I Can't Do This Again
Well one thing is for sure of all the complaints people have been making about the game recently atlest this thread EVERYONE seems to be on common ground and agree there is an issue here!
So i just hope GGG recognizes this and looks into doing something about it before its too late! And theres been some really good suggestions on how to fix it as well so keep em coming guys this is one problem that does need to be addressed for sure! GGG... This many people can not be telling the same lie! Listen to your players on this one... we are not asking for you to break the game for us or change anything to make your game easier! I personally like the difficulty jump other than act 4 mobs in maps feeling noticeably stronger but hell i can even deal with that! All we want is to enjoy the endgame we all know you guys have put alot of work into! its a shame to make it go to waste with changes that isnt even fixing the problem your trying to address in the first place! Go look at the leaderboard right now if you dont believe me and do the math man... your change is NOT working for what it is intended for! Its only hurting the majority of your player base instead! And causing players to lose interest in playing anymore because in reality if there is no endgame content for us to enjoy or just limited endgame content like we have now people WILL lose interest quickly! The fact of the matter is i fucking LOVE this game! and have since the first day i started! Ill never forget the first time i tried this game out and give it a full shot! It Instantly made no other game exist in my mind! The fact is no matter what you do to the game or how many changes you guys make that i dont even agree with... ill keep playing... even if i was to quit playing... it would probably be short lived.. i would still spend everyday waiting to see a patch that address the issue that would cause such and look for any excuse to come right back! Thats why im trying my best to give my honest feedback about this issue! Because honestly all the other changes.. even the ones that broke my builds and standard and makes me feel like i shouldn't play there... I dont care.. thats FINE! But when you take away a core part of the game that is one of the main goals i have in this game then its discouraging! I want to find the new boss's... i want to get my ass beat to death by some of these badass boss;s you've added and learn and build my character to where they can complete those boss's! Its what ive done since i got into mapping in this game! Boss's like the Jungle Valley boss and Palace Dom... Those are the boss's i judge the worth of my builds by.. and if i cant get the maps to push my build to complete those boss's then what is there left for me to do? I know you guys will make it right! you always do somehow! And thanks GGG even with this problem with maps its basically the ONLY problem i have with the game right now! Everything else is perfect and im so happy you guys took the time to create such great content! Please dont gate the content you worked so hard to make away from us! Let us have it! And i haven't got to say this since the patch but... Thank GGG! You have the BEST game out there right now and i only want to see it grow and get better and better! You feel like my Ol Lady now.... you piss me off sometimes with changes and you confuse me sometimes and you even fustrate me something.... but at the end of the day... i STILL LOVE you! You're my Favorite game! PERIOD! \m/ There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation. The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear. Last edited by Demonoz#1375 on Jul 16, 2015, 9:20:31 PM
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" Which is almost surreal for this forum. That, if anything, should elucidate to GGG just how disgruntled players are. " This is what I've been preaching since open beta. If someone is completely annihilating the content at the current level, why gate his progression through downright antagonistic levels of RNG? If someone is ready to move onto harder content, let them. Let a person's build decide what content is appropriate to run, not luck or lack thereof. But, regardless of design philosophy, map drops should not be nearly as scarce as they are right now. IGN: WeenieHuttSenior US East Last edited by Caustic2#4821 on Jul 17, 2015, 1:04:37 AM
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Don't have anything more to add, just want to bump this to see if I can get an answer from GGG as to whether I should wait to run my last 9 78's (of which 4 are legacy, out of the 35ish I started with) if they are looking at drop rates, or if I shouldn't hold my breath.
IGN: WeenieHuttSenior
US East |
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Ive said my piece and all i wanted to say as well! I just hope someone at GGG Reads these and takes some of the ideas and thoughts within and tries to work something out for us to be able to enjoy endgame mapping again and still slow the top players down like they want to! The easiest way i see that happening is to simply increase the Exp needed for lvls 91-100! But i guess time will tell! But it would be nice to have someone come let us know they are looking into ways to fix this and taking our feedback and our suggestions seriously!
\m/ There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear. |
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As a casual player, I would be so frustrated if I have to spend all my time and resource and in return for nothing.
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" They'll take a small number like 0.00007, multiply it with 1.00001 and call that "map drop rates have been severely improved" in the patch notes... :p No, seriusly, RNG gated access to content doesn't work. This litle patches & number shuffling is not achieving the right results. PoE endgame needs to be redesigned from the ground up, made more deterministic & difficulty rewarding, in line with the stated "ARPG hardcore principles" by GGG devs: time investment, knowledge, passion... yadda yadda... randomness wasn't mentioned. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" That's been brought up hundreds of times on this forum. In response to endgame being reworked, GGG has pretty much stated "we've sunk too much resources into maps to scrap them". I completely agree with your assessment though. Experience and content shouldn't be gated by currency and luck, but instead your ability to do it. IGN: WeenieHuttSenior
US East |
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Posting a response to bump this thread as My high level map pool is 50% of what it was. I have been a long time player and have been a no-lifer on and off with this game since the beginning. Although the game has improved and changed alot there is one thing I could always count on: the end game maps.
Even if i got bored with making new builds or farming currency, I could always roll some nice maps which would get me through the stagnant points for me. Now that is gone. There are alot of good suggestions but bottom line, trying to challenge the no-lifers by cutting off the middle player base will kill the game unless you plan on introducing epic new content every month. The temp leagues are not enough. New uniques are not enough. Can you guys build Act5 in a couple more weeks? No? Ok then, fix this now. IGN: Sacajahwea, SaraWinnemucca, Choposi_Pussay
Path of exile...yes I think so.. |
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Very disappointed to see they're gating MID level maps (76+). I always roll 20% quality always at least 80+ quantity always full clear with hard mods like temp chains/fracture and don't get squat in return. Its extremely unsatisfying and very frustrating, especially since I have worse lag then pre 2.0 There is nothing worse than dying to lag while running a map where you're not even getting any exp.
Love the new difficulty, But seriously, like others have said, its only a few that have no life who get to 100. Please don't ruin it for the rest of us by gating off content at lvl 75 maps. Why don't they increase the amount of exp it takes from lvl 97-100 by like 10x, would rather have that, than be unable to run fing 76+ maps |
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What OP wrote.
/signed heavily frustrating. Dran, drauf, drüber !
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