Donald Trump

DalaiLama wrote:
coatofarms wrote:
Schmodderhengst wrote:

Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016 (1:26 min)

I thought Cheeto Jesus said his presidency would make us more respected around the world not less. He's not even president and already Japan has pokemonized him too.

Cheeto Jesus? How unoriginal. Let alone the fact that Mohammed had that naming scheme locked up a long time ago - and not even in a spirit of meanness.

You can follow Mohammed Cheetos on twitter here:

Or the instagram of a different Mohamed Cheetos here:

Or the DJ Mohammed Cheetos here:

Or listen to another Mohammed Cheetos here on Sound Cloud:

Or the facebooks of several dozen Mohammed Cheetos

Or the Pinterest of MohOsama Cheetos here:

If this unoriginal combination of junk snack food and religious figure is the best jab they have against Trump, then they might was well send an Oompa Loompa to try and dunk on LeBron James.

The fact that they are alienating people with religious affiliations probably doesn't occur to them, anymore than not physically assaulting Trump supporters doesn't occur to them. It does help make clear why they don't want anyone to have weapons they could defend themselves with.

South Park showed us just what kind of spineless bully Radical Leftists are when the best courage they could manage was a pixelated version. If they had one tenth the courage Charlie Hebdo does, they might have an inkling as to what integrity is.

Monsanto Venus - oooh, should I run out and celebrate over creating a new term?


Hmmm, Monsanto Venus or Hilmart?

Good think she was on WalMart's board of directors to help them fight evil unions!

Cheeto Jesus is a good label. You have poor judgment so you don't know any better.

You're kind of dense (which is why you write pages of nonsense that could be written in a few sentences), but the Japanese commercial is making fun of Cheeto Jesus not celebrating him. Just want to be sure you know that. It wasn't your fault your parents home-schooled you. Cheeto Jesus is a walking embarrassment. And you're an embarrassment for supporting him.
coatofarms wrote:
Cheeto Jesus is a good label.

Because asserting something over and over again is always proof that it is true.

coatofarms wrote:
You have poor judgment so you don't know any better.

Assuming that someone has poor judgement because your opinion disagrees with their opinion tells people a lot about you.

The name is neither good, nor original, nor catchy. I'm sure someone or a group of someone will try to poison the search results as they have done in the past, but for now this result from 2009 is far more popular than the thing you think is good:

As are six other pages related to snack foods that people find a resemblance in.

When people live a make believe world of bad memes, they begin to see inherent truths in those memes, much like the people that see Jesus in an orange crunchy snack. The lame banana meme at least had some originality the first time it was posted.

coatofarms wrote:
You're kind of dense

I'm sorry that you found yourself unable to refute my ideas and information with ideas and information of your own, and chose an insult instead.

coatofarms wrote:
(which is why you write pages of nonsense that could be written in a few sentences),

If someone makes a claim, but is unwilling to support it, it's just an opinion. I explain what I write for those that may not be familiar with the background I am approaching it from. It also allows people to comment on various aspects of what I am saying, and judge my statements on their merits. Voicing an opinion is easy. Rationally debating a concept can get convoluted.

coatofarms wrote:
but the Japanese commercial is making fun of Cheeto Jesus not celebrating him. Just want to be sure you know that.

The fact that you think I may not have realized that is a tell. It's kind of like crossing your arms or leaning in when talking to someone in that it tells observant viewers something about you that you may not realize you are projecting.

I am familiar with Mike Diva, and even before I saw the clip, I had an idea which way he would portray Trump. The video itself is excellent, and a fantastic portrayal of a non favorable perspective on Trump. I enjoyed the video, and will watch it again. Being able to appreciate something for its artistry whether you agree with its viewpoint or not is a learned skill.

Further it isn't a Japanese commercial. It's a Mike Diva video. He spoofs all kind of things.

Mike Dahlquist (born June 23, 1987), better known as Mike Diva, is an American video director special effects artist, musician and YouTube personality based in Southern California.

There's some more information here for you, in case you didn't realize that wasn't a real Japanese commercial:

coatofarms wrote:
It wasn't your fault your parents home-schooled you..

Another unfounded assumption with no logic at all. Are we to assume this is an insult or a compliment? You need not fret, I can guess how you intended it, which is another assumption. In this case an assumption based on ignorance, as those home schooled typically do far better in college than those from public schools.

coatofarms wrote:
Cheeto Jesus is a walking embarrassment..

Do you feel embarassed? Is that what you really want to talk about? Are you secretly a Trump supporter, or do you know someone who might be and needs help? I can find the hotline number for you or your "friend" if you need it.

coatofarms wrote:
And you're an embarrassment for supporting him.

Another assumption. Did I say I supported him, or did I say something specifically against that in this thread before? Maybe you missed it. Sometimes slowing down on the reading helps a person absorb the information more accurately.

