[2.0] YeahPete's Hardcore Elemental Molten Striker | custom Loot Filter | Affordable

I've been playing something very similar since I've heard that burn prolif is probably getting nerfed. So I wanted to create something that surely won't be nerfed. I was about to create a guide for it when i found this.

The build works really well and is fun to play. Doing up to lvl 75 maps right now without much of an issue (i'd like to get a little bit more life for the higher maps, though. Right now i'm at 4,6k) and it can do pretty much all map mods (never tried blood magic, might very well be possible, though). It is reasonably easy and cheap to get decent gear for it but I wouldn't really consider it a beginner build either.

My personal thoughts:
- I think this build might benefit from starting as a Scion.
- I'd get the +25% attack speed from the claw-cluster in the shadow area. The whole build revolves around getting a lot of attack speed and then further scaling it with multistrike's more multiplier so we can get an insane amount of hits, which equals to more on-hit damage and more on-hit life gain. +25% chance to steal charges is insanely fun in the respective maps.
- I'd add Ondar's Guile. Together with my jade flask, it gives me insanely high chance to evade projectiles.
- I'd try to get some decent lightning damage and would equip The Three Dragons. Doing this plus getting +10% chance to freeze and +5% chance to shock will be enough to reliably shock and chill/freeze your ennemies, even if status ailment infliction might be separated from crit in the next patch. On top of that, you can get some automation from Herald of Thunder + curse on hit.
- Getting well rolled jade and granit flasks will substitude for getting decent gear. I've found that one Health Flask is more than enough if you use your other flasks before entering dangerous situations.
- Atziri's Step with a high life roll are a great and reasonably cheap choice for boots. Adding Vaal Grace will pretty much cap your chance to dodge attacks & spells for 6 seconds. Add increased duration and boss encounters will be a joke.
- Flicker Strike is a great way to add mobility

my gear:

my tree:

I'll try to get better gloves, more life and more intelligence from my gear in the near future. I'll also try to craft a new off-hand claw.

What do you guys think about the new markareth claws? Let's say the implicit of the tier 3 ones goes up to +8 life & mana on hit, dual wielding them and crafting +5 life on hit on each would leave you with +26 life on hit and +12 mana on hit, which might even be enough to drop the blood magic gem.
Hi Dirty,
Your claws have the wrong Mod on them,
On Page 4, YeahPete describes What is important.
Tigers Paw:
Prefixes: Weapon Elemental Dmg, Lightning Dmg, Cold Dmg
Suffixes: Attack Speed, Critical Chance, Weapon Crit Multiplier

The importance of the mods are as follows:
1. Weapon Speed
2. Weapon Ele Dmg
3. Critical Chance
4. Crit Multiplier
5. Lightning Dmg
6. Cold Dmg

We dont scale with Phys dmg mod on our Claws. Dmg comes alot from our Auras-Heralds...
Love the idea with the 3Dragons, but you lose alot of Health.

I have been following this build alot, and i posted my progression also and items and gem setup also.
Played in Hardcore bloodlines, i never once got close to dying, 6k hp.. then at 84 for some reason, 1 devouer Rare mod, dunno what he ate for breakfast but 1 shot me...6k hp and IC didnt proc lol...

If you have any questions Yeahpete is always here, and im always here also Helping :)

Markareth claws ... I can't wait to see whats the top tier will be. Thing is we use our Mana for Auras which is important.
Yeahpete talked about gettign rid of Blood Magic, and adding another good Gem, we might see some really good changes.

Thanks for your advice, but i know very well what i'm doing. I have my reasons for trying to stay as far away from crit as possible (even if it might cost me some dps) and those two claws happened to be the ones with the highest AS & WED i could get my hands on (without spending a fortune). Having high physical damage on top of those two isn't the worst of ideas: it does scale the fire damage of the balls and it adds some physical damage which can be pretty valuable against rares/bosses, it just happens to be less effective dps-wise if we're talking about ideal claws for this build. My clearspead is fast enough right now so i'll try to focus on 6-linking that chest and leveling up the gems before gearing up for atziri :)

The thing with Three Dragons is that, in my opinion, it makes the build safer because it significantly reduces the chance of two consecutive big hits coming through your defensive layers in a really short amount of time. That being said, I can totally understand if someone argues that a bigger lifepool might safe you from some kind of powerful crit or whatever. That being said, Devourers are the most broken and un-fun thing in the game. Being evasion-based helps at least a little bit.

The cool thing about the 'use maraketh claws, drop blood magic' idea is that we have access to 24% reduced mana cost of skills + 42% increased maximum mana for an investment of only 5 skill points (at least right now, might change with the next passive skill tree update). A 6-linked Molten Strike costs ~40 mana, that's ~30 mana with 24% reduced mana cost of skills, which equals to 2 hits. You attack 2-3 (x3 due to multistrike) before the first balls start to hit, that would be ~60-90 unreserved mana. That should be possible without giving up any aura if you get some mana from your gear. And even if you give up herald of ice to play mana-based and add, let's say, added lightning damage or added cold damage, that's still a gain in dps. The 20% quality versions of those gems even give +10% chance to shock/freeze which would further increase your damage/defenses.

