Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease

Same here :(

Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Legion&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpPbnNsYXVnaHQgS2VlcA0KQ2FsbG91cyBNYXNrDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KRXZhc2lvbiBSYXRpbmc6IDEyMg0KRW5lcmd5IFNoaWVsZDogMjQNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpSZXF1aXJlbWVudHM6DQpMZXZlbDogNTkNCkRleDogNTENCkludDogNTENCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpTb2NrZXRzOiBCLUcgRyANCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpJdGVtIExldmVsOiA4MA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCisxIHRvIExldmVsIG9mIFNvY2tldGVkIE1pbmlvbiBHZW1zDQorNDcgdG8gRGV4dGVyaXR5DQorMTkgdG8gbWF4aW11bSBMaWZlDQo=&w=1",
"encodedData": "UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpPbnNsYXVnaHQgS2VlcA0KQ2FsbG91cyBNYXNrDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KRXZhc2lvbiBSYXRpbmc6IDEyMg0KRW5lcmd5IFNoaWVsZDogMjQNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpSZXF1aXJlbWVudHM6DQpMZXZlbDogNTkNCkRleDogNTENCkludDogNTENCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpTb2NrZXRzOiBCLUcgRyANCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpJdGVtIExldmVsOiA4MA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCisxIHRvIExldmVsIG9mIFNvY2tldGVkIE1pbmlvbiBHZW1zDQorNDcgdG8gRGV4dGVyaXR5DQorMTkgdG8gbWF4aW11bSBMaWZlDQo=",
"encodingError": "",
"league": "Legion",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Legion&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpPbnNsYXVnaHQgS2VlcA0KQ2FsbG91cyBNYXNrDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KRXZhc2lvbiBSYXRpbmc6IDEyMg0KRW5lcmd5IFNoaWVsZDogMjQNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpSZXF1aXJlbWVudHM6DQpMZXZlbDogNTkNCkRleDogNTENCkludDogNTENCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpTb2NrZXRzOiBCLUcgRyANCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpJdGVtIExldmVsOiA4MA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCisxIHRvIExldmVsIG9mIFNvY2tldGVkIE1pbmlvbiBHZW1zDQorNDcgdG8gRGV4dGVyaXR5DQorMTkgdG8gbWF4aW11bSBMaWZlDQo=",
"retHeader": "504",
"timeoutParam": 25
Here's one for us standard plebs :))


Request and response:
"added": {
"encodingError": "",
"league": "Standard",
"retHeader": "502",
"timeoutParam": 25
TLDR: I can get my SSF stash to load and display on the site but I am not getting any prices displayed.

Hi, I've been using this great tool for a long time in leagues and standard.

Currently I am playing in SSF Legion and would like to use this tool to 'price' my stashes just to help me weed out good items from trash.

Realizing this is an unsupported feature, I am trying to force it by doing a find-replace in the text prior to pasting into the site. I am replacing "SSF Legion" to just "Legion". My stash does load up and display on the site but I am not getting any prices displayed.

Is there something else I can do to get this to work?
Hey, you are right that the program does not support SSF by default, since SSF is a self-found league and it is supposed to not have trading activities...

I like the way you replaced the league name in the text and try to make it work. I guess I need to do some debug on the text. Can you paste your text (both the original and the replaced) in some place like pastbin?

tainium wrote:
TLDR: I can get my SSF stash to load and display on the site but I am not getting any prices displayed.

Hi, I've been using this great tool for a long time in leagues and standard.

Currently I am playing in SSF Legion and would like to use this tool to 'price' my stashes just to help me weed out good items from trash.

Realizing this is an unsupported feature, I am trying to force it by doing a find-replace in the text prior to pasting into the site. I am replacing "SSF Legion" to just "Legion". My stash does load up and display on the site but I am not getting any prices displayed.

Is there something else I can do to get this to work?
SlugPranker wrote:
...Can you paste your text (both the original and the replaced) in some place like pastbin?

I'm not familiar with this format so it isn't clear to me where the fields or items are separated (the metadata looks similar). How's this?

