Donald Trump
I agree with your stance there GA, but I would like to introduce also the Jewish idea of the 10th man rule, where if 9 people immediately agree the 10th man must offer a dissenting opinion, to try to cut down on group think and too easily reaching a consensus. Seeing a diverse body can be like the physical representation of all the options are being considered. this thing on?
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" So... what is the problem in them being white? you say its the article that is painting, but are you suggesting we should judge people based on the colour of their skin and sex and push people into position even if they have less merits than others in order to fill a quota? or that such isnt inherently discriminatory? I wont call you racist for seeing non-white people in london, in fact, whites are a minority in london already, you'd have to be blind or never leave the basement. Now read the previous paragraph several times and look in the mirror all this also, and I bet neither of us knows the economics behind each party position on the fares. They seem unempathetic, but is that all there is to it? (honest question if anyone knows). either way like I said before, no problem with his economic view on it. @GeorgAnatoly: bus fares arent exactly a culture-specific problem (I would understand if the case was something like high taxation for Halal food or something of the like). though for the rest I get what you mean to an extent, humans naturally relate better to those who are closer in traits. However I am completely against this quota deal. goes directly against meritocracy, if this man got there through it, others can as well. People shouldnt be pushed away from or refused for job because they are not X race/sex. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on May 10, 2016, 3:34:51 PM
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where did he propose a quota? not in that article. He implied that plan to raise the fares stems from lack of empathy, and the lack of empathy from the board towards the diverse minorities and women is due to their detachment and the solidarity in that detachment. If that is racist to you because he described them as uniformly white (which they are), then I don't know what to tell you. I didn't quote the article to discuss the contents, but rather the alarmist fashion in which the article was written. I can see you are too entrenched in your white is right dogma to see that
A economic discussion would be a good rebuttal. A discussion that it isn't a lack of empathy but some other determining factor driving the plan that would be a good rebuttal. Even a discussion on how to guarantee there is discussion considering other options to generate the revenue than basically taxing the people with higher fares would be a good thing coming from that article. But nope, racism, even though everything he stated was supported, the board is uniformly white, London is not uniformly white, and the board appears to not be empathetic to the people. Lets not discuss how we can be sure that the board is taking all options on board for discussing and scream instead that the man is racist and stealing our jobs!! No fucking wonder the other guy lost. this thing on? Last edited by LostForm#2813 on May 10, 2016, 4:07:14 PM
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" If the problem for him resides in the colour of people then he wants to replace them based on that. so the logical solution is the quota. again, he didnt imply, he said "too many white people", he directly connected the lack of empathy and race because it cannot be economical in his eyes, I know you wanna get away from it cause to you there's a paradox regarding what you've been taught to believe and what reality is and your brain doesnt compute cause realizing you are wrong is hard. " " that's pretty funny. you are a very funny individual. on the edge of awareness, but not quite there. (btw when do I get my free pointy white cloak now that a random asinine leftist deemed me to be some sort of supremacist?) at least you are not Reich wing so you cant be racist, amirite? eh? eh? lads? you are very intelligent. " I think they should discuss that. I however wont turn a blind eye to his racism like you are so comfortable with wanting people to. I'll say it though, I dont have much interest in it. im not even an english citizen, I was just aware of that and had to post it when Noah mentioned the man as if he wasnt flawed considering what we were talking about. [Removed by Support] Oblivious Last edited by Nichelle_GGG#0000 on May 10, 2016, 5:06:11 PM
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oh I know I am intelligent, I get paid for my intelligence. Also good job continuing your trope-ish banter though, as you have been scoring points this whole time with it, I love the part where you are both idolizing trump and against the things he says, seems you have your ducks in a row! this thing on?
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" I like that analogy. Now to decide if I'm voting for the blue hoarder representative or the red hoarder representative. I'm thinking there should be team jerseys, so we can at least get the satisfaction of having some wearable memorabilia for our preferred affiliation. Someone will have to come up with a scoring system, and we'll need to break legislative and judicial sessions into bite sized events. "And with the closing gavel, the Texas Cruzers fall two sessions behind the Vermont Bern in the legislative semifinals. Coming up next, an interview with Coach Trump and why he traded Rubio and Kasich for two first round freshmen house draft picks in 2018..." PoE Origins - Piety's story
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" I like (not idolizing) trump for the qualities he has, yet Im not blind to his faults, I probably would never be for him if the other (real) candidates werent Hillary and Sanders and if he wasnt the seemingly only candidate that is willing to tackle the regressive left and rampant PC attitude, considering the era. like I said I can see where the mayor is coming from and can see how people feel regarding the fares (and who knows he might even be right economically, but that I do not know), but I am still not willingly blind to his racism. There is nothing wrong with being able to see both sides of one person, if you dropped the whole intellectual dishonesty deal you'd realize that yourself and probably evolve as a person. Oblivious
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The problem with trump is the reason why he became the nominee was a really great reason, it's a recognition of a huge problem in the political system and an attempt to fix it the only way people can. The problem is trump and bernie as people are horrible.
Personally I hope the 'trumpism' as the pundits call it stays and this election cycle represents a first albeit poor iteration that the voters learn from and in the next iterations choose someone who represents a solution to politics but are much better individuals. |
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" ""Thirteen of them are black men. Thirteen. Think about it . It only has three transgnders on it. That's less than one in five. " Does the inherent racism of London's new mayor stand out a little more now that the targets of his speech are slightly altered? He judges people by their race and their sex. Pretending that men can't represent women is like pretending that women can't represent men. People who believe in portioning out all positions don't genuinely believe others are created equal, they believe others are inferior and will only obtain positions if they are given to them. It is the most despicable type of racism there is. A non racist mayor could have said that these people have a disconnect with those using public transportation as evidenced by their statements or behaviors .... Whether the other mayoral choice was more or less racist, I have no idea, but the thinking of this one is clear enough. ![]() "The vegan diet is what I like the best,” Then again, this statement by Bill was deemed perfectly acceptable by the media too: "African Americans watch the same news at night that ordinary Americans do." PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on May 10, 2016, 6:41:40 PM
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