You have said some insightful things before, and your opinion does matter, but when you act like Donald Trump by hurling insults and vague unsupported assertions, don't expect to gain much respect.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Jun 18, 2016, 1:58:42 AM
DalaiLama wrote:

The law for doing so is already on the books:

I get that it's legal, but what you're ignoring is that it's political suicide for any Republican to go along with the federal government strong-arming private citizens out of their land. Especially in let's-secede-from-the-union Texas.

It's a Republican* idea. It needs unwavering, complete support from all Republicans. It doesn't even have a fraction of that support.

Any R that has two brain cells to rub together knows that if they spend their political capital on this boondoggle, they'll never do another thing in government again. The Wall relies on so many things going exactly as planned, describing the process literally sounds like a bunch of stoners riffing around a coffee table. It is pure fantasy.

That's putting aside how much backlash it would get the moment they found tunnels, ladders, and holes blown in the side of the damn thing.

"So glad my party spent tens of billions of dollars to be countered by a fucking ladder."
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Antnee wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

The law for doing so is already on the books:

I get that it's legal, but what you're ignoring is that it's political suicide for any Republican to go along with the federal government strong-arming private citizens out of their land. Especially in let's-secede-from-the-union Texas.

It's a Republican* idea. It needs unwavering, complete support from all Republicans. It doesn't even have a fraction of that support.

I'd agree with you 100% there.

If Trump has a resounding win, those with no backbone will jump in the same direction the wind is blowing. Right now, they are afraid of 2 things. One - that Trump may be close to winning, but not enough to pull off the Presidency. If they have distanced themselves from him in any way, they think Hillary might not gut them like a fish. Fools, the lot of them.

The second is that even if Trump is popular enough to get elected, many in the GOP represent the weak points that Trump has been campaigning against. The Trump voters don't like those GOP, and the anti-trump voters don't particularly care for the GOP in general. Those with no backbone are afraid of getting voted out of office if they even remotely mention supporting Trump. The wall represents the third rail to many voters. Its an icon.

Antnee wrote:

Any R that has two brain cells to rub together knows that if they spend their political capital on this boondoggle, they'll never do another thing in government again. The Wall relies on so many things going exactly as planned, describing the process literally sounds like a bunch of stoners riffing around a coffee table. It is pure fantasy.

The wall is the stick. In order for the stick to work, it needs to be real. Real enough in the sense of beginning eminent domain process, opening the bidding process for contractors, setting up the laws on money transfers.

The carrot is immigration reform - not kicking out the 22-30 million that aren't legally entitled to be here either. It will be kicking out or jailing the criminals, and there will be costs expected to be borne by the Mexican govt for health care and other aid given to their citizens here. A hard limit on future immigrants will be put in place and that limit will stay in place until growth allows for more immigrants.

Do the "experts" analyzing this on the TV talk shows honestly not see that this is what Trump has planned?

Antnee wrote:
That's putting aside how much backlash it would get the moment they found tunnels, ladders, and holes blown in the side of the damn thing.

"So glad my party spent tens of billions of dollars to be countered by a fucking ladder."

Hah, glad you mentioned the holes. Concrete walls really don't have much resilience and Mexico isn't short on explosives. We don't see explosive used much currently because there are enough gaps and chain/wire fences are easy enough to cut and repair. To hold up against repeated attacks, the wall would have to be something like the great wall of china, and fortified with weaponry and people authorized to use it on any encroachment. The legality of that wouldn't be difficult, they already have such rules for some military bases, but the political fallout from killing a few families each week would be untenable. The cartels would force people up against the wall's defenses - what's another 20-30 thousand dead to them?

Gov Perry already mentioned the ladders - something like "a 30 ft wall will just mean a sales jump in 35 ft ladders".

The money allocated for the wall - and Trump will have to get 2-5 billion allocated for it - would be used instead for enhanced patrols. A few mile long sections that were originally planned for fencing will need some added, but that will be the extent of it. With the Army and Air Force patrolling the border (they have to fly training sortees and conduct training missions, so they might as well do it there anyway* - plus drones, drones and more drones to help)

*That part isn't pie in the sky at all. It's a half eaten pie whose calories have been counted, ingredients measured and recipes filed away for future use. If Hillary is elected, the program will remain silent as it is at the moment.

For the wall to work as intended it needs to be 100% possible. Reasonable, Effective, Cost-Efficient? Nope, those aren't part of the plan. The democrats couldn't dare afford to let the wall get built. If it were built and was effective (never mind that it wouldn't be, politicians live in constant fear of losing office and fret needlessly) and jobs began booming again in the US, the democrats would be finished as a political party and would have to disband again and reinvent themselves.