[]},"x":19,"y":4,"inventoryId":"Stash1"},{"verified":false,"w":1,"h":1,"ilvl":84,"icon":"https:\/\/web.poecdn.com\/image\/Art\/2DItems\/Jewels\/basicstr.png?scale=1&w=1&h=1&v=5496129c557831c118a679c1001f3df9","league":"SSF Legion","id":"9377146aecb518e5da63969828b7aee2dfa324c886c84b435dbe4d776b7caf35","name":"Brood Ember","typeLine":"Crimson Jewel","identified":true,"explicitMods":["7% increased Attack Speed with Swords","5% increased maximum Life","+3 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks"],"descrText":"Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.","frameType":2,"category":{"jewels":


[]},"x":19,"y":4,"inventoryId":"Stash1"},{"verified":false,"w":1,"h":1,"ilvl":84,"icon":"https:\/\/web.poecdn.com\/image\/Art\/2DItems\/Jewels\/basicstr.png?scale=1&w=1&h=1&v=5496129c557831c118a679c1001f3df9","league":"Legion","id":"9377146aecb518e5da63969828b7aee2dfa324c886c84b435dbe4d776b7caf35","name":"Brood Ember","typeLine":"Crimson Jewel","identified":true,"explicitMods":["7% increased Attack Speed with Swords","5% increased maximum Life","+3 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks"],"descrText":"Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.","frameType":2,"category":{"jewels":
I do need the entire text you copied from the GGG link. Pastebin is just a website where you can paste plain text. Just one option.

tainium wrote:
SlugPranker wrote:
...Can you paste your text (both the original and the replaced) in some place like pastbin?

I'm not familiar with this format so it isn't clear to me where the fields or items are separated (the metadata looks similar). How's this?

[]},"x":19,"y":4,"inventoryId":"Stash1"},{"verified":false,"w":1,"h":1,"ilvl":84,"icon":"https:\/\/web.poecdn.com\/image\/Art\/2DItems\/Jewels\/basicstr.png?scale=1&w=1&h=1&v=5496129c557831c118a679c1001f3df9","league":"SSF Legion","id":"9377146aecb518e5da63969828b7aee2dfa324c886c84b435dbe4d776b7caf35","name":"Brood Ember","typeLine":"Crimson Jewel","identified":true,"explicitMods":["7% increased Attack Speed with Swords","5% increased maximum Life","+3 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks"],"descrText":"Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.","frameType":2,"category":{"jewels":


[]},"x":19,"y":4,"inventoryId":"Stash1"},{"verified":false,"w":1,"h":1,"ilvl":84,"icon":"https:\/\/web.poecdn.com\/image\/Art\/2DItems\/Jewels\/basicstr.png?scale=1&w=1&h=1&v=5496129c557831c118a679c1001f3df9","league":"Legion","id":"9377146aecb518e5da63969828b7aee2dfa324c886c84b435dbe4d776b7caf35","name":"Brood Ember","typeLine":"Crimson Jewel","identified":true,"explicitMods":["7% increased Attack Speed with Swords","5% increased maximum Life","+3 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks"],"descrText":"Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.","frameType":2,"category":{"jewels":
SlugPranker wrote:
He fixed me :)
Hi. Really grateful for the tool. In the last few days I've been unable to use it - when running the Price Each Stash query at https://pathofexile.com/character-window/get-stash-items?league=Legion&tabs=1&tabIndex=3&accountName=[my acc name], I'm seeing:


Sorry if that's a well known issue - tried searching around here and couldn't find any reference to it.
I think it happens when you are not logged in to GGG's website. Try after you log in.

stimpalicious wrote:
Hi. Really grateful for the tool. In the last few days I've been unable to use it - when running the Price Each Stash query at https://pathofexile.com/character-window/get-stash-items?league=Legion&tabs=1&tabIndex=3&accountName=[my acc name], I'm seeing:


Sorry if that's a well known issue - tried searching around here and couldn't find any reference to it.
stimpalicious wrote:
Hi. Really grateful for the tool. In the last few days I've been unable to use it - when running the Price Each Stash query at https://pathofexile.com/character-window/get-stash-items?league=Legion&tabs=1&tabIndex=3&accountName=[my acc name], I'm seeing:


Sorry if that's a well known issue - tried searching around here and couldn't find any reference to it.

I have the issue too on google chrome

I noticed when I click the URL through the poeprices info it brings me to the normal poe website and an error saying its not secure comes up

if i add https:// to the beginning I do not get the forbidden error anymore


instead of:
Last edited by bloodclox#3738 on Aug 7, 2019, 9:18:27 PM

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