Just theory-crafting, though.
I just came back from work :)
And now that im in SC with that character i had a Alphas Howl, But i know i cant 4Red it..
So it took me 380 Chroms to

2 Red 2 Blue ... gained 500Dps for +2 Auras Wrath and Anger.

Here's my Tree at 84 and my gear.
Dunno if i continue to play this one, but i might :) see its true high end power.

5.1k Health
10.316.5 Dps (10.3k) (140kDps ??)
7.3 Aps

With Spell Totem + Haste...+ Atziri's Promise... 9.8 Aps.. 16k Dps Tooltip (224k Dps ??)

DPS x Multistrike x MoltenStrike GMP = DPS ... or close ??



Man without Blood Magic... my MoltenStrike cost me 71Mana ...

Well ill go play abit :) Cya later
Wow theirs been alot of activity here. I had to travel for work again so I've been away. Let me see if I can answer questions.

@ DirtyHerbert
- I think this build might benefit from starting as a Scion.

I think the effective life pool is too low for me. I believe just above 6k hp is the magic number to keep from getting 1-shot. I don't like so much evasion becuase I use alot of cast on dmg taken gems. They are always proccing and won't proc enough w/ too high evasion.

(never tried blood magic, might very well be possible, though)

I did a blood magic rare map once because I had a laspe in judgem,ent and it is still possible. You just run Herald of Thunder and still able to complete the map although much more slowly. I wouldn't recommend it. I now skip all blood magic mods.

- I'd add Ondar's Guile. Together with my jade flask, it gives me insanely high chance to evade projectiles.
The more you evade, the less your CoDT gems proc. I like them proccing alot so I decided to run 3 Instant HP regen pots 1 normal regen pot, and a speed flask. When I do Azuri I will likely switch my speed flask w/ a crit flask. Even in an 18% reflect map vs an additional reflect mob, I take elemental reflect just fine so I recommend skipping it.

- Getting well rolled jade and granit flasks will substitude for getting decent gear. I've found that one Health Flask is more than enough if you use your other flasks before entering dangerous situations.

Early game yes I used a granite to offset those hard hitting physical maps. Endgame you need hp because you will never get enough armor to mitigate those 1 hitter quitters.

On top of that, you can get some automation from Herald of Thunder + curse on hit.

I wanted to utilize that but I believe CoDT is more reliable vs rares and bosses which is the only mobs we really even need those curses on anyways.

I'd try to get some decent lightning damage and would equip The Three Dragons

I Disagree. If I had to choose a unique helm, it would be alphas by a longshot. +2 to auras is HUGE. I'd throw in Herald of Thunder + Wrath + Empower + Reduced Mana. Effectively giving you +4 to Herald of Thunder and Wrath. That is HUGE. With over 10 attacks per second and just the measily 5% crit chance and that 5% inflict status ailments nodes in the templar tree, you will be shocking enough and possibly more often due to the higher lightning dmg from Alphas.

What do you guys think about the new markareth claws? Let's say the implicit of the tier 3 ones goes up to +8 life & mana on hit, dual wielding them and crafting +5 life on hit on each would leave you with +26 life on hit and +12 mana on hit, which might even be enough to drop the blood magic gem.
I have not seen them, but that would be very interesting. You would need to craft some rings w/ -mana use and maybe even grab that small section in the templar tree. Would definately be worth it to throw in that power charge on crit gem but that would be alot of crafting and might now let use use the unset rings as well.

I'll try to get better gloves, more life and more intelligence from my gear in the near future. I'll also try to craft a new off-hand claw.
Write down your dps, Unspec that +60% physical dmg mod and spec cold damage then tell us by what % your dps increased just to prove how just a tad of ele dmg will improve dps. Also divine that claw to try and get the 27% IAS instead of 26%.

IGN: YeahCrit

My Guides
Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1178252
Elmo Fire Templar HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/93967
The thing with Three Dragons is that, in my opinion, it makes the build safer because it significantly reduces the chance of two consecutive big hits coming through your defensive layers in a really short amount of time.
How does three dragons prevent two consecutive big hits? I haven't done the math but I am pretty sure alphas will add at least 30% to your dps.

Thysick if you can, can you equip those auras w/ alphas and then without and record the %tooltip dps increase? Remember you say only 500dps increase but thing is depending on gear it will scale by a % so since I do 18k tooltip dps, alphas will net more additional dps increase.

The 20% quality versions of those gems even give +10% chance to shock/freeze which would further increase your damage/defenses
We don't need any chance to shock. We will already be shocking every second which is plenty. We would use power charge on crit gem until you can use 3 curse and then swap that w/ critical chance. Well I'll do the math when I get there.... If I do. I don't see alot of playtime in my immediate future. I will most likely do azuri with my current gear. and post a vid.
IGN: YeahCrit

My Guides
Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1178252
Elmo Fire Templar HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/93967
With Spell Totem + Haste...+ Atziri's Promise... 9.8 Aps.. 16k Dps Tooltip (224k Dps ??)
DPS x Multistrike x MoltenStrike GMP = DPS ... or close ??
No the tooltip is accurate with the dps. Just double your tooltip dps and thats your single target dps. Each additional enemy in the aoe will add an additional tooltip dps in splash damage. I am basing this off of a single hit and two ball hits per enemy. I haven't tested in pvp how many balls they are hit by but it will be nice to see. Take off multistrike and hit one enemy at a time and see how many balls hit them.

