Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease

I love this game!

There are always two things that I hope I can do better and faster about trading in game when:

(1) Someone asks me to sell an item (any item) that I haven’t priced
(2) I have tons of stash tabs, which I want to price all items in them for sale

Now we have poeprices.info or www.poeprices.info

I noticed that there some very good services out there like xyz, but just wanted something to better fit my needs. I have being using and testing it with friends in game for a bit. It takes quite some open sources and kind suggestions. I would like to share it with someone like you out there.

03/15/2020: Added cluster jewel search support.
01/10/2019: Items with pdps, dps, AR, ER, and ES are searched by 20 quality stat ranges by default.
11/22/2018: Added rare item prediction confidence score (0-100).
09/24/2018: Added shaper and elder options when pricing single item on the website.
08/04/2018: Added visual explanation for each ML prediction on rare item.
07/28/2018: Added a plot to explain machine learning prediction for rare items.
12/22/2017: Power the stash searches by using machine learning algorithms, which should make it a little faster.
12/15/2017: Collaborating with POE trade macro to provide machine learning based rare item pricing (https://redd.it/7jxbz8)
12/08/2017: Added support to Stygian Vise belt and abyss jewel.
11/28/2017: Website can be accessed by both http and https.
11/28/2017: New prediction result beta released. link
11/20/2017: Gems are showing experience %; taking experience % into search criterion for level 19 gems
08/20/2017:Added function to search max/max-1 rolls on unique items.
03/26/2017: Added a price filter in functions of stash tabs.
02/27/2017: Added a function to add more mod(s) to an rare item, and one can reprice using the added mod(s) and the original mods together.
01/24/2017: for stash functions, Essence and Divination cards stash tabs will automatically switch to list view. This prevents the incorrect location when displaying in grid. Normal stash tabs remain in grid view.
12/17/16: Support visualization of quad tabs!
03/04/2016 Update to Ascendancy:

- Index items both premium stash tabs and trading forums (indexing now; going to take a while to show any)
- Searches enchant mods
- Added mod tiers breakdown for rare items (Enchant mods is yet to come)

01/03/2016: Upgraded UI for stash(es) pricing - instead of a long table list, now it 's gonna show items using their stash locations. A screen shot will look like this. A commented screen shot is here.

01/03/2016: Improved prediction - rare items especially jewelries are still not easy. There are multiple ways on this website can help alert price discrepancy and repricing.
01/03/2016: Going to migrate to www.poeprices.info (should be up and running.)

Update logs

Update 02/07/2017: added option to exclude own accounts' items
01/01/2017: Bug fixed: (1) Breach ring search (added this item Base Type) (2) Divination card search error (due to poe wiki page break, using its separate lists)
09/23/2016: one can copy and paste the whisper message from poe.trade to check item price
08/27/2016: Query currency conversion rate automatically
07/10/2016: Added a logo
06/08/2016: Support prophecy search
06/03/2016: updated to prophecy leagues
Also fixed a bug when using SESSIONID due to ggg website change, which affects function of price all stashes and update forum.
05/02/2016: Updated the returned item sequence, which shows the premium stash items (where there is no link to the shop) first by default.
04/17/2016: temporarily disabled price histogram chart for performance issues
04/16/2016: added mod tier breakdown in single item search, stash item search, and all matched items;
04/16/2016: hide pseudo mods by default for the matched items; added expand function to pseudo mods;
04/16/2016: added 'required level' as an optional search criterion requested by dyfrgi
04/10/2016 Added tier mod breakdown (also analyze hybrid mods possibilities) to stash item pricing, per request from Trance88
09/23/2016: one can copy and paste the whisper message from poe.trade to check item price

