Donald Trump

Schmodderhengst wrote:

Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016 (1:26 min)

I thought Cheeto Jesus said his presidency would make us more respected around the world not less. He's not even president and already Japan has pokemonized him too.
Last edited by coatofarms#2347 on Jun 17, 2016, 7:30:32 PM
Schmodderhengst wrote:

Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016 (1:26 min)

Hah! Thanks, I hadn't seen this one :-) Mike Diva is great, and his music is very catchy.

His videos:

Charlie Sheen
Extreme Caroling

Are worth checking out, imo.

Hadn't seen this one before, but Mike Diva does a great job with it as well:

Grindhouse Megamix

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Antnee wrote:
Putting aside the absolutely ridiculous price tag-- along with the continuing cost of upkeep and manning the damn thing-- And how incredibly fucked up and borderline fascist it is to just confiscate money because your feelings are hurt

We can say it's for carbon control and everyone will be happy. Little DiCaprio can christen it with a bottle of Grand Patron Platinum, and Justin Bieber can drive his latest race car along the top for a scene in The Furious and Hateful 8

Antnee wrote:
-- I'd love to see how they intend to get permission from every private property owner along the border to build the thing.

Eminent Domain, IRS confiscation, EPA environmental regulations, the usual government thievery methods. They might have to set up a private email server to process the emails and then scrub it later. Business as usual.

How much of the income that is wired south to Mexico is actually taxed? That's where the government will make its stand, and the naysayers will be stymied.

Someone who is on SNAP, and wiring home $1,000 a week without reporting it, is also probably running afoul of RICO laws regarding money transfer.

This isn't going to play out the way the left thinks it will.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:

This isn't going to play out the way the left thinks it will.

Correct, it's not going to play out at all. Every single one of the things you mentioned are sort of completely antithetical to US right-wing ideology. You'd need the entire Right, and a good chunk of the Left, and every government agency in between to accomplish any of it. Given how quickly the Rs are trying to distance themselves from Trump... I dunno, how's the weather in fantasy land?

Good luck getting even a fraction of the houses to support any of that, and goooooood luck when any piece of it goes to the SCOTUS.

And Super SUPER good luck getting fucking TEXAS to just quietly agree to the federal gub'mint taking their land through eminent domain.

Serious question: Do you actually live in this country?
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Last edited by Antnee#4468 on Jun 17, 2016, 8:31:53 PM
Epic Twitter Rant
1/ How the actual fuck does anyone at the RNC have standing to act shocked that Trump is not doing the basics of campaigning?

2/ You can't elide over his utter dipshittery. No matter how much you try to act surprised, you own this. You're covered in his stench.

3/ History will be so cruel to you.

4/ Your off the record sniping and grumbling is no substitute for moral courage. That's so DC.

5/ You won't escape the stain. It's like a big, visible "No Ragrets" chest tat that will mark your careers forever.

6/ Go public. Man up. Show courage. Say what's in your hearts; he's insane. He's poison. He's doomed. He's killing the Party.

7/ None of you are good enough to spin the unspinnable ratfuck that is Trump. None of you can say, "I was just following orders."

8/ This weekend, people were lined up hundreds deep to give blood to the victims of Orlando. Your Cheeto Jesus was praising himself.

9/ There is no better Trump. There is not Presidential Trump. He is a vile stain on the this Republic.

10/ Your resumes will always read "Worked for a batshit crazy crypto-fascist who destroyed the GOP



What a time to be alive. Bonus point for insulting other's people waifus in twitter.

It's time for the meme counterattack. There will be no prisoners.
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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Jun 17, 2016, 10:29:51 PM
My current favorite Reddit comment:

The Donald just took an upper decker in the GOP toilet
Gonna take a few flushes to get that out
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/r/enoughtrumpspam and /r/sweden have been mocking truly hard the guys at the_donald. I smell a massacre in the next months.


I can't believe Trump is making Hilary electable (look at the polls, even with the recent shooting).
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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Jun 17, 2016, 10:35:42 PM
coatofarms wrote:
Schmodderhengst wrote:

Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016 (1:26 min)

I thought Cheeto Jesus said his presidency would make us more respected around the world not less. He's not even president and already Japan has pokemonized him too.

Cheeto Jesus? How unoriginal. Let alone the fact that Mohammed had that naming scheme locked up a long time ago - and not even in a spirit of meanness.

You can follow Mohammed Cheetos on twitter here:

Or the instagram of a different Mohamed Cheetos here:

Or the DJ Mohammed Cheetos here:

Or listen to another Mohammed Cheetos here on Sound Cloud:

Or the facebooks of several dozen Mohammed Cheetos

Or the Pinterest of MohOsama Cheetos here:

If this unoriginal combination of junk snack food and religious figure is the best jab they have against Trump, then they might was well send an Oompa Loompa to try and dunk on LeBron James.

The fact that they are alienating people with religious affiliations probably doesn't occur to them, anymore than not physically assaulting Trump supporters doesn't occur to them. It does help make clear why they don't want anyone to have weapons they could defend themselves with.

South Park showed us just what kind of spineless bully Radical Leftists are when the best courage they could manage was a pixelated version. If they had one tenth the courage Charlie Hebdo does, they might have an inkling as to what integrity is.

Monsanto Venus - oooh, should I run out and celebrate over creating a new term?


Hmmm, Monsanto Venus or Hilmart?

