Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease

Not working the last few days for me either. At first not showing prices, now showing everything in exalts.
Getting this error when checking price on lvl 78 armour.

Failed to get price prediction
Error: ML prediction error. Report to poeprices forum thread.
Dont work and ios Download Disabled pls fix it, is Important for console
Some of the site works, some of it does not.

Single item: yep!
Each Tab: yep!

Does not work:

Trade Text: "error: \n"
All Stashes: "No item in this league? Sessionid incorrect? Refresh the page to see if the previous sessionid appears."

The site, to this day, still uses "exa" instead of "div"
Also getting the below on Awakened POE Trade and am directed to log it in this forum.

Failed to get price prediction
Error: ML prediction error. Report to poeprices forum thread.

Seems to be on new bases only.
Trying to figure out how to price an entire stash tab. Any help would be appreciated

Edit: Nope, Im a goober. Makes sense now
Last edited by Meit_Grigori on Aug 26, 2024, 12:56:19 AM
still having a lot of trouble with new bases not being priced, getting ML prediction error constantly
Last edited by chaoticar on Aug 27, 2024, 12:20:26 PM
Another bump for the ML prediction error through APT, new bases all error.

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