State of the Beta - Post #6

MaxMuscle wrote:
robmafia wrote:
Malone wrote:

You did it already 4 times last year.

i see the resident pro-ggg troll is active.

That's not trolling. That's calling you out. would if it showed me saying i was unstalling. 4 times. last year.

too bad that never happened.
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"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Standard needed this change. Items have to change as life is short.
Last edited by Grindrix#7556 on Jun 9, 2015, 4:17:35 PM
robmafia wrote:
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so crafters get screwed again, and the game again inherently punishes players for using orbs for the orbs' purpose, instead of hoarding them and playing path of trading.

i already uninstalled.

Not true, many current crafters love this change, not just the best of the best, i have some top pieces but the effect of new tiered items breaks those that have everything, and questionably at that! I look forward to my GG pieces not being GG anymore. I'm not alone.
Grindrix wrote:

Not true, many current crafters love this change,

bs. ventor is the only crafter i've seen in this whole mess to (maybe) be positive about it, but he's also a troll, so i can't even be sure of that, anyway.

literally every other crafter i've seen here hasn't been voicing "love."
[Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
terrible change. the only people this will actually effect at all are high level perm league players, and it effects them badly, and most of them are in here telling you they hate it. So why make the change? Bad change after bad change it just screams how much you have lost your way GGG. Youve become complacent, people will always complain right? things will always get broken so it doesnt even matter and you can just make any changes regardless... and you forget that there is an actual reality here, that some changes are bad, that there is a line you can actually cross where you piss off too many of the wrong people for the wrong reasons and that will actually hurt your game.

If you were to explain why you are adding new higher tier mods the people who know what theyre talking about would laugh at and shoot down your reasons, they would show you up to be completely out of touch with the reality of your game and misguided in what you are doing.

Dos_Fafner wrote:
Some food for thought…..


Ventor wrote:
Eternals are not the problem, mirrors are.

The incentive to create perfect items by brute force only exists because they know the return of investment is extremely high thanks to mirror service.

exactly ventor.

eternals actually make it worth bothering to craft, its mirrors that make 1 crafted item have such a big impact on the game, without the mirror 1 crafted item is completely insignificant. Eternals arnt a problem at all. People saying eternals take the risk out of crafting... lol ok, well spot the guys who dont really understand what theyre talking about. The VAST majority of people who use eternals do not end up with what they wanted, and end up spending unthinkably more currency failing their item than they would have done without the eternal.

stzbttln wrote:
The amount of ignorance in this thread about crafters and crafting in general is mindblowing. If I didn't have so many good and grateful customers, I wouldn't have bothered logging on everyday to mirror items for them.

The accusations of RMT and scamming from kids who have never even dropped a regal on an item is deplorable. Learn about this game before talking shit.


lolozori wrote:

Imo nothing good comes from this change.

yep, exactly. Anyone with a good knowledge of the game can see it, Im not talking about the enw mods, theyre fine, but higher totals for existing mods brings nothing good at all. Why is it happening? I think GGG, in their ignorance, thinks this will help shake up and revitalize standard league somehow. Only someone who doesnt really have a full grasp of the situation would think this, but its the only reason that would even make sense from even a badly informed point of view given they have said they want to make the game harder and are now making items more powerful (lol tbh) in a game where the most powerful items only exist in standard league for mirror services. As mentioned elsewhere, last time Chris was on state of the exile a month or two ago he talked about new base items and "...years from now when perfect crafted versions of these are made...". Anyone who understands the current BiS crafted item situation properly is either laughing or crying at how ridiculously out of touch that statement is, how much it screams ignorance of the actual reality. This is what we are dealing with here, this is how completely out of touch they are and these are the people making these decisions so is it any wonder the decisions are completely out of touch, misguided, clueless decisions? No, how could they be anything other than that.

Chris, carl, rory, I love you guys, I loved this game for a long time, I dont want to hate or bash you guys but this is the truth. I dont enjoy saying it, it pains me to say it, part of me screams "its true but dont say it because.. ouch, its so ouch just dont say it" but Im sry, its true, Im going there, I care about the game and I care about being real and real talk, its true. Youve lost the plot, you stopped caring to know your game, youre now entering blizzard territory making blizzard type changes and not giving a shit just like blizzard doesnt. Being completely complacent in your success just like blizzard, thinking it doesnt matter, haters gonna hate, and just like blizzard your game starts rolling down that slope away from the great game it was because you stopped being hungry, you stopped really caring, really knowing.

