More Information About the Upcoming One-Month Event
golden set looks like crap in my opinion, would love a green/white one, or even black/dark purple one..
also a bit dissapointed with the flashback league, the first one was nice but i hope u guys dont rely on this kind of league everytime u run out of ideas :/ |
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different league mods as the days go by? HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY shit! i dont even care about the rewards, the days 7-8, etc with many mods on at the same time... i cannot wait to play this! i just hope i have enough off-time from work/school :D
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I may be in the minority in saying this, but I'm honestly really disappointed that the temp leagues will be ending so soon. After everything that has been posted, I thought that the leagues would last closer to 4 months. With an end date of October 2, they were less than 3 months long, which makes them the shortest temp leagues yet. This gives only two more weekends to finish up the challenges, when I expected a month or more. While I am excited for the one month league, I just started a character on Tempest, and I'm rather disappointed that I won't be able to flesh it out.
On a separate note, I truly enjoyed the fact that the previous one-month leagues had rewards for both SC and HC, as it gave a softcore player like me the incentive to try out the hardcore league for once. It was an awesome way to bridge the gap between the two different player groups, and got me to experience a new way to play POE. I managed to get the red armour set and I still have people on my friends list that are exclusively hardcore players. Lastly, I'm not entirely sure why the tempest and warbands mods are entirely exclusive of each other. Regardless of whether the one-month was going to be a warbands/tempest or a flashback league, I was looking forward to the overlap between the two, as they are the only leagues we haven't tried together so far. |
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" This^^ It is the misleading and the lying on GGG part that is revolting. Not the actual shortness of the league... |
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" point out where exactly they said the leagues will 100% be 4months long |
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I agree with the current duration of temp leagues being a bit too short. But hey. if the numbers show peeps don't play anymore, what are you going to do, right? There's no pleasing greeks and romans", goes my country's saying.
Having skipped the last Flashback league, I'm excited for this upcoming 1-month. I for one, however, understand that the league is best started on a Sunday, instead of Friday. If weekends are meant to be all-mod fest, do we really want to be levelling on the madness? Or start on a Sunday, spend the weekdays levelling, and when the ruckus hits the fan, we're all nice, high and powerfull to be actually able to run that content? I'm all for the latter. And I also don't think the Golden Seraph is a bad reward; I like it. I know many players already got the Sanguine/Cerulean sets, but keep in mind that The Awakening brought a ton of new players into the game. Many don't have any set, not having been here for the last 1-month. " The challenges are specific to an upcoming 1-month league, where you will have to create a character from scratch. These leagues and challenges are usually announced in the Path of Exile news page. Also, while in-game, you can check challenges completed / not yet completed by pressing H on your keyboard, while you're on the pertinent league (on STD/HC this will only bring up the Achievements). WOW GGG WOTH A HEK MAN?AM LEVEL 89 IN YOURE POE STD LEAGUE AND WOTH A HELL SO GRIND NOW MAKE WORSE?I CAN NO MAKE LEVELT 100 LIKE FAST 1% NOW NO CAN EVER DO IT?SHAME MAP DROP LOW=NO PLAYER DO GAME ANYMORE!NO DIE POE CUZ BAD MAP DROP DIE POE CUZ BAD DEVILOPER!
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" That's not a problem of league lengths though, it's a problem of poorly designed, non-rewarding challenges. Warbands / Tempest challenges were the worst leagues ever in this regard. |
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Not only a glorious seraph set, BUT RANDOM MICRO TRANSACTIONS AS WELL????? Feedback on prizes: AMAZING.
Everything seems great. The only thing I don't like is that to me it seems the league effects are a bit underwhelming (e.g. only one extra ghost/strongbox/shrine) I think it would be perfect if instead of one, we got two. Two seems great. IGN: Snowblaze
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Overall looks great. I'm especially happy that the Warbands can drop their special loot. This was definitely the most important issue for me, as some of those special mods and uniques are way too powerful to pass up in hardcore, even if we get significantly less time to frantically farm them.
I will say that I'm a bit surprised there is absolutely no other incentive to play the hardcore version, though. Many people seemed excited about the suggestion of black seraph armor for hardcore (and I'd say changing the secondary detail color to something like cyan or even a blood-red would make it even more badass). Since many people were interested in a cool way to show off their ability to survive the craziest combinations of mods you can have, why not give it to them? I thought the event-exclusive MTX rewards were meant to show off your mastery of PoE and/or blessing from RNGesus... as a hardcore player, I know I'd personally prefer a way to show I didn't just death zerg my way through the most difficult moments. I do enjoy the extra challenge and risk/reward decisions that come with hardcore, but being able to show off my success is also nice. As it currently stands, it seems to me GGG is simply saying hardcore players must jump through more hoops to get the cool stuff standard players already got in Warbands, because... um... those hardcore players deserve more middle fingers raised in their honor, right? A simple recolor of one set of textures can't take an experienced artist that much time, so please consider this small investment that would likely generate a lot of goodwill within your hardcore community. It's been suggested before that hardcore deaths in temporary leagues send players to the standard temp league. While this option would cause minor issues when the league mods are different, I see absolutely no reason why any non-trolls would object to this QoL improvement when the hardcore and standard versions are absolutely identical. Dying in hardcore could then have the same ramifications as a standard death during these short events (I don't think losing all your progress during a time-sensitive event is "fun" in any sense of the word). If you make it so that playing hardcore gives you an additional reward for skillful play without gimping you and ruining your experience of this event, I'm sure you'd get more people giving hardcore a try and liking the added challenge (and still enjoying the equivalent standard version if they find a mod combination is too challenging for them). Drawn by a haunting voice, you come to the PoE forums. It is an odd place, filled with a motley assortment of feedback... and shameless trolling. There, the whining posts are all around you, and the gamers are silent, as the grind takes ahold of them. One by one, their lives seem lost to its call.
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please make first three days All league mods it will be much fun
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