Donald Trump

Jojas wrote:

What the article failed to mention is that he has autism and previously tried to commit suicide.

Sounds like the average Bernie supporter :^)
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Entropic_Fire wrote:
Jennik wrote:

Entropic_Fire wrote:

Every left leaning public figure that has gloated in covering Trump's 'blunders' have only made him stronger.

I would love to see you support this claim as well. It may be true. Maybe these individuals pointing out time and time again in the most obvious of ways how much of a reprehensible piece of shit Trump is has somehow helped him more than it has hurt him. Can you demonstrate this in some way, though?

Making up claims is easy. Proving your claims is significantly more difficult.

How can you prove anything in politics? All we can do is share our opinions.

You are not stating an opinion here. You are making the sort of claim that can only reasonably be made when based on objective facts.

If you're going to make a claim like this, you should have a good reason to make that claim. Otherwise you're just spouting mindless bullshit. When I make a claim, you can bet I have a pretty damn good reason for making the claim that I can provide when asked.

Do you have good reasons to make these claims you keep making?

Xavderion wrote:
Jojas wrote:

What the article failed to mention is that he has autism and previously tried to commit suicide.

Sound like the average Bernie supporter :^)
Oh for fucks sake, would you PLEASE not use the term for an actual disability as a blanket term for stupid?

When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Xavderion wrote:
Some Brit tried to grab a cop's gun and kill Trump at a Trump rally:

Inb4 well he deserves it :^)

I strongly disagree. I don't believe anyone "deserves" death, even the worst beings on earth, as death is the cessation of existence.
I could understand if somebody told me that killing the dude would save thousands of people, and if that was true (I don't believe it is), then killing him would probably be the best choice, but he STILL wouldn't deserve it.
... and here I am still laughting about that pic for some reason.

Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
Last edited by Entropic_Fire#0222 on Oct 26, 2016, 8:24:21 PM
Entropic_Fire wrote:
You seem really personally invested in this, I hope you get whatever outcome you're looking for.

Personally invested in what? Demonstrating that you are making ridiculous claims pulled directly from your ass is not indicative of me being "personally invested" in whatever you believe I'm personally invested in.

I am attempting to have a reasonable conversation with you. You keep exclusively saying nonsense, though. The outcome I'm looking for is for you to say something reasonable and rational at some point, and for you to hopefully realize why the things you've been saying up to now are so dumb. That way you can avoid saying similar dumb things in the future.

Should I give up? Yeah, fuck it. I'll go ahead and give up. There's a point where I have to accept that my hopes are simply pipe dreams and that reality is, like your posts in this thread, soul-crushingly disappointing.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Jojas wrote:

What the article failed to mention is that he has autism and previously tried to commit suicide.

Sound like the average Bernie supporter :^)
Oh for fucks sake, would you PLEASE not use the term for an actual disability as a blanket term for stupid?

Pleasantly surprised to see someone else said this before I got here. That was not cool, Xav.
Xavderion wrote:
Jojas wrote:

What the article failed to mention is that he has autism and previously tried to commit suicide.

Sounds like the average Bernie supporter :^)

I find this highly offensive as we not only have forum members with children with Autism, but to me as well as my company and many of my friends volunteer our time to help people with autism.

Edit: In good conscious I can not vote for Trump. I was curious to his response about the Orlando shooting and it wascompletely devoid of compassion. He not only lost me as a voter, but a huge majority of voters.
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
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"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
Last edited by solwitch#4681 on Jun 22, 2016, 8:43:18 PM
It was meant as a harmless shitpost, sorry if I offended someone.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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