[2.0] Oro's Sacrifice Frenzied Frost Blades (feat. 10 Frenzy Charges)
Oro’s Sacrifice Frenzied Frost Blades: A Build Guide
*** THIS BUILD IS OUT-DATED *** See link below for new version: New Build Thread (From 2.2) Overview
The Concept
This build revolves around using a Oro’s Sacrafice unique 2H sword, gaining a bunch of Frenzy Charges and murdering everything with Frost Blades. So why Oro's? Apart from just being a kick-ass weapon with insane ele dps, chance to ignite, and culling against ignited enemies, the big reason I’m using the weapon is the 100% chance to gain a frenzy charge when you ignite. With the recent nerf to Blood Rage and most Frenzy generating methods requiring you to actually kill an enemy (Blood Rage, Blood Dance and Poacher’s Mark) it can be rather annoying when it comes to keeping up your charges on a boss. If you want all that extra damage you generally have to work around something clunky like swapping to the Frenzy Skill. With 2.0 already demanding so many more active skills on your bar, adding another just for that can be a hassle and a bad use of links. Oro’s does not have these problems. You will get and maintain max charges with ease. So why Frost Blades? Well, there are a lot of things I could do with Oro’s. Basically, any attack that a 2H sword can do, you can use Oro’s with. It comes down to personal prefernce and overall effectiveness. Personally, I’ve chosen Frost Blades for a few reasons.
All this is great, but the true magic happens when the skill is linked with multistrike and chain with enough projectile speed. The auto-targeting of the skill + multistrike and the coverage of chain + projectile speed means you wipe out everything on screen plus a bunch of stuff off screen, too. Trust me. Watch one of my videos and you will see this in action. Apart from Frost Blades, there are quite a few options. I’ll go through a few in the cut below:
* Flicker Strike Probably the most popular choice for Oro’s and one with quite a few build threads out there. With the Blood Rage nerf, Oro’s is one of the easiest ways to get a 100% up-time flicker strike going (the skill uses up a frenzy charge to bypass it’s cooldown). This requires quite a lot of stacking chance to ignite, however, and is not really a great idea when pathing so far south for every last frenzy charge. It is better served in the Witch/Templar area. The build also does not have room for more uniques with ignite chance on them. * Ice Crash / Static Strike Both are similar skills in that they are elemental themed attacks that deal a circle AoE around your character, so you would probably build them almost the exact same for Oro’s. Again, to get really nice clear speed with these, you probably want AoE nodes near the Witch/Templar area. I’d suspect that with an Inc AoE gem, though, you could get some decent clear speed with this build using one of these gems. * Wild Strike Because this build is elemental, all three of the Wild Strike procs will do 100% fire - no phys conversion. This means you don't shock/freeze anything (a big plus to the skill). Apart from this, the procs themselves are a little awkward and often don't hit all that many mobs (especially with Multistrike targeting whatever it pleases). That said, it does nice damage without needing any chain/lmp type supports. If it's your thing, it will get the job done. * Spectral Throw This is a great skill for this build and is interchangeable with Frost Blades for the most part. With the amount of projectile speed the build gets, you can attack from a very safe distance and kite mobs with your high move speed. The big issue you will run into is mana cost.I rely on mana on hit and rallying cry to sustain my skill off the tiny bit of mana I have post-auras. Spectral Throw is delayed in hitting and does not auto-target. This means it needs more investment into mana than I’ve currently taken. Apart from this, I also feel the clear speed is slower than Frost Blades from my own testing. It is still a great choice and can be worked in without too much effort if you prefer the playstyle. So what about defence? In 2.0, your defences are more important than ever - even in Standard. I’ve loaded this character up with a bunch of different ways to keep it alive.
