[2.0] Angryaa's SRS Minion Summoner.
" Yes, I think random rare boots should just do fine. joscha had some problems with the mana cost with pledge. But maybe he has only a 6L laying around. So the multiplier for the level 30 spell echo is 1,4x? |
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" yes Mana Multiplier 140% i don't think gem level makes a difference for support gems' mana modifier. isn't the modifier always the same? never paid much attention to this stuff. you add all the mana modifiers together and multiply with the spell's base mana cost. that's it i guess. anyway the idea for the blood dance boots was that his odd kill here and there would heal him up a little. he gets a frenzy charge and the frenzy charge gives 1% life regen. he has a pretty high life pool so the regen turns out to be pretty good. Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Sep 14, 2015, 11:53:12 AM
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No i have both of them 5 Linked. In a +3 Staff i have a Cost of 65 Mana per Cast. In the PoH i have to pay like 110 per Cast and its a pain Supporting that. That supprised me. Sure u have a support gem more that adds its Multiplyer but the Skill lvl is 3 lower.
I and with this build i dont see how i can be able to support the High Costs. I think to be able to use poh i would have to go back to a classic Hybrid with Clarity (witch i dont have the sockets for) and tons of Mana Reg on the Gear (witch would be really expenisve since i would have to changen so much stuff). |
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" I bought a Pledge to check it out. But I failed 150 fuse to 5 link it - never lucky. Imo a 5L setup SRS, minion phys, minion dmg, Multistrike and Item Rarity for ~68Mana should work. You trade one dmg gem for Rarity which doesn't increase the cost. You could also consider Melee Splash for Multistrike which would further reduce the cost. If you want to increase your regen I would consider: a) Gear: Get max ES and plain life reg like 5 life per sec on a belt. b) Run Discipline, still solid aura. (Vitality) c) Skill Life reg or ES notes. But I think a +3 is perfect for this build, but I can't afford it on tempest :). I currently just stack HP to reach 5k. Pledge is better with a classic hybrid build (witch) to profit from the Mana pool increase from pledge. @joscha what is your 5L setup for each staff? Last edited by gebashOrt#7305 on Sep 15, 2015, 9:04:19 AM
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My Links are SRS + MS + MinionDamge + MeelePhys + Spell Echo bzw. MeeleSplash on PoH.
PoH seems to be BiS according to most guides. But +3 is just so much cheaper to sostain. And i feel i would lose more Damage if i tried to sustain the PoH with EB. (Or much defence and i feel thy are still not god enough for most 78+ Maps. :( Life Reg is more like i drop on the hot stone and my belt has already 4x ES. And i really like it. Skilling more life Regen would Cost me more damage ore a life Cluster. And my 3k ES is much more then i would need for MoM with 5,8K Life. And another aura would make my minions much weaker since i would loose Purity. But mybee im gonna give this i try. (Maybee throw some Minion Resistance on my Specters and Zombies)Havent thought of this so thx for the input. :) |
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" Is "MS" Minion Speed? If so, I think Speed is the weakest gem overall. I consider SRS-Echo-MD-MeleePhys as core with one flex slot Multistrike/MSplash for maps/Empower for +3, you should just test what is best for you. I see that you run Multistrike which looks solid. " I also read that PoH is BiS but some guides are pre 2.0 and maybe outdated and newer threads say that the +3 is best BUT often without calculations. IMO it is hard to argue with a 6L SRS-Echo-MD-Phys-Multi-Empower +3 staff. But maybe for a 5L PoH is BiS. I looked at your gear and it is very nice. I would try to change Purity to Discipline as now your minions are pretty overcaped with resis. You could also consider running Discipline for Arctic amor in addition to some mana reserved notes. If you really want to solve the resi problem you can run three auras for each resistance in an aura helm. The lategame purity isn't often worth it. And you can get minion resi on jewels. You also have to note that your curse + equil setup takes 4 slots, maybe with full mana reserved notes a 50% aura with genorosity does compareably dmg (50+50+artic armor) and would let you generate 2 gem slots and a true 6L spectres. I assume you run the Evangelist spectre, dmg wise a 6L rev setup is insane. As flasks I would consider lvl 65 sapping flask which are perfect for us like:
Running a Granite is also core imo and would help if you choose to loose the artic armor. " Yes, I think your +3 staff setup is perfect. You have a very nice life pool - I also want to finish the life ring :). You also have some flexibility and could remove a life note. I will add you in game, hf. Last edited by gebashOrt#7305 on Sep 16, 2015, 4:38:42 AM
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" Oh Sorry MS is Multi Strike. On PoH i had MS and Meele Splash. At the Momentr i'm trying out if i prefere MSplash or MS on the +3 Staff. I dont have an lvl3 Empower and since i#m not rich enough to 6 Link somthing on purpose i dont think i'll ever need it. " Okey idk Gazzy for example says its PoH with the 6L.But your right there are some guides saying its the +3. PoH Feels a bit better to me even on a 5L, but in the end no one hase the numbers(exept GGG) so nothings for sure. " The Minon Resistence Gems are a pritty new addition and i'm overcapped so i will change the Purity i guess. Giving uo AA for Diciplin woukd cost me to much Skill Points and for 3 Resi Auras i dont have the space and a the Aura helm would cost me so much defence and make my Zombies weaker. Not to speak of my Constant struggel with not having enought sockets. So even needen one more is a problem. Getting god gems is a big challange. I throw must of my alts on them and not to speak of my regels but its hard to get something. And trading is super expensive. I mean just life + Minion Damage Costs like 1Ex+. But yeah i think purity will leave. The Problem with another Offensive Aura is it would Cost me a life Cluster and a Gem Slot. Witch is not as much Damage as an Aura, but the Aura would not help with my my hight Costs and i would need to make space for Generosity. In the end i dont think i will change it, i still fell extreamly sqishy sometimes. And i would hate to die. I try to run Evangelists, but when i do a short gaming session i often just use whatever i get. The "normal" onse die so quickl. And to get high level ones i often need to run many Maps. But yeah i take them if i have the oportunity. I really like EE. It takes more points of the resistancen the the curse. So i would rather throw out the curse instead (and could use Enfeeble or Temp Cains for map bosses and still get 1 gem Slot for stuff). Oh man im so bad at theorie craften i have no idea whats better. As i said a rarly get to make full use of my specter so im not so keen on going for a true 6L. I was even thinking of putting them into my helm und give the Zombies some more love. Our Flask preferences differ.^^ I love 2 Quiksilvers and 3 Instant Flasks. Even the one for the minions that i have kind of bothers me. But since its there anyway i might try making it a sapping. But there is no way i will give up a second instant flask. Yeah and thanks for the input. I have another qustion has anyone tried an Animated Guardien on this build? |
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Hey give the spectres some love :)
Just try the revs from harvest lvl 70 in Echo, Chain, MD, Lightning Pen, Slower Project. On the flask issue, I would recommend to run only 2 life flask and a granite. I mean let's face it, reasons that you die: disconnect, standing afk in ground effect (that is me), stacks, phys damage,....., magic dmg. I mean if you are casting with 7hp pool and 7-8k amor (granite) + artic armor+ block chance + avoid chance, what can kill you? Your bubble flask heals you instant for 720 hp, my sapping heals me for 850 life/sec for 4 sec. Also if you compare your minion heal flask with a sapping, it has just a smaller pool. My guardian setup
Last edited by gebashOrt#7305 on Sep 18, 2015, 1:12:46 PM
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hi, i cant see the tree builds inside the quote "leveling" it gives me this message "Poedb down"
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I cant seem to get any of the Passive tree links to work. Anyone know what is going on.
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