01/28/2016 Add off_color in the search - Add off_color criteria when the number of off_colors is greater than or equal to 4.
01/28/2016 Round up predicted price to other currency if the price is less than 1.0 chaos in the default stash search function (not the list format yet)
01/20/2016 Added extra space at the beginning of the stash pricing page, which allows to move the page up and down to avoid some tooltips being out of page
01/20/2016 In stash pricing, changed the tooltip background and mod color
01/19/2016 added an option to display stash items with the old long table format
01/17/2016 Auto search now finds at least 3 rare items to make recommendation. This is only for the rare items for now
01/17/2016 Improved the predictions on the "global crit chance" and "global crit multi"
01/17/2016 Started tracking the median price for all unique items (for 2H weapon and body armor, only track <=4 links)
01/17/2016 List a unique item with its popular build
01/03/2016: A new function - it can let you price all the items of your own shop or someone else's shop12/27/2015: Corrected an indexing issue in Talisman league.
12/14/2015: Fixed the stash item URL issue; Fixed the same issue when managing all stashes.
11/20/2015: When searching a unique item, the builds of different classes associated with the item (enabling, leveling or mentioned) will be displayed and linked to corresponding forum posts.
11/20/2015: Auto complete when searching by item names.
11/20/2015: Fixed the <<>><<>><<>> issue before the item names.
11/20/2015: Fixed a bug when querying magic items including rare item and vice versa.
11/20/2015: Fixed a bug of item text parsing.
11/09/2015: Fixed some bugs when searching jewels.
07/22/2015: Started tracking T1 unique items' historical prices.
07/18/2015: Fixed a bug when updating forum thread.
07/18/2015: search named items, e.g. uniques and gems, by inputting item name.
07/14/2015: search divination cards now.
07/12/2015: adapted to Awakening!
05/10/2015: added search for standard and hardcore one month flashback leagues; At the beginning of the league, the database can be expected to be updated daily for work days and several time during weekends.
04/17/2015 -
1. Price all your stash tabs (in a semi-auto way): previously on poeprice.info, you need to copy and paste the item text of each tab one by one, which is a bit clumsy. With this new feature, you can easily browse and price each stash tab. A screen shot is as follows. http://i.imgur.com/7e4bPm9.png This will add a lot convenience for those who want to do all stash tabs. I see quite a lot ppl started to use the generate post and update forum function using sessionid. For those who don't want to use sessionid, the old copy & paste fashion will still remain on the website.

2. Recommended price - this function has been there experimentally for some time, which seems gives better prediction that is closer to the economy. I am making it default, with some warnings and indicators to be aware of prices suggested by this community, such as: http://i.imgur.com/3hIqDx3.png http://i.imgur.com/aYpl11Y.png

3. Added a dedicated help page to let exiles know how to use it. http://poeprice.info/help

4. Cleaned main page. http://i.imgur.com/TYYSbmF.png

5. Also improved QoL by using better buttons, smoother transition, progress status, etc.
04/04/2015 - Added "recommended price" to rare items based on item stats min/max, and on what stats are in favor. For example, +25 to Intelligent is less desirable than +25 to maximum Life on a rare ring. Each stat is also normalized to its item base and league. A more comprehensive post of dealing with rare item stats was suggested by zendoid on reddit. His suggestion is awesome and his post is here. The recommended price is finally predicted by using a regression algorithm with all similar items. The recommended price is currently experimental. I will make it default if your feedback says it is more close to the current economy. It will also allow me to try different prediction strategies.

04/04/2015 - Enabled donation button at the bottom. Hope I can put the website on the cloud to provide better performance. Thanks for the support!!

1. Uniques, gems, maps (maybe not rare maps), flasks, magic items (maybe should do the same later) stay the same
2. Since machine learning algorithm is used, the response speed is expected to be slower. Hopefully it is still tolerable.
3. If you have some really rare GG gears, attention needs to be paid. Because the auto search will ignore certain important stats in order to find matches. Do use "priceme" to make sure for these.

03/26/2015 - Uploaded a youtube video to explain basic how to! No narration yet.
03/26/2015 - On the main page, you can input your own shop thread id(s) (comma separated), which will be excluded when doing a stash search. So it won’t report your own price!
03/26/2015 - Fixed sacrifice fragments bugs
03/26/2015 - Showing min, avg, max price in stash search result according to iLoveLearningStuff on reddit. Moved priceme link to the left under item image.

