More Information About the Upcoming One-Month Event
Don't konw if its said but I find it better to be reinforced anyway.
Start the 1-MONTH at: Friday Morning - America Friday Afternoon - Europe Friday Evening - Singapore etc. START IT ON FRIDAY PLEASE! (People with jobs will be at a great disadvantage otherwise :/) |
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Resetting standard would I think be a very bad thing and I'm sure most of us who do play in standard the majority of the time would end up going someplace else.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine |
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" What YOU get won't be as rewarding because of what OTHER people get? I don't get this mentality. You're not forced to play hardcore, that's the objective of having 2 different events with the same prize, play whatever you enjoy the most and the one you want. Also, again, if the HC and SC reward is different then everyone will feel that they are losing half the event for not playing the other event, just like the previous challenge leagues with a prize. Stop this "I play HC, I'm better, give me better rewards" |
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i'd vote for a start on thursday/friday NZ time...
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Hey man, I'm actually new to this game.. And I see an upcoming 1 month league.. It says there you have a chance to win a Golden Seraph Set if you complete all the challenges..
WHAT ARE THESE CHALLENGES?? I MEAN... How do I join them? Where can I find them to start completing them? How do I know if it's starting? Is there a schedule? Or a portal somewhere to go in? Should Ibe in game and some random messages like the ones about giving us time to log out if the server restarts? Are you guys going to announce it there? About the Demi God Uniques.. Top 20 what? I'm guessing FIRST TOP 20 who has the highest level/experience when the event ends? Or strongest top dps? What? Richest fully equipped top 20 people? I'm not a genius but I can't find the answers to my question on this post. The post is not noob friendly. It's like for people who played since this game was made. Last edited by pelstheman#6841 on Sep 16, 2015, 1:36:18 PM
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You guys could do like the Torment/Bloodline 1 month league, 1 Seraph set for Standard and another one for Hardcore, makes people want to play on both SC and HC.
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As for me, having different rewards for HC and SC was an awesome experince. I personally usually play HC temp leagues, but that time i played SC as well and it was fun for me and really interesting new experience, i tried some crazy yolo build i wouldn't play in HC. Also, i'm not saying rewards for HC should be better, after all, it's just a matter of taste, they just should be different, i believe. That said, i personally liked SC set last time more, being HC player mostly.
As for about start - i'm completely ok with sunday. While i perfectly understand why the majority of people want it to start on friday - and i'm not complaining at all about friday starts, i'm ok with it - but i would like to say, that there is a minority of people who would prefer start at sunday\monday, like me, for example, because of some specifics of my job. So while i'm completely okay with friday starts - why not to make a start another day once, thus making it good for a minority like me, and sunday looks just awesome. :D Just saying. League idea looks just awesome, and last time i had a lot of fun playing it, though my computer prolly wanted to end his life at weekends :D As for the leagues, i personally like shorter leagues, because anyways at the end of 3rd month there are a lot LOT less players (at least at tempest). New economy, new rules, a lot of players is a lot better that slowly dying in 4 month league and playing in a ghost-town, GGG probably saw amount of people playing and decided 3 month is okay, which i agree. While i agree, that 4 month can be okay if people are still present, any more like 5-6 month is too long for me, and i just wouldn't play so much in a temp league. Those who want so long leagues can better go play standart leagues i believe? As they should perfectly fit them. Last edited by fatelessguy#1781 on Sep 16, 2015, 1:52:36 PM
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Looks like I'm coming back, thank you for all mods days (obv minus some)
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" So I started playing in a Tempest league from the start, got my char to 94 lvl, then I had a vacation and skipped few weeks, and now when I'm back and was planning to craft some stuff I wanted to, look at 81/82 maps, etc., they just said that I most likely won't be able to finish anything in this league. Yesterday I was half-way to 96, I've heard they gonna make league a bit longer so I thought I'll get my 100 before league end. And now I think I won't be able to. Again. I seriously don't understand what all that people wanting short leagues do in game? Going to play 24x7 to get that 4bln exp in a month or two? Or just derping on low lvl? Not sure if permanent HC league is live enough, maybe I should ignore this temporary shit and move there. |
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" Relevant parts of the thread that answer what you are asking: - We're proposing that the event runs from Sunday, October 4 (NZ time) to Tuesday November 3 (NZ time), inclusive. - There would be a pair of simultaneous leagues - one Standard and one Hardcore. You can pick whichever you'd like to play in - they both have the same prizes. Given all the crazy league mods we're discussing adding, it's probably easier to play in the Standard league, but many people enjoy the challenge and competition of the hardcore one. - Top 20 is by XP and the Challenges hasn't been disclosed yet, probably not until the league starts. - It's a LEAGUE, so when the league is open you can create new characters in that league and participate in it. The challenges must be completed in that league, and the league will last 1 month. |
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