Donald Trump
Fascinating read. IMHO organization of ppl of any sort creates venal and incompetents who wish to rule so we need to cast off all chains of bondage and fealty to state because it's slavery to another. Our whole legal system is a construct to protect this institutionalized slavery. Taxes to intellectual property for generations and so on. I'm more an anarcho capitalist than anything as I believe adversity makes human race stronger, market and politically astute. It can be cruel but not more cruel than trending political systems.
Git R Dun!
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" You sound very successful to me. Your mind is free. Git R Dun!
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Since you guys were talking about AI...
after Rub(i)ot, Robama malfunctioned last night: Plot Twist: our robot overlords are already here, Rubot was a rebel AI trying to tell us the truth ("he knows exactly what he's doing"). Better invest in an EMP device. Oblivious
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" Please remember that even predators dont often kill their own tribe or family. We need to realize that all of mankind is one big tribe. Instead of fighting among ourselves, we can mutually cooperate to achieve more than we ever could divided. I would like to think we can transcend the food chain. Adapt to an entirely new paradigm. For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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You'd think your typical collegiate education, with its errant group projects, would provide people with the practical basis to realize that many, many processes are in fact retarded by cooperation. Generally speaking, skill is the primary motor in determining both quantity and quality of production. This isn't too say organizations are bad, far from it, but unity is not a universally applicable benefit.
We are not all one big tribe. We are a group of individuals. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 2, 2016, 12:37:22 PM
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" Only if your idea of cooperation is a boss cracking the whip over the backs of underpaid employees. Or in the case of power concentrated at the top which results in inefficient bureaucracy. " The skill of the engineer who designed the process of production and detailed job duties; sure he has skills, and the more the better. But as for the group, a 'skilled' individual should share their knowledge with the rest of the group. Keeping secrets is NOT full cooperation. The dynamics of competition for limited resources (promotions) are a true retardation of smooth cooperation. For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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Kapitalismus and Socialismus are both empty fraises, there is no ""pure"" government.
A government will pull toward´s one side, based on the country´s supply and demand. For example: the us goverment support´s there farmer so heavily with Subventionen, that it´s litarly impossible for foreign country´s to compete and sell Food in the usa. ""Socialismus"" While on the other side, usa try´s to force TTIP upon europe, to sell there cheap/low Quality food easyier to europe, because they overproduce it. ""Free market,Kapitalism"" Kapitalismus is already almost fail in therm´s of food,cloth and to some extend´s technology. Those stuff is completly overproduced, like how much food,cloth,car´s does a single human need? To counter act that low demand, usually the prize goes down or the Produkt is obsolestent to force rebuying. Because evryone know´s that there competetor´s could overtake your ""work"", it become´s ""Turbo Kapitalismus"". So basicly it´s evryone´s fault, or better it´s the overall convusion. Therefore we can´t blame low wages but rather or own Greed,Vanity. Of course ""class"" also play´s a big role, but not evry rich Person is automaticly bad. |
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These thugs just elected Trump. Deal with it. Git R Dun!
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" You know, I really don't understand the reactions to the violence here. The cognitive dissonance is fucking astounding. He's denigrating and threatening an entire group of people... He's whipping up xenophobia and racism in the populace. What, you expect them to just passively take his abuse? You expect calm? Gentle good humor? Are people seriously not questioning why this shit didn't happen outside the other candidates' rallies? This isn't a Republican! Let's Get Him!!! thing. His language is calculated, and his targets quite clear. This will only get worse, and I sincerely hope it's simply the death throes of the Arpaio wing of the republican party. Unfortunately for all of us, it's probably not. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: |
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" I have a question for you, Why do you think Trump is racist? What exactly did he said that was racist? |
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