[2.0] Oro's Sacrifice Frenzied Frost Blades (feat. 10 Frenzy Charges)
If you get a 6L wouldn't faster projectiles be better than faster attacks?
And have you considered getting Pierce instead of chain either with the gem 20/20 gives 79%, Jewel quest reward from act 2 gives 15%, talent tree gives 40% and even projectile weakness with its 59% 20/0 or 74% 20/20 It can be easy to achieve 100% pierce or close to that so you could run with Lioneyes chest piece and get a possible 7 links IGN: ggnecro
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" Interesting suggestions! Faster Proj would be a great 6th link if mana cost was an issue -or- if I ever dropped Karui for a rare amulet. At 90% projectile speed, I personally feel that more attack speed would be better, but I would certainly try them both out if I upgrade to a 6L. More of that stat is never a bad thing! Pierce is very lackluster with this build, sadly. The auto-targeting means the shots will not always be going where you want them to and you have no control over the spread of the projectiles - both very important things to get a good piece. The chain gem is just SO good for clear speed - and the less damage isn't even a big issue since the build can run a strong single target. You won't beat chain's auto-targeting + the 20% proj speed from quality. You hit mobs off-screen with it. I'd also hate to drop Daresso's because of how strong the endurance charges, dodge and onslaught are. |
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Oh hey Yordle your the one that was looking at my Whispering Ice build just before. Kinda funny as I'm about to roll a character based off your build with a friend of mine. Same basic plan for weapon and supports but I have a 40% fire damage Koams heart lying around I want to use so I wanna try it out with those juicy life nodes behind blood magic so mine will get more life, less evasion.
Current tree plan is
http://poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAF4DHgUtB3UILgqbDjwPqxRNFSAWvxiRGYoZjhm0H0EhVSFgIq8j9iSLJbwmlSmlLIUtgy5TNj04UzpSPs9AoEV8R35NklT-VUtVhVoaXhNfOWFSYeJirGVNbIxtbHTtdPF1y3bneHp67311hMWE2YTvhmCHaorwjDaNfZXMlwaXl5stm42btZ2qo4qksaXLqSeplLCrtDi747yfvTa95r6nwKbDOsSCxKLNmNNv037awdtP3D3fv-DD5RnljucK6UbqYu0_7YPuDu9O73r2o_lj-_X8S_66 |
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Small world! Thanks for checking out the build, Waffle.
Tree looks good. Koams should be a nice boost all around, but I'm curious how it will go without a solid single target ability. You might try dropping chain for Fork or FA to keep the base damage a little higher for rares/bosses if you decided to run it as your only damage source. |
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" Cheers. Yeah I'm thinking conc effect cyclone or something will be ok single target in a 4 link. I'll test a few things as I level. |
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Hello :)!!
First of all nice build!! Even if I didn't like frost blades, you make me courios about this build because it seems a lot of fun.. Just few questions: - Which are the highest maps that have you done with this character? - How much onslought buff affect DPS? - And also, since I have to buy all, I was asking myself if maybe Irry's ire could be better.. It has almost double evasion then Daresso's and a nicer dodge chance.. Maybe by using Irry's i can drop grace and maybe go for haste/wrath or heralds/arctic armour.. The endurance charge generation loss and the onslought buff loss can worth this setup?? - Lastly, what about Mantra of flames jewel? With golem, 2 aura, fortify and onslought u got almost 100% of combat time 5 buffs.. That's 25-60 flat fire dmg.. Can this be better then any of your jewel (also considering the mana sustain loss) or the 25-60 flat fire isn't such a big boost compared with the base fire damage of Oro's? Best regards! |
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" Thanks for checking it out! :) " I've done 77 maps with over 100% quant while in a group. Went fine! Have not found anything higher yet. " With Rallying Cry and Onslaught, I'm looking at 5~7k more tooltip usually? It's really hard to tell with the varrying damage from Rallying. FirePen also makes a huge difference that the tooltip does not show. " It's an option, but I wouldn't. Phys damage is rough on this build - more than anything else - and you only gain 4% dodge and some evasion (I wouldn't drop Grace, BTW; AA is not up 100% of the time and the heralds are not a good increase at all). The endurance charges that feed into Immortal Call and the extra armor are very helpful. Onslaught and the base life also are not to be overlooked! " I definitely want to use it! The only issue is I have limited jewel access and I need two jewels with mana-on-hit to sustain my costs. The only other jewels I can get are 3 points away. I might try dropping some damage and picking one up to see if Mantra is a bigger boost, though. Thank's for the suggestion! Thanks for the comments :) Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Aug 7, 2015, 2:46:04 AM
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" Thanks you for your detailed answer :)!! So I think I'll go for your same equip cuz it seems that those buff really matters :)!! Thanks again to let me try a build I wouldn't ever try xD!! |
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Hello Yordle :)!