Remember w/ jade and granite flasks, you have to use them before the enemy even begins it's attack animation. That is why I refuse to use those. I just mash hp pots instead and with my huge life pool and acrobatics it's just too easy to time your flasks. I use 20/20 enfeeble on weapon swap on bosses that will kill me fast such as map bosses w/ +30% dmg.
IGN: YeahCrit

My Guides
Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1178252
Elmo Fire Templar HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/93967
I won't get to play much anymore so tonight I will be attempting a normal azuri run w/ current gear and see how it turns out. I'll post a vid even if I die. I've never done it so it will be a nice learning experience. I've done a few 76 maps w/ ease
IGN: YeahCrit

My Guides
Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1178252
Elmo Fire Templar HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/93967
You seem to have misunderstood me. I'm all about evading/dodging most of the damage (especially during boss encounters) and reducing incoming damage by chilling/freezing enemies. My two CODT setups still proc often enough to reliably curse enemies.

I use The Tree Dragons to chill/freeze enemies. It's easy to get a good chunk of lightning damage, but getting enough cold damage to reliably freeze is a lot harder. The additional chance to shock is definitely not necessary, as you've correctly pointed out, but it can't hurt either.

How does three dragons prevent two consecutive big hits?

Tree Dragons makes us chill/freeze more often, which makes enemies attack more slowly. It doesn't prevent two consecutive big hits completely, but it reduces the chance of it. happening.

I still think it can be a great addition to the build for maps up to level 75. After that, you're right that alpha's howl is probably better. More damage, more evasion and that sweet can't be frozen mod are pretty nice.

Thysick if you can, can you equip those auras w/ alphas and then without and record the %tooltip dps increase? Remember you say only 500dps increase but thing is depending on gear it will scale by a % so since I do 18k tooltip dps, alphas will net more additional dps increase

I had 12k dps with tree dragons and 13,4k dps with alpha's (wrath lvl 16, anger lvl 17). Still leveling up the gems, though, so it might not be 100% representative.

I'd throw in Herald of Thunder + Wrath + Empower + Reduced Mana. Effectively giving you +4 to Herald of Thunder and Wrath.

Wrath & Anger is a better idea since Heralds don't count as auras. Throwing in Empower is a good idea, but it would be pretty expensive. Getting RRRB colours on an alpha's is pretty hard.

I'm still trying to buy better gloves and might even do another fusing session to try to 6-link my belly. Will post a gear upgrade when i got the gloves.

EDIT: Get RRBG colours on that alpha's and put wrath, anger and vaal grace/haste (+reduced mana) in there!

EDIT 2: What's going to happen in ~a month:
- Critical strike chance and attack speeds of Weapons will be reworked. (probably a nerf)
- Attack skills. They now have a multiplicative damage bonus (rather than increased physical damage) as they level up. (probably a buff)
- Life and mana flasks will be reworked (might be a buff)
- Frenzy charges (more damage per frenzy charge, attack and cast speed bonuses have been reduced). (Nerf for those of you who used Blood Rage or a Poacher's Mark curse)
- Ondar's Guile. It provides 40% more chance to Evade vs projectiles, and 20% less vs melee. (Overall, I think this might be a buff to this build if you're playing with a decent amount of evasion)
- A rework of the leech mechanics, including slowing down base leech but providing much more available leech speed (especially on the south side of the tree). Leech vs major bosses will be reduced. The penalty on Vaal Pact will likely be reduced. (Claw leech + Vaal pact might become a thing)

Overall: doesn't look too bad
Last edited by DirtyHerbert#4808 on Apr 19, 2015, 8:11:25 PM
Welp I attempted Azuri and died. Used all the portals. I just couldn't dodge those attacks. Better gear is needed for this (or more likely I need more skill). I died twice on the vaal bosses once on the puncture boss and three times at azuri. Not good enough at dodging those attacks yet and we need more dps. I did not curse either. I ran around in a panic most of the time and died. I think if I enfeebled I would have had a better chance. I will upload my replays if I ever have to time edit them and get a mic setup. I managed to get azuri to 1/2 life but I still used up all the ports.

I'd say we need 30k tooltip dps as well to reduce the risk. That would likely be achievable using an alphas w/ Anger + Wrath + Reduced Mana + Empower. Would need to make up that lost hp though...

Might need to run purity of fire as well. I did not even think of that until now but would likely able us to tank those flameblasts. Prolly run Purity of Fire instead of Anger just swap our the gem for Azuri. Alphas + Empower + a ruby flask of warding would give you a nice max fire resist and curse null.

IGN: YeahCrit

My Guides
Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1178252
Elmo Fire Templar HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/93967

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