzzzzzzzz .... tttttttttttttttt ---- jjjjjjjjjjjjjj -..:.-. ghörogjpsrjelrhwir aaaaaaaarhghhhhh .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAARHGGHGGHGGGHGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete shutdown. HAIL TRUMP!!!!
LostForm wrote:
So talking about studying the how fox news decides which stories to spin with 'fox exclusive information' (aka some shit they just made up), or how cnn would rather you giggle at kitten videos than talk about potential shortfalls of Clinton;

That was the intro to the reply by one of the members of the FCC - not the body of the story.

Here is the FCC's own comment (which was one of the links I had posted)on the subject:

"This study would have thrust the federal government into newsrooms across the country, somewhere it just doesn’t belong. The Commission has now recognized that no study by the federal government, now or in the future, should involve asking questions to media owners, news directors, or reporters about their practices. This is an important victory for the First Amendment. And it would not have been possible without the American people making their voices heard. I will remain vigilant that any future initiatives not infringe on our constitutional freedoms."

LostForm wrote:
the mere fact that at one time somebody suggested the fcc look into it,

The FCC had a plan, had funding and approval to carry it out. This wasn't a "suggestion". This was like a full blown contract for building a border wall versus the suggestion that a wall should be built. I linked the roll out plan in that same post, in case you missed it.

LostForm wrote:
even though no plan was enacted,

The plan was ready to go forth, despite the objections of some of the commissioners on the FCC. It would have gone forth except for the huge public backlash.

LostForm wrote:
the plan was scrapped,

Only because of serious backlash and Congress asking some serious questions about the program.

Had the plan been successful, the recent North Korean nuclear test might not have been deemed something Americans need to know - for instance, and the focus piece on cute kittens would be the headline story instead.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Sep 10, 2016, 2:04:42 AM
Jojas wrote:
The typical mind of

a Hillary fan:

"Racism ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... Dark ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .... Orange Hair ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... free stuff ... zzzzzzzzzzzz ... tax rich people ..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv ... Trump is a big meanie ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... panic .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... whatever Bernie said .... tttttttttttttttt ---- jjjjjjjjjjjjjj -..:.-. ghörogjpsrjelrhwir aaaaaaaarhghhhhh .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAARHGGHGGHGGGHGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete triggered meltdown. IT'S HILLARY'S TURN!!!!!

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Sep 10, 2016, 2:20:52 AM
Jojas wrote:

ScrotieMcB wrote:
@Jojas: There are people like that, sure. Lots of them. But I think the main reason for Trump's popularity is that he's a troll candidate. I think a lot of people see this and genuinely want it. The general dissatisfaction with government has reached such heights that the Jesse Ventura effect is at play on a national level.

Bernie's popularity was/is the same thing. If Bernie had made the ticket instead of Hillary, it would have been a resounding shout out to the status quo government barnacles that the people were sick and tired of the existing politics.

So now instead of choosing between two misfits that would let the voters thumb their noses at D.C., we have a clown and a woman whose foreign policy has been proven to be more dangerous than aerosolized ebola virus.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
@Jojas: There are people like that, sure. Lots of them. But I think the main reason for Trump's popularity is that he's a troll candidate. I think a lot of people see this and genuinely want it. The general dissatisfaction with government has reached such heights that the Jesse Ventura effect is at play on a national level.
Bernie's popularity was/is the same thing. If Bernie had made the ticket instead of Hillary, it would have been a resounding shout out to the status quo government barnacles that the people were sick and tired of the existing politics.

So now instead of choosing between two misfits that would let the voters thumb their noses at D.C., we have a clown and a woman whose foreign policy has been proven to be more dangerous than aerosolized ebola virus.
Well, although it's obvious where my bias is, I think the "status quo is fine" people make up a good chunk of the nation. Basically, it was a somewhat balanced strategic call: fight fire with fire, or fight it with ice.

I think the Democrat's biggest fault is that they didn't legitimately get the public's feedback on the issue. By rigging things so Hilary was nominated over Bernie, they ignored the testing phase where they actually see how their candidates fare among voters. Faith in the H, instead of social science.

Hilary might still have won in an unbiased process, though. Methodology is one thing, findings are another.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Sep 10, 2016, 4:19:44 AM

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