It's me again. At the end I've done your build and as I saw in the video, it's really fun to play. Also played 77 maps in party with double 5l and works fine. Gz, nice build :)!! I'm here just to post my feedback in order to let other people trying your build to have a difference point of view. I've started as Scion to have an easier access to jewel nodes. Here's my passives at level 86:
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAAdwDHgOWBS0FtQd1DPIPqxa_GYoajx9BIVUj9iSLJpUuUzBxMHw1kjndOkI7KD7PQzFD50d-SshLV0t4TZJN41FHVUtVhVoaWlJeE1-wYENh4mKsZU1sjG1sbj1uqm87b5507XXLd-N4DXh6eu97w4MJhMWE2YTvh2qMNo19jb-XBptdm7WdqqSxpcumV6iaqSepbqmUtMW18rvjvTa95r6AvqfAGsCmwOPC7MMzwzrEospKzZjTb9Qj2L3awdw93ajkseWO6mLxs_KX9tr7Cf6P_ro=?accountName=Corsal8&characterName=Crespella and here's my gear:
Tonight I've also made my Daresso's 6l and made some test: tryed faster proj, faster attacks, life gain on hit and blood magic. At the end faster attacks seems to be the more effective: with it I got 24k dps with my actual gems (no quality) when fully frenzied (9 frenzy only) and I can also sustain the mana cost since I got 54 mana cost per hit and a pool of 76 mana (and I gain 10 mana every hit since got 4xjewel with 2mana on hit+16% fire dmg). Life gain on hit multiplier is just unsostainable (74 mana cost per hit) Faster projectile seems to be a little waste. Can't see a real improve in clear speed. Blood magic doesn't seems a real good option cuz I don't have any leech so my life pool isn't happy :)! By the way your idea worked very fine. Didn't believe that Oro's Sacrifice could work so well with a skill that seemed phys/cold-dmg-oriented. Comparing also the dps with Mathil's build, yours seems much more efficent. If I've understood well his video, he hits 40k dps with a 50ex gear (and he also doesn't have a single target skill). I got 25k effecive dps (considering fire pen) with a 5l gear that costed me around 70chaos (30c fireborn, 20c frenzy amulet, 6c one ring, 3c the helm, 1c each "16%fire, +2mana jewel", the rest self-found) in warbands. Also those gloves are so perfect for this build if you can have enought res in the rest of the gear/jewels. For people who wants to start his build, I suggest it. As he says, it isn't the cheapest one, but neighter so expensive if you have some luck. The fun you'll have playing it will be something huge :)!! Last but not least, once you'll get level 67 you'll exp very fast. Did 67-86 in 2 days :)!! Best regard and thanks for the build :)!! |
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It's so awesome to hear that the build is going well for you, Corsal! :) I'm pumped to hear that other people are trying it & enjoying it.
I never thought of using those unique gloves, but damn, they sure look fun; that's a lot of elemental damage with this build's access to frenzy charges. I might try and fit them in, but dropping accuracy, life and resists off my glove is going to hurt now that I'm lvl 89 :/ Might be fun for farming lower level maps for Warband leaders, though! Congrats on the 6l, too! Thanks for the heads up on faster attacks vs. faster proj. I was thinking the same thing, personally, so it's good to hear that FA is working out well. |
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