Please dont take that personally, I wish you guys nothing but the best as human beings and have an overwhelming love for you as I love all good natured life but I love the game too and feel compelled to say it as I see it. I know, Im an arse, I dont like myself for saying these things, many of you will hate me for saying them, thats something I just have to live with. I care, but not enough to outwiegh how much I care about the game. Or maybe cared at this point, past tense, honestly..

Ventor wrote:
This expansion will be an absolute train wreck.

word. What carries on from here is forever less than what was for me. Id be lying if I said Id stop playing, thats silly talk, but theres now no point in giving a shit about this game in the way I once did. This isnt THE end, but its an end of sorts all the same.

in the manner of popville

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
robmafia wrote:
Grindrix wrote:

Not true, many current crafters love this change,

bs. ventor is the only crafter i've seen in this whole mess to (maybe) be positive about it, but he's also a troll, so i can't even be sure of that, anyway.

literally every other crafter i've seen here hasn't been voicing "love."

I craft for fun and for myself, even to achieve a 6t1 piece, not for what the monopolist players here have done. Those that monopolize should be hit hard. They are for pure profit and believes this game would never change. The denial in those players is absurd and I grant little emotion towards those that live to monopolize this game and refuse change when real life is too short and this game deserves these changes. The best patch ever. If the top people cry then that's their problem. Games deserve great changes! There are smaller crafters that truly find this fair and groundbreaking. GGG is doing right here.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
terrible change. the only people this will actually effect at all are high level perm league players, and it effects them badly, and most of them are in here telling you they hate it. So why make the change? Bad change after bad change it just screams how much you have lost your way GGG. Youve become complacent, people will always complain right? things will always get broken so it doesnt even matter and you can just make any changes regardless... and you forget that there is an actual reality here, that some changes are bad, that there is a line you can actually cross where you piss off too many of the wrong people for the wrong reasons and that will actually hurt your game.

If you were to explain why you are adding new higher tier mods the people who know what theyre talking about would laugh at and shoot down your reasons, they would show you up to be completely out of touch with the reality of your game and misguided in what you are doing.

Dos_Fafner wrote:
Some food for thought…..


Ventor wrote:
Eternals are not the problem, mirrors are.

The incentive to create perfect items by brute force only exists because they know the return of investment is extremely high thanks to mirror service.

exactly ventor.

eternals actually make it worth bothering to craft, its mirrors that make 1 crafted item have such a big impact on the game, without the mirror 1 crafted item is completely insignificant. Eternals arnt a problem at all. People saying eternals take the risk out of crafting... lol ok, well spot the guys who dont really understand what theyre talking about. The VAST majority of people who use eternals do not end up with what they wanted, and end up spending unthinkably more currency failing their item than they would have done without the eternal.

stzbttln wrote:
The amount of ignorance in this thread about crafters and crafting in general is mindblowing. If I didn't have so many good and grateful customers, I wouldn't have bothered logging on everyday to mirror items for them.

The accusations of RMT and scamming from kids who have never even dropped a regal on an item is deplorable. Learn about this game before talking shit.


lolozori wrote:

Imo nothing good comes from this change.

yep, exactly. Anyone with a good knowledge of the game can see it, Im not talking about the enw mods, theyre fine, but higher totals for existing mods brings nothing good at all. Why is it happening? I think GGG, in their ignorance, thinks this will help shake up and revitalize standard league somehow. Only someone who doesnt really have a full grasp of the situation would think this, but its the only reason that would even make sense from even a badly informed point of view given they have said they want to make the game harder and are now making items more powerful (lol tbh) in a game where the most powerful items only exist in standard league for mirror services. As mentioned elsewhere, last time Chris was on state of the exile a month or two ago he talked about new base items and "...years from now when perfect crafted versions of these are made...". Anyone who understands the current BiS crafted item situation properly is either laughing or crying at how ridiculously out of touch that statement is, how much it screams ignorance of the actual reality. This is what we are dealing with here, this is how completely out of touch they are and these are the people making these decisions so is it any wonder the decisions are completely out of touch, misguided, clueless decisions? No, how could they be anything other than that.

