What is your opinion about new globes?
Can't make one good reason to change the globes unless the community as a whole was unhappy with them.
The old one were better, plain and simple. GGG could sell different globe, different ui is easy to do and they already do with the pack they sell(different picture frame). But they won't add them to mtx for unknown reasons. |
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Let's get a few things straight here.
" Either you haven't read the thread much at all, or you're outright dishonest here. In both cases you're dismissive of people based on a straw-man representation of at least a significant portion of them. There are plenty of people who aren't particularly fond of the new UI without it having anything to do with that kind of tumblerite talk whatsoever. " [SJWs] and [feminists] has overlap, but it's not the same. The term refers to a particular flavour of radical, third wave feminism, similar to how not all Christians are the Westboro Baptist Church. " Absence of evidence (ignorance on your part in this case) isn't evidence of absence. You're unfamiliar with what SJW actually refers to, so you likely don't even know exactly what people are talking about - both the people who refer to SJWs, and "SJWs" themselves. And your sanity is probably better off for it, although at the same time you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about first hand. To give you a very mild example of what it is, loosely related to this case (the scope of the phenomenon is a lot larger!), have a look at this a) thread b) subreddit c) other subreddits falling into that category. " Fair enough, GGG did state that they "want to do in future and will try to find the time to do the necessary coding/art. They don't have any exact plans or dates for it [an option or MTX for it] yet." That's true. And it's also plausible, maybe even likely, that political correctness doesn't figure into their considerations at all - after all there is still plenty in other parts of the game that people could take offense to. But that's a pretty thin PR statement with no concrete plans, no indication of how far up or down it ranks in the list of priorities, and no indication of when people might expect the situation to be remedied. And do keep in mind that you're one of those trolls burying and dismissing proper discussion, given that you misrepresent the spectrum of problems people have with the new UI, and even those who are only concerned with "SJW influence" (due to you not knowing what "SJW mentality" actually looks like, by focusing only on the "SJW" aspect yourself. " With one caveat. GGG tried to change the interface a while back and was faced with the same kind of reaction. To say that there's no way they could've anticipated the controversial nature of this move (for the multitude of reasons people brought up) is not believable. And people asked to have the option to keep the old one back then too, AFAIR. Maybe instead of coming up with walls of text deriding people without knowing what they're actually talking about - and not even mentioning others - you could take a step back yourself. Your comment could've been 1/10 of its length, more accurate, more honest, less dismissive and more constructive all at the same time. Leading by example is in fact a thing. |
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GIRLS OR RIOT or at least change globes into smth fitting poe, not that so fuckign generic lazy in design, boring, so predictive skull and this sensless out of nowhere pussy cat kitty. Aye Aye Captain! Last edited by jeż#2362 on Jul 16, 2015, 6:33:13 AM
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" No. I'm talking about real-internet usage. SJW is a generic insult applied to anyone demonstrating even mildly progressive views, often by people who, themselves, if pinned down also have mildly progressive views (ironically - and that's the sad thing, it's like CG getting upset at NG in D&D terms), but who are feeling upset/sad/weak/emotionally hurt because they believe they're being labeled as "the bad guy" (even when they aren't). You seem to be saying "SJW == Dworkinite Feminist". If only that was true! If you think someone is a Dworkinite extremist (pretty sure you know what that is), call them that. I've been called an SJW for saying utterly uncontentious things in games like "Maybe we could stop the gay-bashing in public chat, eh?" (I could give dozens of examples, but you want brevity, so). It doesn't work any more. It's been devalued into utter meaninglessness. I mean, I literally got compared to Stalin and Hitler a few days ago for suggesting that maybe one shouldn't be whinging about women and how awful they are in trade chat (of another major game admittedly). There is literally nothing positive, however minor or mild, that you can say about feminism, or anti-racism, or pro-LGBT, that will not get some internet loudmouth to call you an SJW. So yeah, actually, thanks to how it's been used, SJW does now mean absolutely anyone who holds feminist (or again, anti-racist, pro-LGBT, etc. etc.) views, because even if you, Revy, won't call them that, a dozen other people will, and will pat themselves on the back and laugh about it. Given you're probably not a racist nor likely hate LGBT people, I bet if you openly explained your views on the internet, someone - or more likely a group of people - would label even you an SJW. " I know perfectly well how it's used, as I've been called it before many times, and as I said, not for wildly contentious views like "Men are worthless" or similar bonkers nonsense, but rather for really mild/harmless views that, had I said them IRL, the same person throwing a fit would probably have agreed with. " It's clearly not something that actually matters or deserves much priority. It doesn't affect gameplay. The new orbs aren't hideous (their crime is being boring, where the crime of the previous orbs was being tacky/old-fashioned). It's not like one is like "WHOA AWESOME" and the other is all "SUX...". Many people (as this thread shows) literally didn't even notice the change. As for "no concrete plans", sure, I agree. This issue doesn't deserve "concrete plans" though, does it? I mean, we have stuff which is much more urgent and serious, like, say, trading. Which gets about 1/50th the posts this nonsense does. If you aren't patient enough to await this completely aesthetic change/addition, I don't know how to help you. You're a human adult. You should be at least that patient. " The reason it's controversial now has far more to do with accusations of "giving in to the SJWs" than it does to real problems with the UI being ugly/stupid. The previous attempt involved a much uglier UI, which was the root cause of the complaints. " Irony, thy name is Revy_Slan. Literally all of that could apply to your posts. :) Also, you can't "lead by example" when you're being labelled as "the enemy", as I have been. You're dead wrong about how SJW is used. There's no getting around that. Don't know what to say. It'd be lovely if it was only used about crazed fanatics. But I know it's used about everyone appearing even vaguely progressive (including some people who use it as an insult themselves, hilariously). But the one thing is, you are a little bit right - I do want to shut down some conversation here. Specifically I'd like to see two things stop being repeated: 1) The whole "OMG IM A VICTIM OF THE SJWS!" nonsense. No-one is a victim here. No-one is being persecuted. No-one's "freeze peach" is being taken away. A minor aesthetic change was made and people are making Everest out of what is, at most, a compost heap. 2) "GGG don't care/aren't listening, and aren't planning to do anything about it!!!!!". This simply isn't true. I know some people will take this as an excuse to troll of course and repeat that, but such is life. |