03/25/2015 - Added search for Torment/Bloodlines Standard and HC leagues
03/25/2015 - Added item type match with all data from GGG item data, which means it can search for most of the items now
03/25/2015 - When matched items are showing, the mods which are not on your item will be shown in white to help determine the price you want to go
03/25/2015 - Stash search now can sort by currency, use different currency
03/25/2015 - Generate forum post now can use the stash name e.g. "uniques" for a premium stash

03/20/2015 - Index crafted mods as one/two of the explicit mods
03/20/2015 - Automated rare item search (choosing auto/manual), which means most of the time you will find a match. - by intelligently expanding search range or remove the least significant mod one at a time. Then repeat, until matched items are found. Caution is still needed, but it is a first pass. Stash search now at least give prices for all items.

03/18/2015 - Added asynchronous mechanism. Simply speaking, one request will not block others. Website feels faster.

03/18/2015 - Some minor mods are not buy default included like x hp regen per second, thorns, or light radius. geniusleonid from reddit suggested.

03/18/2015 - Changed the grammar of parsing item text. Hopefully some unique items are working now. Please kindly send me the item text that is not working!

03/17/2015 - Added a function to auto insert items into forum post shop thread (Note: with regard to sessionid security issues: simply log off when you are done. Read Procurement note. The mechanism is similar. I will take it offline if there are too many negatives on this.)

03/16/2015 - Added function to select different currency when batch pricing items in a stash tab

03/15/2015 - Index Vaal Orb price; Fixed search for sacrifice fragments; Display IGN unicode

03/14/2015 - Added search for unidentified items

03/13/2015 - Added function to remember the default league suggested by puviel. Thanks.

Images in Play

Generate forum post:

Update forum post:


If the "auto" (instead of "manual", on the left of the submit button) is selected, it will ensure a match for a rare item by expanding searching range and removing insignificant mods. Normal, unique, magic, gem, maps will not be affected. It works on both single item search and stash search.

Two things we can do with it:

A dedicated help page can be found here.

(1) Single item search - which is straightforward


Simply hover your mouse over an item in game, ctrl+C and ctrl+V in to the text area. Choose a league. It will search undercut 0.85 and uppercut 1.15 of all the stats, and do simple statistics (histogram) of the found items. Some stats need to be narrowed down or broaden, especially for rare items. You can do it by changing the number on top and press ‘PriceMe’.

(2) Price all items in a tab with only few clicks, copy+pastes – which needs some tweaks


Need to get the JSON file of the items in a stash tab by using the following link in a browser. You need to log in to the POE forum if you are not.


The “league=Standard” can be changed to Hardcore, Torment, and Bloodlines (any current league). The “tabIndex=0” is the tab number align with your current sequence of tabs.

Copy all (ctrl+A and ctrl+C) and paste (ctrl+V) the text into the text area at the bottom. The web will search all the items in that tab except currency items. This takes time depending on the number of items in the tab.

Pay attention to rare items

Some rare items may not be presented with price. You can search them as a single item and put a price in or just leave it blank.

Generate text (spoiler) to be copied and pasted into a forum thread.

Notice that this should work well for uniques, maps and gems. More attention needs to be paid to rares. For rares, if there is no price, it is because there is no match in the default range. I may make this customizable. For some rares, the matched price would be higher, because the matched items may have more stat(s) than the queried one(s). I am working on this. One way is to exclude the mod(s) that the queried item doesn't have. For these rare items, treat them as a single item, price it, and put a number in. Not fancy, but welcome any thought.

More images

That ‘s it. Hope this is enjoyable to someone.

xbox and ps4 users
We have website (www.poeprices.info) and integration with TradeMacro, and also mobile phone apps (www.poeprices.info/apps). Currently,

(1) Mobile app works with ps4 and xbox
(2) Website price a stash: need to add realm=sony in the URL, such as:


Remember to add your actual account name at the end.