All together, this combination has been enough to keep me alive even through some very tough maps and bosses. That said, know your weaknesses! Chaos, degen and physical spells are three things you are going to want to be very careful around - or just avoid. … And that's the basics of the build! :) Passive Tree
108 Point Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAx4FLQW1B3UM8g-rEYES4RRNFHUWvxiRGNsZihqPH0EhVSFgIq8j9iSLJpUshTBxMHw31DhTOd06QjpSPs9AoEPnRXxGt0d-S3hNklFHVUtVhVb6WhpeE2FSYeJirGOnZU1sjG1sdO108XXLdud313h6eu9_K4TFhNmE74Zgh2qK8Iw2jX2Nv5LQlwaXl5u1naqksaXLqSeplLCrtDi0xbvjvJ-9Nr3mvqfApsLswzrEgsSizZjTb9Qj3D3dRt2o5LHlGeWO6UbqYu0_70722vsJ-_X8S_66 It is important to note here that a Fireborn jewel is socketed in the Duelist area. This transforms all the nodes that have ‘%phys damage with two handers’ into ‘%fire damage with two handers’. You still gain any attack speed and accuracy with two handers on these nodes as you normally would.
I did not keep track of how I spent points while leveling, but I have a rough guideline for how I went about it:
(If you want to skip explanations and just see the gear I'm using currently, check the "My Gear" section at the bottom of the post - it's not in here) I use three other uniques to compliment my Oro’s * Darkray Vectors, Corrupted with +1 Frenzy Charges These not only give us TWO extra frenzy charges, but a whopping 20% dodge and 50% move speed on max frenzy charges! Even without life and only one resist, the overall stat gain from these are insane. The two downsides to the boot are rather irelivent and you won’t feel either all that much. * Karui Ward, Corrupted with +1 Frenzy Charges The main thing here is using a corrupted amulet for the last of our extra frenzy charges, bringing us up to an even 10. I chose a Karui because it is very cheap and easy to either find corrupted or buy up and corrupt yourself. The stats it does have, while not very clearly defensive or offensive, are a HUGE boost to overall clear speed with Frost Blades. * Daresso’s Defiance This chest does not interact with Frenzy itself, but compliments our Darkray very well. With Acrobatics, we can achieve a total of 66% dodge. Pair that with evasion and you’re not getting hit very often. When you are hit, the free endurance charges from Daresso’s will almost always be up, mitigating that hit, and then - the cherry on top - proccing CWDT+Immortal Call BEFORE the charges are consumed by the Daresso Onslaught buff! You get both buffs for the price of your endurance charges. A perfect blend of offensive and defensive power. Why not Surgebinders? I keep getting asked this question, so I thought I'd stick in a little section about these gloves. Basically, they provide 70% elemental damage (7% per frenzy charge) and a small chance to "steal" enemy charges (provided your enemy has charges up to steal) at the cost of 10% reduced charge duration & whatever stats you would be getting from a good rare. These are definitely a nice damage boost and quite cheap to obtain. But I don't use them. Why?
The rest of my rare slots... *** One of these items should have an int roll (you don't need much, 20~ works - can be crafted on) to let you max out your skill gems *** Gloves / Helmet
The jewels... I use three jewel sockets on my build - all "two point" sockets.