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" That's your opinion. It is also exactly what the GGG response communicates to a lot of people, which is unfortunate and unnecessary. And given that we have 34 pages of people talking about it - just like we did the first time GGG tried to change the UI - speaks against that. Obviously there are more pressing issues, that's nearly always the case for nearly all issues - because technical or performance problems, for example, have to take precedence. At the same time getting this amount of discussion on a problem is rare. I'm not sure, but I think not even the perception of act 4 being "over tuned" received this much attention. There's also a crucial difference between saying that there are technically a number of other issues which should take precedence over fixing the UI, and marginalizing or dismissing everyone who's been displeased with the UI change. It may not matter much to you and you may have trouble understanding how it impacts others' enjoyment of the game, but that doesn't mean that those people's experience of it doesn't exist or doesn't matter. Regarding your analysis of the "broad meaning of a word" thing all I'm going to say is that there are bounds of reason. On any word on any issue you'll always be able to find a handful of people mis/using it in such a way that it loses all meaning. That doesn't mean that there's no core meaning to the term, and it doesn't mean that it's prudent to deliberately gloss over that core meaning and mis/use the word in the same way those trolls did. I've been called and SJW, a communist, and a Nazi myself, but that doesn't mean that I'm any of those things or that the people using these terms to describe me have somehow rightly expanded the meaning of those words. For another example, think of how Obama has been described by all sorts of crazy people. Judging by your last reply you seem to be intelligent enough to know this. So try to understand what people are actually saying, try to re-focus these words (and the debate) and make them more meaningful, instead of indulging those trolls and arguing against straw-men. Last edited by Revy_Slan#5537 on Jul 16, 2015, 4:14:44 PM
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I just had a thought, I posted in here before but I know why I dont like the new ui. you removed humanoids form the orbs, I mean you could have put anything there holding the globes, maybe malachai and chitus? I need the similarity to d2s interface. Its why I fell in love with this game, that feeling of the games I sank so much time into. I was so excited to play the new expack, but since its come out I have hardly played three days. I dont know why it bothers me so much. A bit of history on why i feel its relevant:
Diablo 1 was the first computer game I ever owned and the second I ever played (the first being warcraft 1, also I would like to note the angel and demon on the orbs) I was like 11 or 12 and my mom would let me play for hours if I got my school work done and kept my room clean. I remember looking at the demons and monsters on the screen and my young mind felt my avatar descend into hell. Diablo 2 offered a similar feeling when I was old enough to understand stats and skill trees and more complicated math. This is where my love of arpgs comes from. I am 27 now thats, 15 years of arps. I have also played other games, mmos, strategy etc but arpgs are my safe place. My dark, gritty, math and horror filled home. Where I make a truly overpowered character march the killing fields in search of lewts and challenges. I have been doing this longer then I played any other type of game. I have played dungeon siege one and two and titan quest and immortal throne( not to the extent of d1/2) they did not feature globes and thus had a different feel. I could never get into them like diablo and later path of exile. You hit the money on my nostalgia with humanoids on orbs. I dont need women just give me something maybe Koam and Daresso, Dialla and Malachi/Chitus, Atziri and Doriyani, an act 1 cannibal and an act two archer? I could go on and on. I am passionate about this game, it is the single most fun game I have played in years. TLDR: Who cares about the lack of "women" its the lack of humanoids thats kicking us nostalgic arpg players |
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Did they ever said WHY exactly the ladies needed to go?
I really would want to know the reasons why they didn´t kept these iconic figures of their game. edit: of i found the reasons... i don´t trust them lol What can never be lent or earned? Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything: A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones. Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings. What am i? Last edited by Spysong192#7559 on Jul 16, 2015, 5:56:03 PM
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" You misunderstand, most are bent out of shape because of the reasons the globes were changed. The reasons which GGG will never say aloud but everyone with half a brain can figure out. I don't blame them for wanting to make more money by expanding audience to include "particularly sensitive people easily offended by anything" but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, since they risk pissing off the established audience by censoring the game. And obviously the new globes look worse, they're asymmetrical to the point of ugliness. Skull on life globe- mehhhhh, lion on mana globe- WTF is this huge thing doing here. Old globes had smooth lines and didn't break immersion every time I looked at them. |
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Thanks GGG for changing the UI, the new one is much, much better :).
" How was the UI in any way more fitting for PoE? It was not. Neither is the new UI more generic than the old one. " If you call changing the UI art “censorship”, you are not in a good position to complain about people being particularly sensitive, you know. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG!
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" Old UI was a perfect fit because the slaves' pose and prospects were grim and bleak - much like the general atmosphere in POE. Skulls and lions are common ornamentations, slaves are not - hence generic. Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
https://soundcloud.com/hackproducer0815/dominus |
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