Note: since there are only few items in the realm (and GGG's publish API does not include sony or xbox items), we can only compare the items by default to its corresponding league. For example, ps4 synthesis league to be priced with the PC synthesis league. This is not very accurate, but it is a starting point to flag potentially valuable items.

Known issues/bugs

(0) Use discretion. I am not responsible for any price error. ☺ For fun only.

(1) Need more tests. Bugs should be expected. Kindly let me know.

(2) Availability. I don't have a dedicated host yet. I will try to keep it up 24/7 as much as I can.

(3) Speed. Only one computer is supporting the browsing, searching and indexing. It will be slow when handling multiple requests, especially the batch searches. Please be patient and gentle.

(4) Index update. I do my own index, which I hope I can update once three days.

(5) UI. Not an expert at all. Actually, nothing on this site is the main thing I do.

(6) Match criterion, price cut, currency rate, etc. Welcome any suggestion!

(7) Prices are all chaos equivalent currency. Rate needs to be changed once in a while.

(8) Trying to get back to stash item list, but the browser shows empty page saying something like "Document Expired". The cause of this is the browser cache. For firefox, the solution is here. I think the solution would be similar if this happens to other browsers.
Last edited by SlugPranker#0812 on Mar 16, 2020, 1:39:20 AM
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 5:57:32 PM
Looks interesting. To put your thread title in all caps is pretty frowned upon though.
horstkaracho wrote:
Looks interesting. To put your thread title in all caps is pretty frowned upon though.

Thanks. It does look better after changed the caps.
Looks promising, not sure i would trust this 100% but it could help identify items that stand over others :)
ffogell wrote:
Looks promising, not sure i would trust this 100% but it could help identify items that stand over others :)

Thanks for trying. I have been checking the price by linking to the shops and looking at the thread. So far so good:) How to determine the recommended price is challenging though.
SlugPranker wrote:
ffogell wrote:
Looks promising, not sure i would trust this 100% but it could help identify items that stand over others :)

Thanks for trying. I have been checking the price by linking to the shops and looking at the thread. So far so good:) How to determine the recommended price is challenging though.

that for sure but it clearly identified items that was worth more than others which is more than i would have asked :)
ffogell wrote:
SlugPranker wrote:
ffogell wrote:
Looks promising, not sure i would trust this 100% but it could help identify items that stand over others :)

Thanks for trying. I have been checking the price by linking to the shops and looking at the thread. So far so good:) How to determine the recommended price is challenging though.

that for sure but it clearly identified items that was worth more than others which is more than i would have asked :)

This happens, especially for rare items. I am working on it. A paragraph of notice has been added to the post to explain. Welcome any thought on it.
Really nice tool. I don't put prices on my items and this will help me get a quick estimate of price when people ask.

I have one suggestion, which is to save which league you are searching in when you click the "Back to HomePage".

document.getElementsByName('league')[0].onmouseup = function(){localStorage.ppLeague = document.getElementById('league').value;};
document.getElementsByName('league')[0].onload = function(){this.value = localStorage.ppLeague;}
puviel wrote:
Really nice tool. I don't put prices on my items and this will help me get a quick estimate of price when people ask.

I have one suggestion, which is to save which league you are searching in when you click the "Back to HomePage".

document.getElementsByName('league')[0].onmouseup = function(){localStorage.ppLeague = document.getElementById('league').value;};
document.getElementsByName('league')[0].onload = function(){this.value = localStorage.ppLeague;}

Nice catch and good suggestion! I added your suggestion. Thanks.
Last edited by SlugPranker#0812 on Mar 13, 2015, 8:57:21 PM
SlugPranker wrote:
puviel wrote:
Really nice tool. I don't put prices on my items and this will help me get a quick estimate of price when people ask.

I have one suggestion, which is to save which league you are searching in when you click the "Back to HomePage".

document.getElementsByName('league')[0].onmouseup = function(){localStorage.ppLeague = document.getElementById('league').value;};
document.getElementsByName('league')[0].onload = function(){this.value = localStorage.ppLeague;}

Nice catch and good suggestion! I added your suggestion. Thanks.

Made some changes, added it to the webpage:)

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