5/6L Frost Blades + Multistrike + WeD + Chain + Fire Pen [+ Faster Attacks] (Grace/Anger) * This is my main skill of choice. Fire Pen is very important here since I don't currently run any elemental curses to lower enemy resists. Try and get a good quality Chain if possible - it adds up to 20% projectile speed. If I ever get a 6L for Frost Blades, I would try and get Faster Attacks to work, but the mana cost might not allow this - will have to test it out. * Side-note: If you have a 6S 5L, try fitting an aura into your spare socket. 5/6L Double Strike + Multistrike + WeD + Faster Attacks + Fire Pen [+ ???] (Grace/Anger) * This is my single target skill of choice. It works great with mana gain on hit, since you get twice as much back, and rips through hard rares and bosses while keeping your frenzy charges at max. If I ever get a 6L for Double Strike, I’m not sure what I would add. Perhaps Blind or Inc Burning Dmg. * You can replace Double Strike with whatever form of single target you prefer. Molten Strike is a strong option with conc effect due to the extra scaling off the projectile damage nodes the build grabs for frost blades,. * Side-note: If you have a 6S 5L, try fitting an aura into your spare socket. 4L CWDT (lvl 1) + Immortal Call + Inc Duration + Enfeeble * Since you are virtually always at max charges unless on a boss, you will get a lot of strong IC procs from this set-up. Enfeeble is great even at a low level of gem and works great with a dodge/evasion based build. 4L Leap Slam + Fortify + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic * I use this on every pack to engage and proc fortify. It also works as decent mobility. Blood Magic is because my mana pool is very small and I want to make sure I can attack after a string of leap slams in a row. 4L Fire Golem + Rallying Cry + Inc Dur + Blood Magic (Grace + Anger) * This is my “spare”. If needed, you can socket auras here and just take out one or two supports. Flame Golem is a small boost in damage and soaks a few hits. Rallying Cry is a nice boost in damage and makes sure you don’t go out of mana when you don’t chain to enough things for mana on hit. Bandit Choices
I would not take a point on any of the bandits, as each of them gives something important for the build. Extras
Notes on leveling
Generally, you want to just level as if you were an Elemental Buzzsaw character. I used a Storm Cloud bow with Split Arrow + Added Lightning + Added Cold with Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice for all of Normal and most of Cruel. Swap to a high elemental DPS weapon of choice (another bow, a foil, even a 2Her) when you get one. If you switch from bows to a melee weapon, try using either Spectral Throw + LMP + WeD + Added Cold/Faster Attacks or Frost Blades + Multi + WeD + Chain. Use a Blood Dance when you can to make use of Frenzy charges before you get Oro's. The end of Cruel and into Merciless may be rough as you don't have access to much damage (a large part of the passive tree is dedicated to pure fire damage) but stick through it and you will be rewarded once you finally wield the mighty Oro's Sacrifice! Remember: level up your end-game gems in your weapon swap or spare gem sockets so they are ready for the switch at 67!
Notes on keeping it budget
While the build can be costly the way I'm running it, you can trim some things to bring it down to well under 20 chaos if you are on a budget. Here is what I would change:
Then all you need apart from that is a Fireborn jewel and rare gear to fill the slots! Remember: you can buy Dakray and Karui for very cheap and attempt to corrupt one yourself (keeping in mind it may take many tries) if you want those bonus frenzy charges! You don't have to do this in one sitting and can corrupt them slowly over time.
My Stats
Current level: 88 Offense *** These damage numbers are with 10 Frenzy charges + Flame Golem but NOT Rallying Cry or Onslaught (and before Fire Pen). You almost always have those buffs up and running, but because Rallying Cry is not a fixed number and Onslaught is not truly 100% up-time, I've not included them. ***
My Gear
My Other Builds
Current (2.0)
* [2.0] Hidden Potential Poison Arrow (100% magic gear!) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1330650 Out-dated (Pre 2.0)
* [1.3] The Green Tornado (10 Frenzy Charge, Crit Bow Frenzy Ranger) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1184004 * [1.3] Purple Rain; a shockingly chaotic Voltaxic Rift build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1096864 * [1.3] HybridFlicker (life+es w/ Incandescent Heart) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1194915 * [1.3] POTCG DomBlow https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1119480 Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Mar 31, 2016, 8:25:32 PM Last bumped on Mar 30, 2016, 3:46:27 PM
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I've also been playing around with an Oro's frost blades build, using the fireborn jewel, but building from templar round to dualist. I've been using three dragons plus HoT / HoI. Dps is fine but not amazing, i'd assume your build would have far superior dps with all the extra frenzy charges though.
Currently using warlord's mark for mana and life leech. Very interesting to see someone else had a kinda similar idea. I was reading another thread on frost blades that recommended picking up point blank, i've not yet tried it out, was going to grab that next, you go right past it, might be worth trying? |
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" I have not yet tested point blank, mostly because I assumed it would be terrible? My projectiles go SO far with this much projectile speed and I would assume would both rarely get the bonus damage and always almost always have negative damage (especially when they chain so far away). But I could be wrong and I'm missing some OP interaction. Do you have a link to the thread? I'd be interested to read. it. |
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Love the idea as I've been trying to make a good frost blade build for a few days now. I automatically love any build that uses Oro's. But I'm wondering how well it would do in high-level maps. 3 uniques seems rather steep life and resist cost combined with oro's increased damage taken I'm interested in how good the survivability is on like a 78 map.
