Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease
" Solved. I don't remember logging out, and thought I had tried that, but I had not. Duh. |
Thanks guys! I will update the link on the website with the https prefix.
Request and response:
{ "added": { "browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Legion&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpTb2wgU3BsaW50ZXINClZpcmlkaWFuIEpld2VsDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KSXRlbSBMZXZlbDogNzENCi0tLS0tLS0tDQo2JSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgQXR0YWNrIFNwZWVkIHdoaWxlIER1YWwgV2llbGRpbmcNCjIwJSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgQnVybmluZyBEYW1hZ2UNCjclIGluY3JlYXNlZCBNaW5lIExheWluZyBTcGVlZA0KNyUgaW5jcmVhc2VkIFBvaXNvbiBEdXJhdGlvbg0KNCUgY2hhbmNlIHRvIFBvaXNvbiBvbiBIaXQNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpQbGFjZSBpbnRvIGFuIGFsbG9jYXRlZCBKZXdlbCBTb2NrZXQgb24gdGhlIFBhc3NpdmUgU2tpbGwgVHJlZS4gUmlnaHQgY2xpY2sgdG8gcmVtb3ZlIGZyb20gdGhlIFNvY2tldC4NCg==&w=1", "encodedData": "UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpTb2wgU3BsaW50ZXINClZpcmlkaWFuIEpld2VsDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KSXRlbSBMZXZlbDogNzENCi0tLS0tLS0tDQo2JSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgQXR0YWNrIFNwZWVkIHdoaWxlIER1YWwgV2llbGRpbmcNCjIwJSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgQnVybmluZyBEYW1hZ2UNCjclIGluY3JlYXNlZCBNaW5lIExheWluZyBTcGVlZA0KNyUgaW5jcmVhc2VkIFBvaXNvbiBEdXJhdGlvbg0KNCUgY2hhbmNlIHRvIFBvaXNvbiBvbiBIaXQNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpQbGFjZSBpbnRvIGFuIGFsbG9jYXRlZCBKZXdlbCBTb2NrZXQgb24gdGhlIFBhc3NpdmUgU2tpbGwgVHJlZS4gUmlnaHQgY2xpY2sgdG8gcmVtb3ZlIGZyb20gdGhlIFNvY2tldC4NCg==", "encodingError": "", "league": "Legion", "requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Legion&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpTb2wgU3BsaW50ZXINClZpcmlkaWFuIEpld2VsDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KSXRlbSBMZXZlbDogNzENCi0tLS0tLS0tDQo2JSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgQXR0YWNrIFNwZWVkIHdoaWxlIER1YWwgV2llbGRpbmcNCjIwJSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgQnVybmluZyBEYW1hZ2UNCjclIGluY3JlYXNlZCBNaW5lIExheWluZyBTcGVlZA0KNyUgaW5jcmVhc2VkIFBvaXNvbiBEdXJhdGlvbg0KNCUgY2hhbmNlIHRvIFBvaXNvbiBvbiBIaXQNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpQbGFjZSBpbnRvIGFuIGFsbG9jYXRlZCBKZXdlbCBTb2NrZXQgb24gdGhlIFBhc3NpdmUgU2tpbGwgVHJlZS4gUmlnaHQgY2xpY2sgdG8gcmVtb3ZlIGZyb20gdGhlIFNvY2tldC4NCg==", "retHeader": "000", "timeoutParam": 25 } } |
Time out issue has been resolved. Thanks.
I'm curious how people use poeprice and how reliable it is. I have a bunch of gear that the site estimates at 10 to 100c and I'm wondering if that's worth taking the time to sell. I know it will depend on the item but since I don't really know how to value things myself accurately, I'm curious if I could use that tool to find out which pieces I should focus on.
Thanks! |
Can you add SSF option for price all stashes?
Mobile doesn't seem to be working right anymore. I used to load up my session ID via QR code no problem now it tells me the session ID is not valid. I tried manual entry. Reinstalling app. Relogging on forums. Nothing seems to help.
Procurement uses the same Session IDs that I've attempted to use without any problems. Not sure if it's related but I've never been able to get the website to "price all stashes" via session ID. It will load a blank gray page after some time. The app always worked fine though. Thanks by the way. Not a huge issue. Just a minor inconvenience. Tool is fantastic and far more accurate than I anticipated. I've been using a separate forum thread for pricing and using the Price My Shop tool. It just slows down the process a bit. |
Uniques and named items are most of the time fine. Rares can be used as a good baseline to identify valuable items quickly. I would recommend manually price very expensive items since the supply is rare and it depends on the time of selling a lot.
" |
hey, there are some requests on this. I am not sure about how to add it though, since the items are not available on the GGG's api (I assume).
We have tried to add SSF in our mobile version (https://www.poeprices.info/apps). The way we added it is like this: if you are in legion SSF, the tool will price the items as it is in legion since SSF does not trade. It can provide a baseline of pricing at least. Not sure if this is what you have in mind? we can think of adding it to the website if this becomes a request from many. Thanks! " |
Hey, sorry about the inconvenience. It is somehow a bit fuzzy for me to figure out what is not working for you. I assume:
(1) Not working on the website using the `price all stashes` function (2) Not working on mobile log in using sessionID, but not sure about `how the app always works fine`... Please clarify. I have debugged with another user on it, but didn't went through last time. If you are willing to help me out to debug. Please PM me or add me in discord (slug#0519). Thanks! " |