[2.0] Angryaa's SRS Minion Summoner.

kompaniet wrote:
ImoK wrote:
How do you run wrath+haste+AA ?

I skilled all the nodes in your tree and even removed some points to get the 4% reduced mana reserve close to EB. Even after that AND adding the jewel, it's still at 103%... ?

with 20% reduced mana reserved you can reserve all those three although you won't have any mana to actually cast anything as they cost 40% + 40% + 20% = 100% of your mana.

so you would need to have more than 20% reduced mana reserved (get charisma notable/alpha howl helm or enlighten gem) or use blood magic to cast your skills.

not worth the trouble and waste of points imo.

use this aura calc for easier calculating: https://poe.mikelat.com/

You're spending more points on mana nodes (Dreamer, Quick Recovery, Heart and Soul,and Deep Thoughts) than it would take to setup a proper EB/MoM/ZO build (8 points vs your current 14 points spent on mana / mana life hybrids). Also, its worth mentioning that this point expenditure is a net loss in survivability vs alternative paths (provided you have decent ES to make proper use of life/ES hybrids), so making an argument that the mana life hybrid pickups are worth more than just the mana they provide is incorrect (not to mention, the ability to cast another aura).
Last edited by Khaitto#0745 on Jul 20, 2015, 12:05:32 PM
I'm kind of torn on EB, while I like Arctic Armour is it really worth losing 1500 energy for my survivability? If so what kind of life would you shoot for at lvl 76+ maps? 8-11% dmg reduction vs 1500 energy is my question here.

I have deviated from this builds skill/gear setup a bit for survivability. I got sick of potion spamming trying to keep my specters from dying over time. I replaced Haste with Vitality 1.75% regen + potion use = they only die occasionally on map 72+. I use a +2/1 wand/prism guardian shield and I'm sitting at 3500 health and soon 1500 energy. Issue is I don't use enough mana to really warrant EB and I question if 8% physical reduction is worth 1500 energy?

I don't use any offensive spells....I wasn't very impressed with Raging Spirits damage and my minions obliterate the field before I could cast them.

The only thing I lose is arctic armour bypassing EB (leaves me enough mana to still cast basic spells) which let's me focus on the 25% worth of life nodes near the scion start (or I could unlock two jewel sockets once I hit 84).

Also does 10% lightning damage jewels effect spec damage? I was thinking of some life/light dmg jewels. My "minimal spending" end-game will be 4k health 1500-2000 energy.
Last edited by Therian#3949 on Jul 20, 2015, 2:33:24 PM
Khaitto wrote:
kompaniet wrote:
ImoK wrote:
How do you run wrath+haste+AA ?

I skilled all the nodes in your tree and even removed some points to get the 4% reduced mana reserve close to EB. Even after that AND adding the jewel, it's still at 103%... ?

with 20% reduced mana reserved you can reserve all those three although you won't have any mana to actually cast anything as they cost 40% + 40% + 20% = 100% of your mana.

so you would need to have more than 20% reduced mana reserved (get charisma notable/alpha howl helm or enlighten gem) or use blood magic to cast your skills.

not worth the trouble and waste of points imo.

use this aura calc for easier calculating: https://poe.mikelat.com/

You're spending more points on mana nodes (Dreamer, Quick Recovery, Heart and Soul,and Deep Thoughts) than it would take to setup a proper EB/MoM/ZO build (8 points vs your current 14 points spent on mana / mana life hybrids). Also, its worth mentioning that this point expenditure is a net loss in survivability vs alternative paths (provided you have decent ES to make proper use of life/ES hybrids), so making an argument that the mana life hybrid pickups are worth more than just the mana they provide is incorrect (not to mention, the ability to cast another aura).

Which is pointless, since running auras takes away from MoM

I'm currently running a level 82 Witch with a similar build. The problem is my spectres keep dying. Whenever I encounter an AoE boss and/or AoE spells on the ground; they get one-shotted. Takes me about 5-10 minutes to gather new ones since Revenants are quite rare in the Belly of the Beast.

Might drop the toon entirely cause it feels like I'm spending most of my time hunting for Spectres.

Any thoughts or tips?
Last edited by skopetski#2701 on Jul 20, 2015, 4:24:08 PM
Khaitto wrote:
kompaniet wrote:
ImoK wrote:
How do you run wrath+haste+AA ?

I skilled all the nodes in your tree and even removed some points to get the 4% reduced mana reserve close to EB. Even after that AND adding the jewel, it's still at 103%... ?

with 20% reduced mana reserved you can reserve all those three although you won't have any mana to actually cast anything as they cost 40% + 40% + 20% = 100% of your mana.

so you would need to have more than 20% reduced mana reserved (get charisma notable/alpha howl helm or enlighten gem) or use blood magic to cast your skills.

not worth the trouble and waste of points imo.

use this aura calc for easier calculating: https://poe.mikelat.com/

You're spending more points on mana nodes (Dreamer, Quick Recovery, Heart and Soul,and Deep Thoughts) than it would take to setup a proper EB/MoM/ZO build (8 points vs your current 14 points spent on mana / mana life hybrids). Also, its worth mentioning that this point expenditure is a net loss in survivability vs alternative paths (provided you have decent ES to make proper use of life/ES hybrids), so making an argument that the mana life hybrid pickups are worth more than just the mana they provide is incorrect (not to mention, the ability to cast another aura).

i took dreamer and deep thoughts so i can spam srs without running out of mana. the plan is to spec out of atleast one of those when i get better gear with mana/mana regen and higher level = bigger mana pool.

can you link me your 105 point passive tree so i can take a look.
your idea is that your life regen generates energy shield instead via zo and that gives you enough regen so you can spam srs correct?

i see two problems with this.

