[2.0] Oro's Sacrifice Frenzied Frost Blades (feat. 10 Frenzy Charges)
" Onslaught up-time is VERY high with 4 endurance charges. Nearly 100%. Enough that I wouldn't bother with Graceful Assault (not *terrible* nodes, but my build is stretched enough as is for points). Vigilant Strike could be fun. That's interesting use of the 2nd 5/6L instead of Double Strike - although I don't see the burn being all that useful compared to just whacking the single target down with insane DS damage. I doubt it would change up the build too much either way, so it's up to you. |
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" I guess id try: vigilant strike chance to ignite burning damage WED fire pen 6th: endu charge on melee stun (if its possible to stun bosses with this link setup) This way you'd have guarantieed 100% fortify uptime vs bosses (dunno if this is a hassle currently) Mana might be an issue but you could swich to frost blade onces the ignite takes off i guess. Maybe a bit of an killspeed increase since you possibly could continue killing mobs while the burn takes care of the boss. Scratch the Graceful Assault thing, if the onslaught uptime is high already imo. I never played a daresso's defience char yet, so i have no experience with the uptime. Another idea would be to try to corrupt a belt with +1 endu charge as an optional gear upgrade. Another idea / Gear option: use alphas howl and swich the 3 aura nodes to the aura nodes nead duelist. Your aura nodes: 12% reduced reservation / 6% inc effect / 12% area Duelist nodes: 4% reduced reservation /12% inc effect / 12% area so it would basically be a trade of rare helm vs alphas howl + 6% extra aura effect. Meaning easier life and resis vs +2 for grace/anger with higher increased effect and a potentially higher eavsion base helm. As well as the cannot be frozen. Last edited by poe_volka#3054 on Aug 20, 2015, 6:25:59 AM
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Here's a bit of a story about my experience with this build.
For some reason I've liked the frost blades skill since the very first time I used it, I just think it's a cool skill. Until I saw your build featured I had not seen any builds I felt looked viable for running maps of any appreciable level. After watching your video I decided to give the build a try myself. Leveling wasn't too bad, the method I used was get 2 -8 elreon rings, and used incinerate + lmp to basically faceroll to 67. With the +fire, +projectile, and +projectile speed nodes it did quite respectable dmg so kill power was fine, survivability was a bit rough at various points, but nothing too far from the norm while leveling. I had a 5 socket 4link oro, 6sock 5link daresso's, and some darkray vectors in the stash waiting on me so as soon as I hit 67 I could officially try it all out. I used various rares to cap resists etc and all said and done I was sitting at about 3k hp, cap'd res, wearing the oro, daresso, and darkrays. The kill speed felt fine, was fun watching all the blades zing about etc, but I felt squishy as hell. and was having issues with mana. White mobs where just obliterated, magic packs though, would usually end up with a couple normal swings between frost blade volleys. I really disliked the mana issues so started looking into ways around that, and then started to really take a hard look at the tree and came up with kind of my own version of the build. I'm in no way knocking what you've done here, your build is awesome, and the fact you have 10 frenzy charges is cool as hell, and for your gear and such your tree makes perfect sense, but I don't have the currency to sink into getting those corrupts so I needed to come up with an alternative for myself. My changes are working better for me, and once I get the character a few more levels and do some higher maps to further proof it to myself I might actually make my own guide, I don't in any way want to hijack yours. So I guess the TLDR of this all is, awesome build and gear, thanks for providing me the framework and inspiration for doing what I'm doing now, because I'm having a blast! |
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Awesome, thank you for sharing your experience's Dreschau!
A bit curious about the mana: were you using the 6 mana on hit I was? 4 from jewels and 2 from the one node near Duelist. Frost Blades auto-locking is GREAT with mana on hit to sustain - and Rallying Cry can help make up any difference if you attack the air or miss. I'd definitely be interested in seeing your variation! Good luck with all your changes! |
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I had the void node between ranger and duelist, but not the jewels. Had I used the jewels it probably would have been better.
In regards to the changes I made, if you want check out my guy Mushroom_Stamp. I want to get him to at least 80 before I try and write up a guide for it, but it feels really strong IMO. Highest maps I've done are 75's, but I started doing them at 73. Only things that really give issue are ele reflect, corrupted blood, and the bosses that just shit all over melee in general. The "range" on frost blades I imagine would be very handy for some of those situations. |
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I think Frozen Blades look real fun , and am tempted to try this build but...am not too convinced about invsting on projectile damage knowing that they dont affect the first hit, or double strike.....the dobut roundin' my head :X
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I started this build last week and I'm having great fun with it :)
I've made some changes to the gear but I've not capped my resists yet so still a bit of work to do. I didn't have any nice +2 Mana on Hit jewels so instead I started using Thief's Torment and it worked out great. I just hit 67 last night and once I equipped Oro's and Fireborn my dps quadrupeled and it all became a lot more interesting. My current gear :
Fairly obvious for an Oro's build :) This is just a temporary helm until I can get a tri-resist with life to replace it This is just an all round excellent armour for any evasion based build, just a pity that the life leech is wasted on a pure fire based character. This ring removes the requirement for any other life or mana leech type items because when you hit one mob it fully restores the mana used. Got a bit unlucky with the corruption, but still hopeful for the next one :) I'm in two minds for the belt, I'm either going to replace it with a tri-resist life belt or a Doryani's Invitiation with fire leech. That would help me loads with cold and lightning resist and give me a huge boost with damage. Tri resist and life, not much more to say. Until I hit 67 and equipped the Oro's my single target attack was Frenzy to build the charges on. Once I got Oro's I switched that to Double Strike and its like a chainsaw on most targets. Due to the Thiefs Torment my life bar barely moves at all unless I take an insane hit, which at the moment usually means I'm dead due to having low life :) With full charges I'm running just under 70% evade and just short of 5 attacks per second. While levelling I was using 2 one handers which topped out at 7.6 attacks per second which just looked like a giant blur in front of my face, never seen weapons move that fast before :) Last night I also started experimenting with removing Fire Pen and replacing it with Blood Magic. So far its working out well and will allow me to run with Grace and Anger together. Thanks for an excellent build :) Went SSF in Delve and I'm never going back.
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Using that thief ring is a great solution to the mana issues imo. I got a neck corrupted with 0.2% fire dmg leeched as life and put a blood magic gem on my frost blades and that not only fixed my mana issues but allowed me to drop all nodes associated with mana and reservations.
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" It's a non-issue, so no need to worry. I only grab 85% projectile damage (some of that is only past lvl 85) but all of those nodes are ones that end in projectile speed - so it would probably be worth it to grab them even if they gave you zero damage, as the proj speed is amazing for clear speed. 90% of the damage output with this build is the chaining projectiles anyways, so a slightly weaker "initial" hit on FB isn't noticeable. You can always swap to Molten Strike with Conc Effect for single target if you want to make use of the projectile damage on your single target. The syngergy is definitely there. I'm getting over 50k damage on my double strike and I like that it hits twice (more mana on hit, more ignites>frenzy charges) but any single target skill works the same. Just remember, a stronger single target will not change your clear speed much in maps with how little time you spend single targeting things down - it's all about the AoE! Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Aug 24, 2015, 6:45:51 PM
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hi there, interesting build i must say. i think i will try this.
there is just one thing that made me whonder: why did you pick up the phys% nodes around "the destroyer in the south starting area? (might be duellist, not sure who starts there). as far as i understood your build you do no phys dmg. an explanation would be nice :) with friendly regards. ▒█▀▀█ █▀▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀▀ ▒█▀▄▀█
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