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Looking at things
I do wonder. Isn't Frost Blade's damage come from Physical (40% of phy converted to cold)? so how does a No Physical weapon scale the damage? Is it from Frenzy and inc fire/ele dmg only? Feels like you're getting way less damage from not scaling with physical. |
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" It might seem like the damage only scales well with physical based off that conversion, but actually that does not affect how much damage you can get with phys vs. ele. The damage multiplier of the skill itself is what matters. In this case, 122% at level 20. No matter WHAT type of damage I get, it is all multiplied by that number. So say I have 1000 physical damage, I then deal 1220 damage (488 of that being cold damage, 732 phys). Now say I have 1000 fire damage, I would deal 1220 damage (all of it being fire; the cold conversion ignored). In each case, you deal the same amount. As far as scaling the damage, Frost Blades itself does nothing apart from just having a high damage multiplier (122%). The actual damage scaling comes from all the same places you would get it, regardless of phys vs. ele - so support gems, auras, gear, passives, etc. " Frenzy is a huge part of the damage, yes. " It's actually a LOT easier to scale an Oro's than you might think. Especially considering Oro's is about 750~ Ele DPS for 1c. For a stack of exalts, the 2Her you could get would only have like 550 Phys DPS at best. That's a large difference. Any % increased and % more damage I get will give me a huge amount of damage because of how insane that base is. Same with attack speed. Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Aug 1, 2015, 4:46:43 PM
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I was actually asking about the Projectile part of Frost Blade.
The initial hit scales from either physical or elemental. But the 3 Projectiles it shoots out from is 40% cold of your physical. So I was wondering how the projectile would get it's damage from. Cause I played a Ice Shot build before, and using Bow with low phy and 3-elemental gives lower dmg than using a pure high phy bow (Ice Shot also converts 40% of phy to cold) (but I don't think there's any high ele, no phy bow, so I had no idea how coverts scale without physical) |
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" Actually, that is not true. The projectiles do the same damage as the initial attack. Your initial hit does 60% phys / 40% cold, your projectile does 60% phys / 40% cold. This is not MORE damage than you do with elemental. Conversion =/= Added. So if I do 1000 fire damage with the first hit, all three projectiles do 1000 fire damage, too. Nothing gets converted, but nothing gets "taken away" either. It does not harm you in ANY way to use pure elemental damage with the skill. " I think you are a little confused on how attacks work. Again, conversion is not increasing your damage. It's just shifting your damage around. This lets you do some neat things like take less reflect damage, freeze things for a long duration, and scale different types of damage, but this is not the same as getting a "bonus" 40% damage boost. You can run ANY attack as an elemental build. You just need an entire different tree, different gear, and different support gems. It's a completely different build than phys and you can't directly compare the two since they don't share anything in common really. Either one can be vastly stronger or weaker than the other depending on all these things. Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Aug 2, 2015, 4:12:51 AM
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Thanks for the nice build.
I got 2 questions: -Is this build endgame viable? -What about running RT? Last edited by Lurgee#5692 on Aug 2, 2015, 3:12:49 PM
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" Thanks for checking it out :) Yes, it is endgame viable, so far as it can run many high level maps and reach a high level. Atziri? Maybe, but it would be very tricky - some adjustments to the build might make it quite Atziri-viable, but as is I'd stay away. Also, certain map mods can be quite scary, so if you want a build that can run every map mod combo possible, this is also not that. You can certainly do a lot of endgame content with the build, however. RT is an option, but I have 91%~ chance to hit currently without much investment into accuracy - the 30% on the sword base definitely helps. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but RT would change it so that you cannot avoid your own reflect - that plus the saved points generally means it's better to just skip it. Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Aug 2, 2015, 8:38:27 PM
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