Donald Trump

solwitch wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Jojas wrote:

What the article failed to mention is that he has autism and previously tried to commit suicide.

Sounds like the average Bernie supporter :^)

I find this highly offensive as we not only have forum members with children with Autism, but to me as well as my company and many of my friends volunteer our time to help people with autism.

This is probably the single most serious thing Sol has ever said in this forum... Xav.

"sorry YOU got offended" isn't an actual apology, btw.
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Last edited by Antnee#4468 on Jun 23, 2016, 4:34:03 AM
Antnee wrote:
"sorry YOU got offended" isn't an actual apology, btw.

That's not what he said. Don't put something in quotes like that when it's not what the person actually said and instead completely misrepresents them. He said "sorry if I offended someone," which is an actual apology. He's putting the blame on himself with that, not on others. "I'm sorry I did this" and "I'm sorry you didn't like it" aren't remotely the same thing.

People who give non-apologies like the one you "quoted" can suck it, though. It'd be faster and less dishonest if they just said "fuck off" instead.
Jennik wrote:
Antnee wrote:
"sorry YOU got offended" isn't an actual apology, btw.

That's not what he said. Don't put something in quotes like that when it's not what the person actually said and instead completely misrepresents them. He said "sorry if I offended someone," which is an actual apology. He's putting the blame on himself with that, not on others. "I'm sorry I did this" and "I'm sorry you didn't like it" aren't remotely the same thing.

People who give non-apologies like the one you "quoted" can suck it, though. It'd be faster and less dishonest if they just said "fuck off" instead.

"Sorry I offended someone" is a... polite way of saying exactly what I quoted: "Sorry YOU got offended". The difference between the two is entirely pedantic. The onus is still on "you", who "got offended", to not get offended.

If you're alone in your room, say it out loud. "Sorry I offended someone". Try to say it in a way that isn't condescending. It's like looking manly while drinking from a straw.

"I'm sorry I said something offensive" is how you say mean it.
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Antnee wrote:

"Sorry I offended someone" is a... polite way of saying exactly what I quoted: "Sorry YOU got offended". The difference between the two is entirely pedantic. The onus is still on "you", who "got offended", to not get offended.

If you're alone in your room, say it out loud. "Sorry I offended someone". Try to say it in a way that isn't condescending. It's like looking manly while drinking from a straw.

"I'm sorry I said something offensive" is how you say mean it.

No, that's simply not how language works. It's not a "polite" way of saying that, since those are two completely different statements with very different meanings.

"I'm sorry I offended someone."
"I'm sorry I killed someone."
"I'm sorry I ran that red light."

These are all a person apologizing while stating what the results of their actions were. Saying "I" is putting the onus on the person who committed the offense rather than the victim. This is what makes it a legitimate apology. "I'm sorry I did this."

"I'm sorry you got offended" is purely victim blaming. It's completely different in meaning than the other sentences, and the person saying it is accepting zero responsibility for their fault.

I really don't know why you see condescension in "I'm sorry I offended someone." That's something you're injecting into it, though. It's not something that's inherently there.
I never intended to call Bernie supporters autistic or to use autistic as a synonym for something else. I actually focused more on the suicide part (I know, that's not funny either) because it reminded me of the meltdowns on Reddit when Bernie lost several states to Hillary. Maybe we can calm our collective tits now and move on?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Maybe we can calm our collective tits now and move on?

Antnee and I are having an extremely calm discussion about language. What part of our conversation doesn't appear calm to you?
Xavderion wrote:
I never intended to call Bernie supporters autistic or to use autistic as a synonym for something else. I actually focused more on the suicide part (I know, that's not funny either)
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
I never intended to call Bernie supporters autistic or to use autistic as a synonym for something else. I actually focused more on the suicide part (I know, that's not funny either)

If you choose to ignore my explanation, so be it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Entropic_Fire#0222 on Oct 26, 2016, 7:24:55 PM

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