I Can't Do This Again

Caustic2 wrote:
You had to have either an extremely lucky streak to break into 75+ maps, or enough currency to buy maps from those who did.


well over 100 chaos spent rolling maps.


Caustic2 wrote:
You had to have either an extremely lucky streak to break into 75+ maps, or enough currency to buy maps from those who did.


well over 100 chaos spent rolling maps.


Caustic2 wrote:
You had to have either an extremely lucky streak to break into 75+ maps, or enough currency to buy maps from those who did.


well over 100 chaos spent rolling maps.



Caustic2 wrote:
You had to have either an extremely lucky streak to break into 75+ maps, or enough currency to buy maps from those who did.


well over 100 chaos spent rolling maps.



i kinda feel like i'm taking crazy pills
"Dude he fucking said hotdog racist.

Like I can't even make this shit up." - gj

1.0.0 Forum Posters now have 50% less Critical Thinking skill per Patch
Well the interesting thing I noticed is that Boss-drops.

I didn't get into very high maps, but even in the lower ones this seems to be the big issue. +2 can only drop from bosses and I haven't even seen a boss drop a single map, yet alone one that is actually +2. Since maps normally give you at least one alc back, normally a lot more, I basically just alc every low-level map since they can't get that hard anyway. I just ignore Pit and Desert (Pit turns into Cemetary anyway if you have 3, which makes it easy to just Alc again) and all those maps I used to just level to 70 I didn't get one single map-drop from a boss. I got a lot of drops from the map, normally just other maps of the same level, but the bosses still seem not worth the trouble (or are so easy that you don't need more rewards to do them).

On Beta people suggested giving blues +1, rares and normal uniques +2 and the boss a chance for +3. This would be a change that would actually give some incentive to do bosses. Right now exspecially as a solo-player once you hit the mid-tear maps and actually might run into mods you can't do you have to use chaos as well from time to time. And with only one person providing the currency to roll the map you not only run out of maps to do, but also out of currency to roll them.
Caustic2 wrote:
If drop rates aren't changed, I won't be playing much longer. I'll run the rest of my 78's and 77's, run whatever those drop, and then at that point I'll probably be able to count my 77+ map pool with two hands. Whenever I inevitably get to that point, I'll just quit. It's not fun losing progress. It's not fun having to spend literally everything you have on maps just to eke out mediocre to horrible returns. I get it GGG, you're terribly offended that a very small number of people are managing to get to 100 in a few weeks through teamwork and staggering amounts of no-lifing, but please don't take it out on the rest of the population.

I fully agree with everything in the OP's post. The new drop rates are beyond horrible and it is really unfair to shit on the majority of customers just because a few nolifers are able to reach lvl. 100. When my mappool (about 50 75+ maps left) is gone I'm too.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Last edited by 666lol666#3140 on Jul 18, 2015, 7:17:29 AM
Going to bump my whine thread again.

maps dropped from this:

Clearly I'm rolling my maps too easy, that's why it's impossible to sustain. And I have to tell you, running that and getting rewarded with those drops was immensely fun, I'll definitely be sticking around for a long time to come. Bravo on the risk v. reward revamp GGG.

By the way, I've still never seen a +2 map since this patch.
IGN: WeenieHuttSenior
US East
Last edited by Caustic2#4821 on Jul 19, 2015, 12:00:52 PM
My party is currently running 73 maps in Warbands and can't break over 74. We're killing everything with our eyes closed and yawning and it is extremely disheartening to feel arbitrarily cut off from content like that.

In poe trade, lightning coils are starting to disappear and their price to increase as more and more people realize it's probably best in slot for any build right now.

At least any build that works.

The most frustrating thing is, it was obvious in beta that this would happen if GGG doesn't take action, things were said and repeated time and again in beta feedback and it obviously fell on deaf ears.

This, together with the inexplicable and unnecessary rape of the most expensive builds in standard, is utterly baffling.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Last edited by Bars#2689 on Jul 19, 2015, 12:10:55 PM
Lvl 89 in Warbands, ~100 hours of gameplay, managed to loot 1 (one) 76 map (old 74 tileset) in this gameplay time. I leveled to 89 mostly faceroling 72 & 73 maps. I chisel 74+ and chaos spam to high quantity / difficulty, full clear & always kill the boss.