When the wall is as real as being on track and fully funded, then the real plan begins.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Jun 18, 2016, 6:37:29 AM
DalaiLama wrote:

The wall is the stick. In order for the stick to work, it needs to be real. Real enough in the sense of beginning eminent domain process, opening the bidding process for contractors, setting up the laws on money transfers.

The stick is so profoundly stupid that it will never be real.

DalaiLama wrote:

The carrot is immigration reform - not kicking out the 22-30 million that aren't legally entitled to be here either. It will be kicking out or jailing the criminals, and there will be costs expected to be borne by the Mexican govt for health care and other aid given to their citizens here. A hard limit on future immigrants will be put in place and that limit will stay in place until growth allows for more immigrants.

The carrot is so profoundly unreal, it's stupid. "Immigration reform" is a political mythological creature at this point. Everyone loves to harp on and on about it, but the moment anyone does anything of substance, they suddenly find themselves in a very uncomfortable spotlight.

You really should have a look at the 2012 Republican post-mortem. There's a reason why all the big Rs are running from Trump as fast as they can. If Trump manages to keep pissing off hispanic voters (the fastest growing segment of the voting population... and in swing states!), they will end up with yet another chunk of the population whose vote they can just fucking forget about for generations. There goes that state/congressional stronghold.

Again, '64 - '68 is calling...

DalaiLama wrote:

Do the "experts" analyzing this on the TV talk shows honestly not see that this is what Trump has planned?

Does Trump see what Trump has planned? Honest question.

DalaiLama wrote:

The money allocated for the wall - and Trump will have to get 2-5 billion*

*Warning: wall may be assembled entirely out of cardboard. Figure does not include land purchases, labor, necessary construction infrastructure, overhead, maintenance during construction, engineering, or any unforeseen circumstances.

2-5 billion is a fucking fever dream of an estimate.

DalaiLama wrote:

If it were built and was effective (never mind that it wouldn't be, politicians live in constant fear of losing office and fret needlessly) and jobs began booming again in the US, the democrats would be finished as a political party and would have to disband again and reinvent themselves.

Look... as much as I want it to, manufacturing is never, ever, ever coming back to the US. Ever. And even if it does, you can bet it's going to look a lot more like the Adidas plant in Germany than Rosy the Riveter.

Mexico is only the closest (and therefore most visceral) example of our problems. It's an easy whipping boy, and an even easier target. It is literally easier for people to understand a giant, ridiculous wall than to read up on why we're in this mess to begin with.

Want US manufacturing jobs? Guess what, you're going head-first and full-thrust into the protectionist rabbit hole. There is no other alternative.

DalaiLama wrote:

When the wall is as real as being on track and fully funded, then the real plan begins.

The real plan.
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Is Cheeto Jesus another dead meme like Drumpf?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Is Cheeto Jesus another dead meme like Drumpf?

Hey, when the opposition has no real points to raise, mockery is all they have. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Raycheetah wrote:
Hey, when the opposition has no real points to raise, mockery is all they have.

What reality are you living in where people aren't calling Trump on his many, many piles of bullshit? Come on, man. Open those eyes. People use labels like those to mock the idiot, while at the same time, and in the same posts, they detail actual problems with him.

Jesus, this is fucking Trump we're talking about. Every time he opens his mouth he gives the opposition a mountain of ammo to attack him with.
Xavderion wrote:
Is Cheeto Jesus another dead meme like Drumpf?

We'll see. The twitter rant is copypasta material at least. Spontaneous. If reddit has shown me something, it's that people are pissed off about the other memes, and a backslash is imminent.

Raycheetah wrote:
ey, when the opposition has no real points to raise, mockery is all they have. =^[.]^=

Says someone from the side with /pol/, /r/the_donald, Breitbart and Stormfront.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Jun 18, 2016, 2:07:38 PM
DalaiLama wrote:
You hold a portion of the funds being transferred from US bank accounts to Mexican bank accounts. Wall is paid for in less than three months. It's one of the stated options in Trump's plans.

For those considering legality - Presidents and Congress can write and pass laws. Presidents can use executive authority as well. The restrictions on what is allowed to be transferred between banks that aren't in the same state has been changed several times over the last decades.

That would be stupid, immoral, ineffective and counterproductive.

It's stupid, because there were only 296 billion dollars spent on Mexican imports in 2015. You would need a very noticeable tax to get your 12 billion dollars (if the wall indeed costs 12 billion dollars).

It's immoral because it's targeting a specific country based in biases rather than actual needs to protect trade.

It's inefficient because you can easily circumvent it by going through intermediaries or making cash transactions.

It's counterproductive because you're just increasing taxes on trade, effectively increasing the price of what you're buying to Mexico, and the ones to pay the bill in the end are US citizens.

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