1. mom needs a huge mana pool or in this case energy shield i guess? to absorb incoming hits not to mention high regen as it's often not only 1 hit but many.

2. you have no life regen? maps with desecrated ground will be very annoying at best. impossible at worst.

i haven't tested mom/eb/zo combo so i remain openminded. it sounds as though it's more gear reliant to have a large amount of es for absorbing hits and regen while my method works with any gear.

skopetski wrote:

I'm currently running a level 82 Witch with a similar build. The problem is my spectres keep dying. Whenever I encounter an AoE boss and/or AoE spells on the ground; they get one-shotted. Takes me about 5-10 minutes to gather new ones since Revenants are quite rare in the Belly of the Beast.

Might drop the toon entirely cause it feels like I'm spending most of my time hunting for Spectres.

Any thoughts or tips?

i'm lvl 85. my revenant spectres never die. i am guessing you haven't taken the minion passives. most important are minion life/regen/res. if you don't take the minion passives. yes the spectres die all the time. i didn't even use spectres before lvl 70 because of this.

don't go to belly of the beast. go to lvl 70 harvest way point. use desecrate and detonate dead until you get the revenants u need. they are higher level and it only takes about a minute.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jul 20, 2015, 5:17:44 PM
When making the switch with this build at 50, what are the most important gems or grouping of gems to get?

Should I just go something simple at first like a bunch of zombies,skeletons, and 1 flame totem or go for the specifics of the build?

With junk gear its hard to get all the gems in but i traded for some pieces.

Also, my old flame totems had over 1k dps, but all this new stuff has like 10 or less, is that normal or just not calculated?
The fairest flowers bloom in the foulest places.
Last edited by Losse#5419 on Jul 20, 2015, 6:46:16 PM
Could you link your talent tree? My specs at 83 hardly ever die but under intense aoe/drawn out fights they fold in 70+ maps. This doesn't happen very often but I'm curious how my tree looks to yours. Thank you.
Therian wrote:
Could you link your talent tree? My specs at 83 hardly ever die but under intense aoe/drawn out fights they fold in 70+ maps. This doesn't happen very often but I'm curious how my tree looks to yours. Thank you.

i think i already linked my passives but here it goes again. lvl 86 http://poeurl.com/ztb7Kk0

haven't taken mom/zo/eb just the basic stuff. minion passives, life, mana, regen and aura reducions.

4000 something life
1000 es

i have terrible gear. half the stuff is self found so there is a lot of room for improvements.

gonna try this mom/zo/eb combo people seem to favour when i get better gear. for now it's not needed. i survive pretty well and am leveling fine in warbands.

Losse wrote:
When making the switch with this build at 50, what are the most important gems or grouping of gems to get?

Should I just go something simple at first like a bunch of zombies,skeletons, and 1 flame totem or go for the specifics of the build?

With junk gear its hard to get all the gems in but i traded for some pieces.

Also, my old flame totems had over 1k dps, but all this new stuff has like 10 or less, is that normal or just not calculated?

leveled with dual flame totems to lvl 50 something.

don't need most of the gems until later. i only used a spell totem + skeletons and a +2 fire staff with 4l srs in it. used hatred aura and clarity. think that's pretty much all i used until lvl 70. then i put all the gems in and started using zombies and spectres too.

gems are no problem. u get all from quests and can buy them from vendors now. the few that you can't? poe.trade

Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jul 20, 2015, 8:27:50 PM
skopetski wrote:

I'm currently running a level 82 Witch with a similar build. The problem is my spectres keep dying. Whenever I encounter an AoE boss and/or AoE spells on the ground; they get one-shotted. Takes me about 5-10 minutes to gather new ones since Revenants are quite rare in the Belly of the Beast.

Might drop the toon entirely cause it feels like I'm spending most of my time hunting for Spectres.

Any thoughts or tips?

I've updated the guide and skill tree to reflect this issue. Drop Wrath and run Purity of Elements on Generosity to keep your minion resists high. You lose some damage, but make it up a bit by freeing up passive points to get more jewel sockets. Let me know how it goes.
kompaniet wrote:

haven't taken mom/zo/eb just the basic stuff. minion passives, life, mana, regen and aura reducions.

4000 something life
1000 es

i have terrible gear. half the stuff is self found so there is a lot of room for improvements.

gonna try this mom/zo/eb combo people seem to favour when i get better gear. for now it's not needed. i survive pretty well and am leveling fine in warbands.

I dunno how to feel about mom/zo/eb.....while it's nice it pretty much takes all your energy for mana and your left with life to survive with. You would need to figure a way to get 6k life at least to survive later down....because eventually even a summoner get's punched in the face.

I just see issues later down in 72+ maps where your health can vanish quickly. My gear isn't much better, I'm sitting at 3801 health and 1400 es atm
Last edited by Therian#3949 on Jul 21, 2015, 12:18:34 AM

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