Chris, carl, rory, I love you guys, I loved this game for a long time, I dont want to hate or bash you guys but this is the truth. I dont enjoy saying it, it pains me to say it, part of me screams "its true but dont say it because.. ouch, its so ouch just dont say it" but Im sry, its true, Im going there, I care about the game and I care about being real and real talk, its true. Youve lost the plot, you stopped caring to know your game, youre now entering blizzard territory making blizzard type changes and not giving a shit just like blizzard doesnt. Being completely complacent in your success just like blizzard, thinking it doesnt matter, haters gonna hate, and just like blizzard your game starts rolling down that slope away from the great game it was because you stopped being hungry, you stopped really caring, really knowing.

Please dont take that personally, I wish you guys nothing but the best as human beings and have an overwhelming love for you as I love all good natured life but I love the game too and feel compelled to say it as I see it. I know, Im an arse, I dont like myself for saying these things, many of you will hate me for saying them, thats something I just have to live with. I care, but not enough to outwiegh how much I care about the game. Or maybe cared at this point, past tense, honestly..

Ventor wrote:
This expansion will be an absolute train wreck.

word. What carries on from here is forever less than what was for me. Id be lying if I said Id stop playing, thats silly talk, but theres now no point in giving a shit about this game in the way I once did. This isnt THE end, but its an end of sorts all the same.

in the manner of popville


that was a bit depressing
Grindrix wrote:

I craft for fun and for myself, even to achieve a 6t1 piece, not for what the monopolist players here have done.

show me what you crafted. your posts indicate that you crafted nothing, and maybe chaos spammed a few times. i saw no mirror service in your recent posts, and you don't seem to have anything 6t1, as far as i can tell. prove me wrong/back up your point - if you can.

i'm no monopoly. i'm just someone aware enough to see carrot on a stick/power creep when it's in front of me, and i'm sure as shit not going to waste my time recrafting gear... only to recraft again when new tiers are added and etc. it's bs.

i like my carrots to be real. not pixelated and dangling in front of me.

again, it's ironic - as i had finished this JUST before the new tier bs was hinted last time. i only stuck around in case ggg came to their senses and realized it was a horrible idea. i guess they're never going to come around.

no one's going to look forward to crafting again... unless they already have an absurd amount of tabs full of exalts/eternals/mirrors (*cough, ventor, cough*). and i suspect even he sees the futility of it... he just knows he could be the lone mirror mogul if he wants to be.
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"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Last edited by robmafia#7456 on Jun 9, 2015, 4:56:37 PM
Glad to hear that beta is coming along nicely.

Also can't wait for release, becoming rather bored the past few weeks with nothing to play. The massive hype for Awakening kinda drew me away from the current active realms.

Looking forward to new leagues.
IGN: Lil_Crimson
robmafia wrote:
Grindrix wrote:

I craft for fun and for myself, even to achieve a 6t1 piece, not for what the monopolist players here have done.

show me what you crafted. your posts indicate that you crafted nothing, and maybe chaos spammed a few times. i saw no mirror service in your recent posts, and you don't seem to have anything 6t1, as far as i can tell. prove me wrong/back up your point - if you can.

i'm no monopoly. i'm just someone aware enough to see carrot on a stick/power creep when it's in front of me, and i'm sure as shit not going to waste my time recrafting gear... only to recraft again when new tiers are added and etc. it's bs.

i like my carrots to be real. not pixelated and dangling in front of me.

again, it's ironic - as i had finished this JUST before the new tier bs was hinted last time. i only stuck around in case ggg came to their senses and realized it was a horrible idea. i guess they're never going to come around.

no one's going to look forward to crafting again... unless they already have an absurd amount of tabs full of exalts/eternals/mirrors (*cough, ventor, cough*). and i suspect even he sees the futility of it... he just knows he could be the lone mirror mogul if he wants to be.

You really didn't search far enough lolz
3 pieces with a service and I don't mind at all. Best patch ever.

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