Good think she was on WalMart's board of directors to help them fight evil unions!

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
^The whole world knows Hillary is the spawn of Satan and Hitler. Still better than Trump.
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Antnee wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

This isn't going to play out the way the left thinks it will.

Correct, it's not going to play out at all.

If Hillary gets elected it won't play out. Otherwise it is all feasible.

The federal government routinely prosecutes people for unreported aggregate transfers of money over a certain threshold. It's been in the US news before - if you've been watching mainly non US news, I could see where you've missed it. The technology is in place. The unscrupulous government agency people are already in place too. Trump can keep the same people and tell them - instead of going after right wing business leaders and Chik-Fil-A you're going to use the same nefarious skills against people illegally sending money to Mexico without reporting it as taxes.

Maybe some of these "analysts" missed the concept that income above a certain level every year is required by law to be reported and taxed? Maybe they thought the IRS only existed to audit Christian groups who bothered Planned Parenthood?

No - I'm not serious about keeping the Obama/Hillary technological brute squad. They can all move to Canada, like they promised to do when Bush beat Al Gore. The point is that many of the laws, if not all, are already in place. The technology is in place. It may need a little tune up to get running properly, but it's all there.

I'm not sure the "analysts" that talk about how much is being sent back to Mexico (vs globally) have the faintest concept of reality. How many of them have hired, paid, or dealt with that side of the issue in their own lives? I think many of the critics of Trump's plan (I can't say all, I've only read some)are living detached lives that don't interact with immigrants, how they save, how they spend, where the money goes. They live in ivory/silicon towers, I think.

Antnee wrote:
Every single one of the things you mentioned are sort of completely antithetical to US right-wing ideology.

That's ok, we have plenty of left wing seize land now, ask question later judges already in place. We just tell them the property owners are on a wetland and BLM rules say it needs to be protected, and it's practically a done deal. Or, we'll just tell them Homeland Security needs it:

Obama’s Homeland Security Seizing Private Citizen Property Via Eminent Domain Along Mexico Border

KGUN9-TV reports the following:

NOGALES, Ariz. (KGUN9-TV) –The feds’ are exercising eminent domain along the Mexico border– buying up property- but paying very little for it. Landowners in Santa Cruz county are livid.

“A man’s home is his castle,” said Tony Sedgwick, the co-owner and manager of Carmencita Ranch. “We’ve owned that since the 1950’s.”

But now Sedgwick is losing a chunk of it.

“They have taken the choicest part of my land,” he said.

It’s a valuable, not to mention scenic spot atop a high hill. And he’s losing it because of a BP surveillance tower there. It keeps a close eye on activity along the fence. It’s a mobile tower, but now that the Department of Homeland Security has taken the land, permanent towers may soon prop up. It’s all part of an effort to tighten up security along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“If your neighbor had lights shining on your property, you would call police,” Sedgwick said. “Who do I call? They are the police.”

One property owner 9OYS talked to says each acre of land can sell for $10,000. The U.S. government is offering this woman $3,000 for two acres. She says it doesn’t take a genius to realize this isn’t a good deal.

“It’s a terrible deal,” said Sedgwick.

Most property owners were hesitant to go on camera. They say they fear upsetting Border Patrol.

“What is not fair is that we don’t have a voice in all this,” said Sedgwick.

So Sedgwick is raising his voice. He says his land means the world to him. And at the end of the day, he says there’s not much more he can lose.

“It’s very difficult to go against the U.S. government,” said Sedgwick.

And difficult really an understatement in this case. If Sedgwick wants to fight this it would cost him almost $60,000 in legal fees. And even after that spending all that money there’s still no guarantee he would win.

9OYS reached out to the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection for comment and provided them a list of our questions. A department spokeswoman says they are looking into it, but did not give a timetable for when 9OYS might receive those answers.

The only significant cost in building the wall is property - and emiment domain could drop that cost down quite a bit.

A Feb. 17, 2016, CNN news article --- Engineers asked to speculate about the envisioned project suggested precast concrete panels reinforced with steel would likely be used. They also came to the conclusion that building the wall would take around 339 million cubic feet of concrete and 5 billion pounds of steel.

So, even at full retail, that's $1.9 billion in concrete (80 pound bags at .67 cu/ft bag), and $2.6 billion in rebar (1/2 20ft rebar at 13.4lbs per). Labor will be cheap because they can use undocumented workers (hey, if the union wants the jobs, they have to support the Trump).

Antnee wrote:
And Super SUPER good luck getting fucking TEXAS to just quietly agree to the federal gub'mint taking their land through eminent domain.

Eminent Domain is never pretty, and it won't be quiet. It may take 3-5 years for most properties, maybe 7-10 for those with money and connections that fight it.

If it were up to me, I'd give all the people who are losing property on the border, their choice of Hollywood homes instead - with a selection from all of the people who opposed border security. If a celebrity tweeted against the wall, then that celeb's house is now officially worth $1 and put in the pool for Texas homeowners on the border to choose from.

The celebrities have other homes, and besides, most of them promised to move to Canada, so we are just helping them keep their word.

The law for doing so is already on the books:

[109th Congress Public Law 367]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ367.109]

[[Page 2637]]


[[Page 120 STAT. 2638]]

Public Law 109-367
109th Congress

An Act

To establish operational control over the international land and
maritime borders of the United States. <<NOTE: Oct. 26, 2006 -
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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