It's Open Beta bullshit all over. Except back then you were cut off from the last two tiers (~18% of the map tiers available), now you are cut off from the last 6 or 7 tiers (~40% of available content)

I'm overgeared (and that's with self-found gear) & overleveled for the content available to me. I faceroll stuff, it's boring... yaaawwwn.. It was a nice extended PoE nolife week & 2.0 release, but no appropriate content for my char = no game as far as I'm concerned.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Well, I DID actually take a stab at some mapping. GRANTED, my sample size so far is not great; my main is somewhat infamous for "slow clears," into the range of up to half an hour or so. (in the flip side of "They never die")

Preliminary looking, though (started with 9 mid-level maps) has shown that drop rates are NOT noticeably better... And may be slightly worse. In this sample, I had an average bonus to map drops (versus a white map used in the Eternal Laboratory) of 61.34%. (includes packsize) Some results:

  • I receieved a total of 19 maps in drops. Of these, 16 came from mobs/containers, and 3 dropped by bosses. (this DOES suggest at least a mild improvement on boss drops)
  • Adjusting for drop bonuses, this comes VERY close to 1.31 drops per map.
  • Of those maps, one was +2 levels, 2 were +1 level, and 1 was even; a total of 4/19 maps on 9 runs.
  • Meanwhile, I received 1x-1, -4 and -5, and three each of -2, -3, and -6. Two were level 68: -7 levels and rock bottom.
  • Of those boss maps, one was +2 levels, one was +1, and one was -2.
  • Oh, and 3 uniques dropped during those maps; 2 were garbage and 1 cheap. Two of them were from bosses.

By comparison, the same character had run about 41 comparable maps that I'd recorded before, pre-2.0. By comparison:

  • Average bonus was +55.28%. (including packsize, which only showed up 3 times)
  • A total of 72 maps dropped, yielding a bonus-adjusted rate of 1.13 per map.
  • A total of 5x +2s, 10x +1s, 13x even, 12x -1, 9x each -2 and -3, 2x -4, 5x each -5 and -6, and 1x each -7 and -8. (both of those were Zana quest target maps)
  • The lowest level that ACTUALLY dropped were a total of 3 level 68s. One Zana target was 67, and there were no bottom-level drops

Overall, I can see SOME things to estimate thus far:

  • Drop rates may be about the same overall; my pre-2.0 data included a lengthy streak of NO maps dropping, which I'm sure will show up again post-2.0. Perhaps more significantly, pre-2.0 I often skipped the bosses: this may have a big impact: in 2.0 50% of my "sutain" maps (and 15.8% overall) came from bosses.
  • Overall, I think I have enough data to suggest that the average LEVEL has gone down: the median level pre-2.0 was -1 level (and close to even) while post-2.0 so far has been -3 levels. Similarly, the Arithmetic mean went from -0.597 levels to -1.944 levels.
  • Likewise, it's already clear the distribution is FAR more spread out: in spite of the minimum being CLOSER, the distribution is clearly a lot more FLAT, with less "weighting" towards average, and more towards lower levels.
  • Overall, I'm noticing a drop in sustainability in this (74-76) range. Pre-2.0 my average was 0.976 "equal or higher" drops per map ran, and in spite of slightly INCREASING my drop bonuses, the "equal or higher" rate post-2.0 for me so far has gone to 0.444, a drop of over HALF.

While far from an exhaustively large sample, it already paints some rather disturbing trends. I would be pretty confident in saying that map sustainability has gotten substantially worse.. This is made more severe by the fact that BEFORE, this was a range that was 2-4 levels from the cap. Now it's 6-8 levels away, and sustainability is WORSE.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
COmpletely agree OP well written. GGG's end game is worst I ever played, just bad design making you run low level content 90% of the time. I get bored about 85 and that where finally most characters can wear all the good gearing and gems get decent levels do you should not be bored. But now, at 85 or so, that you powerful they make you run many low ass maps to find something decent from <66 maps for frags to mid maps for a chance at 77's and 78s. Just trash design.

And forget about higher - like you I ran about 16 78s post 2.0 all 100%ers and none returned above 78.

I have to wonder tho if the old maps give crap drops on purpose?...to get us playing new ones?
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 19, 2015, 4:03:38 PM
+1 decided to quit warbands today afer second 77+ map pool rip. i ve been running alched/chiseled map whit eigther 25+ packsize whit 100+ iiq or magic mobs whit 80+ iiq. I ve even tryed 20+ ambush maps what gives 12x magic mob packs more.
wow you people are addicted big time ))
Devs, just give them all a little dope of uber-mega-maps, so they'll relax lol

i suspect other 99% of players dont have a remote close of your end-game problems, playing just for fun. And this game is fun. And so Devs should adress more pressing issues first, like pure servers work so far(about what i want to write here in the first place), or bugs allover, or mid-game balancing stuff
Last edited by old_joe#4503 on Jul 19, 2015, 7:16:57 PM

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